Condoms Are Reliable but I Am Not": A Qualitative Analysis of AIDS Related Beliefs and Attitudes of Young Heterosexual Adults in Budapest, Hungary, and St.Petersburg, Russia

Central European Journal of Public Health

HIV and STD prevention is an essential component of public health initiatives in countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Liberalization in sexual values, declining age at first sex, higher levels of sexual activity, and inconsistent condom use have been well-documented among young people in the region following the political, economic, and cultural transitions after the end of the state socialism era. Less well-understood are the reasons for high-risk sexual behavior and psychosocial factors that must be addressed in the development of effective HIV/STD prevention programs. This study recruited members of 12 high-risk social networks of young adult men and women (n= 66 participants) in two cities,

“Condoms Are Reliable but I Am Not”: A Qualitative Analysis of AIDS-Related Beliefs and Attitudes of Young Heterosexual Adults in Budapest, Hungary and St. Petersburg, Russia (2006)


HIV and STD prevention is an essential component of public health initiatives in countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Liberalization in sexual values, declining age at first sex, higher levels of sexual activity, and inconsistent condom use have been well-documented among young people in the region following the political, economic, and cultural transitions after the end of the state socialism era. Less well-understood are the reasons for high-risk sexual behavior and psychosocial factors that must be addressed in the development of effective HIV/STD prevention programs. This study recruited members of 12 high-risk social networks of young adult men and women (n= 66 participants) in two cities, St. Petersburg, Russia and Budapest, Hungary. In-depth focus groups were conducted with all members of each network, and qualitatively analyzed to examine factors surrounding high-risk sexual behavior. Main themes that emerged were that STDs are less known and less feared than AIDS, HIV risk factors were relatively well known among young adults in both countries but vulnerability is perceived differently, pregnancy prevention is a more immediate concern than protection from HIV or STDs, condom use declines quickly following first sex with a new partner, reintroducing condom use in a relationship is very difficult, and young adults report many barriers to condom use including those related to alcohol or other substance use. HIV/STD prevention programs are needed that extend beyond risk education alone and that also address critical psychological, social, and relationship factors related to sexual risk behavior.

A public health priority is the “ condoms Are relIAble but I Am not ” : A QuAlItAtIve AnAlysIs of AIds-relAted belIefs And AttItudes of young HeterosexuAl Adults In budApest , HungAry And st . petersburg , russIA


HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) emerged as public health threats more recently in Eastern Europe than much of the rest of the world. Many Soviet-era health authorities believed that AIDS would never pose a serious threat to socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe. However, the region witnessed a rapid social transition during the 1990s from authoritarian controls and state socialism to consumer capitalism with increased availability of means to distinguish one’s individuality and status. The institutionalization of market economies went hand in hand with increased personal freedoms and mobility opportunities, as well as the liberalization of formerly conservative sexual behavior values. However, these changes were often accompanied by worsened access to health care, inadequate sexual and contraceptive education, increased drug use, and growth in commercial sex trade. Rates of HIV and STDs increased dramatically in post-Soviet countries and in some of...

Condoms Are Reliable but I Am Not": A Qualitative Analysis of AIDS Related Beliefs and Attitudes of Young Heterosexual Adults in Budapest, Hungary, and St. …

… European journal of …, 2006

HIV and STD prevention is an essential component of public health initiatives in countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Liberalization in sexual values, declining age at first sex, higher levels of sexual activity, and inconsistent condom use have been well-documented among young people in the region following the political, economic, and cultural transitions after the end of the state socialism era. Less well-understood are the reasons for high-risk sexual behavior and psychosocial factors that must be addressed in the development of effective HIV/STD prevention programs. This study recruited members of 12 high-risk social networks of young adult men and women (n= 66 participants) in two cities,

Internal homonegativity among men having sex with men a comparative cross national study20200510 54229 mruxri

Journal: Sociology: Theory, Methods and Marketing, 2019

Journal: Sociology: Theory, Methods and Marketing (2019, №1) Ukranian: оціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг (СТММ) The paper studies internalized homonegativity (IH) and its predictors among men who have sex with men (MSM) in 12 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). Internalized homonegativity (sometimes called internal homophobia) is a negative attitude to own same-sex attractions. It arises when gays and other people with homosexual attractions interiorize predominant negative attitudes and assumptions about homosexuals and homosexuality. Internalized homonegativity is a significant factor of poorer health (including vulnerability to HIV infection), and lower inclusion in the community in Western countries. It remains highly understudied in post-Soviet countries, although there is a sufficient ground to suppose its higher prevalence here. Cross-sectional online survey of MSM was conducted in August–October, 2017. Convenience sample was recruited via dating apps and websites, other partner sites, and MSM-service organizations. Analytical sample size was 8239 respondents from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Estonia and Lithuania (which were merged), Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, and Moldova. IH was measured by the 8-item Short Internalized Homonegativity Scale (SIHS) in all main languages of the countries. According to results of Cronbach’s a test and multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, adaptation of SIHS showed satisfactory to good reliability, and partial scalar invariance across EECA. IH was not predominant in all countries’ samples. However, average IH was significantly different by countries. That could be attributed to both sampling design and differences in societal homophobia. Results of structural equation modeling of SIHS predictors also varied between countries. However, in most countries IH was lower among self-identified gays, those who were more open about own homosexual attractions, and was less religious. The unexpected findings included negative associations between IH and higher education, and contradictory associations with age in some countries. Results showed that internalized homonegativity is a common and comparable phenomenon among MSM in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Its prevalence is presumably different across the countries. IH relates, first of all, to own sexual orientation (gay, bi- etc.), and acknowledgement of own same-sex attractions. Also, the SIHS measure is good enough for use in further studies of male health and possibilities for LGBTIQ mobilization in the region. Keywords: internalized homonegativity, homosexuality, MSM, EECA, homophobia, measurement invariance, structural equation modeling

Internal homonegativity among men having sex with men: a comparative cross-national study

Journal: Sociology: Theory, Methods and Marketing , 2019

Journal: Sociology: Theory, Methods and Marketing (2019, №1) Ukranian: оціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг (СТММ) The paper studies internalized homonegativity (IH) and its predictors among men who have sex with men (MSM) in 12 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). Internalized homonegativity (sometimes called internal homophobia) is a negative attitude to own same-sex attractions. It arises when gays and other people with homosexual attractions interiorize predominant negative attitudes and assumptions about homosexuals and homosexuality. Internalized homonegativity is a significant factor of poorer health (including vulnerability to HIV infection), and lower inclusion in the community in Western countries. It remains highly understudied in post-Soviet countries, although there is a sufficient ground to suppose its higher prevalence here. Cross-sectional online survey of MSM was conducted in August–October, 2017. Convenience sample was recruited via dating apps and websites, other partner sites, and MSM-service organizations. Analytical sample size was 8239 respondents from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Estonia and Lithuania (which were merged), Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, and Moldova. IH was measured by the 8-item Short Internalized Homonegativity Scale (SIHS) in all main languages of the countries. According to results of Cronbach’s a test and multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, adaptation of SIHS showed satisfactory to good reliability, and partial scalar invariance across EECA. IH was not predominant in all countries’ samples. However, average IH was significantly different by countries. That could be attributed to both sampling design and differences in societal homophobia. Results of structural equation modeling of SIHS predictors also varied between countries. However, in most countries IH was lower among self-identified gays, those who were more open about own homosexual attractions, and was less religious. The unexpected findings included negative associations between IH and higher education, and contradictory associations with age in some countries. Results showed that internalized homonegativity is a common and comparable phenomenon among MSM in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Its prevalence is presumably different across the countries. IH relates, first of all, to own sexual orientation (gay, bi- etc.), and acknowledgement of own same-sex attractions. Also, the SIHS measure is good enough for use in further studies of male health and possibilities for LGBTIQ mobilization in the region. Keywords: internalized homonegativity, homosexuality, MSM, EECA, homophobia, measurement invariance, structural equation modeling

Cultural Factors in HIV Risk Among Gay/Bisexual Men in Hungary: A Rapid Assessment Study

Annals of Anthropological Practice , 2020

This paper examines the sexual culture of gay men in Budapest, Hungary, based on research in 2011. HIV prevalence in Hungary is relatively low, compared with the United States, Western Europe, and parts of Eastern Europe (where injecting drug use is common, elevating the HIV rate). This preliminary, qualitative study of 21 gay and bisexual men, examines their social and sexual culture (their norms and values) to in order to explain their low HIV prevalence rate. This low rate is particularly interesting because Hungarian homophobia and inconsistent condom use among gay and bisexual men, are cultural factors that would appear to raise the HIV rate. Cultural and subcultural differences are important in understanding Hungarian gay male behavior, for example, the emphasis on romance and monogamy as an ideal, the importance of one’s personal reputation, a perceived lack of a strong gay community, a failure to use condoms when in love, and infrequent HIV testing. The anthropological concept of romantic love plays a decisive role in sexual decision-making among same-sex couples. However, there is also an accurate knowledge of safer sex. One possible solution to this seemingly contradictory situation, not available at the time of the study, is to promote the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP). PrEP is a daily pill shown to be even more effective than condom use.

A new measurement of an indirect measure of condom use and its relationships with barriers

SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS

One of the challenges facing researchers in the domain of human immunodeficiency virus prevention is the assessment of condom use in an unbiased self-reported manner. The current study presents the development and preliminary validation of an indirect condom use test (I-CUTE), designed to assess condom use tendencies and to overcome self-report biases. Two samples were included using correlational designs. In sample 1, 88 students from European university completed the I-CUTE with questionnaires of condom use barriers, social desirability, and condom use negotiation self-efficacy. In sample 2, 212 students from sub-Saharan universities completed the I-CUTE with questionnaires of condom use barriers and knowledge. The I-CUTE included 17 pictures of human figures in relation to condom use, where participants had to choose one of the four a-priori given sentences reflecting the figures' thoughts. This represented a semi-projective, yet standardized test. In sample 1, I-CUTE scores were inversely related to barriers, positively correlated with condom use negotiation self-efficacy and unrelated to social desirability. In sample 2, I-CUTE scores were inversely related to barriers and unrelated to knowledge scores. In a multiple regression, condom use barriers had a unique contribution to explaining variance in I-CUTE scores, beyond the contribution of background variables and knowledge. These results support the preliminary reliability and validity of the I-CUTE tool in a variety of cultures, and reveal its lack of bias by social desirability and the importance of condom use barriers in condom use tendencies.