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Age of menarche among basic level school girls in Medina, Accra : original research article
African Journal of Reproductive Health, 2011
The current study was designed to determine the age at which menarche occurs among school girls in Madina, Accra. A survey was conducted among 529 girls selected using multi-stage sampling from basic schools in Madina, Accra. Respondents completed a questionnaire that recorded age-at-first menstruation by recall, household characteristics, and anthropometry. Mean age at menarche was 12.74 ± 1.15 years; probit analysis yielded a median age of 12.09 years. Menarcheal age was significantly correlated with current age (r=0.48; p<0.01). Most girls (90%) had first menstruation before age 13. Their mothers' mean age at menarche was 13.6 ± 1.08 years. In a multivariate linear regression model, household wealth (p<0.01) and body mass index (p<0.01) were the main modifiable independent predictors of age at onset of menarche. School girls in Madina attained menarche earlier than previously estimated. Our study suggests an influence of household level improvement in socioeconomic status on menarcheal age (Afr J Reprod Health 2011; 15[3]:103-110). Résumé Age de l'établissement de la menstruation chez les écolières à Medina, Accra : L'étude actuelle a été conçue en vue de déterminer l'âge auquel la menstruation s'établit chez les écolières à Medina, Accra. Une enquête a été menée auprès des 529 filles à l'aide d'un échantillon à multiples étapes tirée des écoles à Medina, Accra. Les enquêtées ont rempli un questionnaire qui a enregistré l'âge à la première menstruation à travers le rappel, les caractéristiques familiales et l'anthropométrie. L'âge moyen à la première menstruation était 12,74±1,15 ans ; une analyse par la méthode des probits a donné un âge médian de 12,09 ans. L'âge qui se rapporte à l'établissement de la menstruation était remarquablement corrélé avec l'âge actuel (r=0, 48 ; p<0,01). La plupart des filles (90%) avaient leur première menstruation à l'âge de 13ans. L'âge moyen de leurs mères au moment de la menstruation était 13,61±08 ans Dans un modèle de régression linéaire multifactoriel, la richesse du ménage (p<0,01) et l'indice de masse corporelle (p<0,01) ont été les principaux indices modifiables de l'âge au commencement de la menstruation. Quelques écolières à Medina ont commencé la menstruation plus tôt qu'on avait prévue. Notre étude montre qu'il y a une influence de l'amélioration du niveau du ménage dans l'état socio-économique sur l'âge qui se rapporte à l'établissement de la menstruation (Afr
Age at menarche and the related issue: A pilot study on urban school girls
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1984
Age at onset of menarche was determined for a group of newly menstruating urban schoolgirls in Bangladesh. Their age at onset of menarche was cotv'elated with their weight, height, and per capita food expenditure (PFE). Results indicated that these girls began menstruation at 12.67 years of age, which is well ahead of rural girls. Age at onset of menarche was positively correlated with weight and negatively correlated with PFE. A strong inverse relation between weight and height of newly menstruating girls indicated the existence of some unstable trend in their physiological processes.
A Cross-Sectional Study on Menarcheal Age and Menstrual Disorders
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2016
Introduction: Puberty is the time of life when crucial endocrinological, metabolic, somatic and psychological changes occur. Menstruation is a physiological, periodic and cyclical shedding of the endometrium accompanied by loss of blood. The age at which pubertal changes occur has declined worldwide over the last few decades. Menstrual disorders frequently affect the quality of life of adolescents and young adult women and can be indicators of serious underlying problems. Aim: to study menarcheal age and menstrual disorders among students residing in university girl’s hostel Objectives: 1) to determine the age of onset of menstruation 2) to ascertain different menstrual disorders among participants. Material and Method: It was a descriptive type of cross sectional study conducted at Girls Hostel. Simple random sampling method was used for data collection. A total of 551 participants were enrolled after explaining to them the aim of the study and informed consent was obtained. The da...
Article linked to research: Experiencia de mujeres con el tratamiento y manejo del síndrome de tensión premenstrual y trastornos menstruales Subventions: none.
International Journal of Translational Medical Research and Public Health, 2017
Introduction: The onset of menstruation in adolescence is an important part of the maturational process. However, little is known about the determinants of menarche and menstrual disorders among university students in Bangladesh. The aim of this study was to identify the factors that influence the menarcheal age of adult female students in Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. Methods: The data were collected from 1,000 female students at Rajshahi University using a purposive sampling technique with direct interview method. The cross-sectional data were used for univariate analysis, to describe each variable and its attributes; and bivariate analysis, to find the associations among the variables. Results: The results revealed that among the respondents more than half (54%) experienced menarche at an early age, more than one-third (37.8%) experienced menarche at normal age, and a few (8.2%) experienced menarche at a later age. The results also revealed that a few (9.2%) respondents experi...
Social Exclusion of women during menstruation research gate
The life of a woman comprises of many episodes which present distinct situations, sometimes leaving her startled at turns. She has been created biologically different from the male counterpart. Nature has bestowed some of its own qualities to woman. This endurance in woman is similar to the endurance that Mother Nature depicts. Both of them display a courageous outsight that enables them to endure the pain that becomes the basis of existence of the mankind. But more than often, these biological differences between men and women become discriminatory for women. Generally, the first chapter of the woman's story unfolds when she is born and the societal differences in expectations and upbringing decide the availability of opportunities and level of her development. Women, in almost all civilizations of the world are treated differently not just because they are biologically distinct from men, but because their biological differences are measured on the social yardstick, which is often not so friendly to women. As she learns to become adept to the so called ideal feminine ways practiced in her society, she is heralded by a major biological phenomenon called menstruation in which monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women takes place from puberty to menopause. The age at menarche has fallen down from 16 years to 9-13 years in recent past. This is in contrast to the psychological strength and maturity of girls to face and accept this biological change. The girls many a times are not aware of menstruation and encounter the first episode as some major health problem, often shrugged in ignorance and embarrassment. Since in India, talking about sex is a taboo and reproductive health is not a priority in the families, girls often find themselves grappling with this natural biological phenomenon. They are treated as untouchables, and disfavoured with separate bedding, utensils, restriction to movements etc. As a result, girls tend to drop out from schools and are given in early marriage on reaching puberty. Apart from that, menstruation is shrouded in a mysterious obscurity, especially from males. The bodily discomfort due to shredding of uterus walls is certainly not so much, until it is aggravated by the unwanted practices associated with periods. The effects of the physiological stress are largely social and psychological and culture plays a predominant role in the treatment bestowed to menstruating girls. With menstruation, a new chapter of the girl's life unfolds-she is now eligible to procreate-which becomes the basis of justification of her very own existence. Is she aware and prepared to undergo this journey-her life certainly undergoes massive change which usher with menarche. Is it the nature's methodology to preempt her about the life ahead; and develop abilities to endure pain, shame, guilt, apathy, discrimination, sacrifice and tolerance. This marks the beginning of womanhood-the longest chapter of woman's life. This paper is an attempt to empirically understand the same biological, social, cultural and psychological milieu that women undergo due to menstruation cycle.
Changing Perceptions and Menstrual Practices over Three Generations: A Personal Narrative
Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 2019
How have three generations of women from the same family coped with menstruation? These narratives illustrate how perceptions, rituals and practices around menstruation have changed over the years, the triggers that initiated these changes and how women have negotiated these changes in their lives. From Kanchana 1 to Sujata, a time span of 50 odd years, there has been a sea change in the perceptions of menstruation and menstrual practices. When Kanchana was an adolescent girl, 50 years ago, there were strict codes of purity and pollution that were practised in her family. A girl who had attained menarche was seen as a potential mother. Menarche was celebrated as the onset of fertility and womanhood. Seclusion was practised as a way of protecting the young girl so she does not fall ill and give birth to an unhealthy child. However, she was still permitted to go to school during her period, even though the infrastructure was not conducive to the needs of menstruating girls. There were few options with regard to menstrual absorbents and women had little choice other than to use cloth.