Knowledge, attitude and practices of pregnant women regarding anemia, iron rich diet and iron supplements and its impact on their hemoglobin levels

International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016

Background: Anemia in pregnancy has detrimental effects on maternal and child health and prevalence of anemia during pregnancy is alarmingly high, inspite of the implementation of the national nutritional anemia prophylaxis programme which provides iron and folic acid which are the essential nutrients lacking in their diet. The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of pregnant women regarding anemia, Iron rich food and iron supplements and also to assess the impact of these factors and other socio demographic variables on the hemoglobin levels of these vulnerable groups of women. Methods: This is a cross sectional, descriptive institution based study conducted at Sri Manakula Vinayagar medical college hospital, Puducherry, India. Sample size was calculated using formula for single proportion with 5% marginal error and 95% CI and a non-response rate of 10% and was found to be 316. Data collection was carried out using a predesigned, self-administered questionnaire in local language in the antenatal clinic at the time of routine antenatal checkup, from pregnant women who consented to participate in the study. At the same sitting, 1 ml of blood was collected for hemoglobin estimation, analyzed and the result was recorded and disclosed to the patient. The data was entered in SPSS and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Chi square test). A p value of <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Assessment of knowledge revealed that only 39.87% of the participants were aware of and understood the term anemia. 53.8% of the participants accepted that pregnant women were more vulnerable to anemia and 66.1% responded correctly that the fetus will be affected by severe anemia. Only 32.6% gave the correct response that pregnant women should take iron supplementation in spite of taking a healthy diet. Only 44.62% of the participants were aware of their hemoglobin level in the current pregnancy. Knowledge about food rich in iron was poor among the participants. At least 1/5 th of the participants have not received educational information regarding anemia from any source. The overall attitude towards antenatal checkup, healthy diet and the benefits of iron supplementation was generally good among the participants 49.36% of the participants were taking only the usual diet during their pregnancy. 74.36% claimed to have taken iron supplementation regularly whereas 9.8% had not taken iron supplementation. On hemoglobin estimation it was found that 62.97% of the participants were anemic taking 11 grams as the cut off for anemia. The only significant determinants of hemoglobin levels were regular intake of iron supplements (p value 0.006) and timing of iron consumption (p value 0.0262). Conclusions: The present study indicated the lack of knowledge regarding anemia, iron rich foods and the importance of iron supplementation during pregnancy. Targeted estimation of hemoglobin levels in adolescent girls and women in reproductive age group, intensive counseling and motivation of pregnant women to consume Iron and folic acid and ensuring adequate supply to them, intensive de-worming, provision of toilet facilities to all households would help in reducing the incidence of anemia in pregnant women.

Impacts of Anemia Because of Iron Efficiency on the Health and Life of Pregnant Females


from July to December 2019 in the period of six months. In the duration of this research work, all the females having pregnancy with iron deficiency anemia as well as level of hemoglobin lower than nine gram% were recruited, whereas females having pregnancy as well as suffering from other clinical complications were not the participants of this research work. Collection of the information carried out and SPSS V.23 was in use for the statistical analysis of the collected information. Result: Out of 305 registered females with pregnancy present with iron deficiency anemia, majority of the females were young (n: 170, 55.73%) between 20 to 30 years of age, 83.27% (n: 254) females were from lower socioeconomic class, 34.09% (n: 104) females were multiparous. There was very low level of hemoglobin between 1 to 3 gram% in 17.7% (n: 54) females and between 4 to 6 gram% in 53.11% (n: 162) females. All these females were susceptible to severe complications like ante-partum hemorrhage in (n: 49, 16.06%), renal failure in (n: 48, 15.73%), disseminated intra-vascular coagulation in (n: 54, 17.7%) females. The rate of mortality was 5.24% (n: 16). Conclusion: IDA is much common in the females present with pregnancy with very high rate of complications.

Impacts of Anemia Because of Iron Deficiency on the Health and Life of Pregnant Females


from July to December 2019 in the period of six months. In the duration of this research work, all the females having pregnancy with iron deficiency anemia as well as level of hemoglobin lower than nine gram% were recruited, whereas females having pregnancy as well as suffering from other clinical complications were not the participants of this research work. Collection of the information carried out and SPSS V.23 was in use for the statistical analysis of the collected information. Result: Out of 305 registered females with pregnancy present with iron deficiency anemia, majority of the females were young (n: 170, 55.73%) between 20 to 30 years of age, 83.27% (n: 254) females were from lower socioeconomic class, 34.09% (n: 104) females were multiparous. There was very low level of hemoglobin between 1 to 3 gram% in 17.7% (n: 54) females and between 4 to 6 gram% in 53.11% (n: 162) females. All these females were susceptible to severe complications like ante-partum hemorrhage in (n: 49, 16.06%), renal failure in (n: 48, 15.73%), disseminated intra-vascular coagulation in (n: 54, 17.7%) females. The rate of mortality was 5.24% (n: 16). Conclusion: IDA is much common in the females present with pregnancy with very high rate of complications.


Turkish Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, 2014

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common medical disorder of pregnant women. Especially severe anemia is an important factor increasing mortality. Therefore, promoting use of appropriate doses and duration of iron has great importance in preventing iron deficiency in terms of health of the mother and baby.This crosssectional study was designed to determine the number of women who consumed iron and the duration of intake during pregnancy; to examine the effect of age and the number of births on prenatal iron intake, and to determine prenatal anemia prevalence in a tertiary hospital which provides service for an area of medium and low-income families in Istanbul. 4,041 pregnant women who got admitted to Dr. Lutfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital for labor were enrolled in the study during the period between 2001-2004. Age, number of pregnancies and duration of iron intake were recorded. Pregnant women with a less than 11 g /dl hemoglobin concentration were considered anemic. Iron intake rate in pregnant women was 56% and the prevalence of anemia was 46%. Mean hemoglobin concentration was 11.1±1.5 g/dl, mean age was 26.5±5.4 years, and mean duration of iron intake was 3.0±2.2 months. Anemia was found in 36.4% of the iron supplemented group, and 58.1% of the unsupplemented group. Hemoglobin (Hb), Hematocrit (Hct), Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) values were statistically different between two groups. It was determined that maternal age does not influence the use of iron; but an increase in parity caused a decrease in iron use and an increase in anemia prevalence. It was observed that there was an increase in the use of iron from 2001 to 2004. In conclusion, it was determined that approximately half the pregnant women admitted to the hospital for delivery received iron during their pregnancy; anemia is less common among iron receivers; iron intake is mainly affected by parity not by maternal age and the effect of iron on blood parameters is positive. Demir eksikliği anemisi gebe kadınlarda en sık rastlanan medikal problemdir. Şiddetli anemi, özellikle mortaliteyi artıran önemli bir faktördür. Sonuç olarak demirin uygun doz ve sürede kullanımı anne ve bebekte demir eksikliğini önlemek açısından büyük önem taşır. Bu kesitsel araştırma İstanbul'da orta ve düşük gelirli ailelerin yararlandığı bir 3. basamak hastanede demir kullanan kadınların sayısını, alım süresini, yaş ve paritenin demir kullanımına etkisini ve prenatal anemi prevalansını tespit etmek amacıyla planlandı. Çalışma 2001-2004 yılları arasında dört yıllık dönemde doğum için hastaneye kabul edilen 4041 gebe kadınla yapıldı. Yaş, gebelik sayısı ve demir kullanma süresi kaydedildi. Hemoglobin konsantrasyonu < 11 g/dl olan gebe kadınlar anemik kabul edildi. Gebe kadınlarda demir alımı sıklığı %56, anemi sıklığı %46 bulundu. Ortalama Hb konsantrasyonu 11,1±1,5 g/dl, ortalama yaş 26,5±5,4 yaş ve ortalama demir kullanımı 3,0±2,2 ay aydı. Anemi sıklığı demir alan grupta %36,4, almayan grupta %58,1 bulundu. Hemoglobin (Hb), Hematokrit (Hct), MCV (Ortalama Eritrosit Hacmi) değerleri iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak farklıydı. Anne yaşının demir kullanımı üzerine etkisi olmadığı ama kullanımın parite ile azaldığı ve aneminin arttığı tespit edildi. 2001 yılından 2004 yılına gidildikçe yıllar içinde demir kullanımında artma olduğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak doğum için hastaneye kabul edilen gebe kadınların gebelikleri sırasında yaklaşık yarısının demir kullandığı, demir takviyesi alanlarda aneminin daha az olduğu; demir alımının yaş yerine pariteden etkilendiği ve kan parametreleri üzerine pozitif etki yaptığı tespit edildi.

The Relationship Between the Adequacy of Iron Tablet Supplementation and Hemoglobin Level in Pregnant Women


Anemia is problem commonly occurs in pregnant women. Pregnant women are said to be anemic if their hemoglobin levels are less than 11 g/dl. This condition occurs because of the insufficient intake of iron (Fe) to meet the increased need of the body during pregnancy and childbirth. The incidence of Fe deficiency related anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia ranges from 20-25%. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to consume at least 90 Fe tablets with a dose of 1 tablet per during 90 initial days of pregnancy. The tablet contains 200 mg of ferrosus sulfate and 0.25 mg of folic acid bound with lactose. The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between the adequacies of Fe supplementations with the hemoglobin level of pregnant women in Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency. This quantitative study used a cross-sectional design involving 62 out 165 pregnant women in the second and third trimesters who were recorded at Johan Pahlawan and Suak Ribee Primary Healt...

Prevalence and risk factors of iron deficiency anaemia with pregnancy at Minia University Hospital

Minia Journal of Medical Research

Background; Anaemia in expectant women is a serious worldwide public health problem with adverse pregnancy outcomes. The study aim is to investigate prevelance, sosciodemographic characteristics, medical and obstetrical risk factors of iron deficiency anaemia during pregnancy at Minia maternity university hospital in one year, Subjects and methods; This study is A prospective analytical study, was conducted at the Minia university hospital for gynecology and obstetrics on all pregnant women with hemoglobin level less than 11 gm/dl in the first trimester and less than 10.5 gm/dl in the second and third trimester from November 2019 to October 2021, Result; this study was conducted on 5500 women; 2211 of them had iron deficiency anemia (40.2%), The only factors which emerged as statistically significant were rural residence, low education, Low Family income, Multi-para, low Pregnancy interval, insufficient meals per day, insufficient Meat intake, insufficient vegetables intake, insufficient egg intake, insufficient milk intake, and Parasitic infestation. Conclusion; Based on our findings, there was highly significant difference between the cases with iron deficiency anemia and cases without iron deficiency anemia regarding residence, education, family income, BMI, parity, gestational age, Pregnancy interval, and delivery mode. Iron deficiency anemia was significantly higher with cases took ‹ 3 times per day, meat intake less than 2 times per week, vegetables intake less than 2 times per week, egg intake and milk intake less than 2 times per week and cases that did not take iron supplementation,

Relationship of Iron Consumption with Anemia in Pregnant Women

Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding, 2021

The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia ranges from 20-80%, but in general, many studies show anemia in pregnant women is greater than 50%. In the western part of Indonesia, the area is classified as high, anemia in Aceh is 56.6%, North Sumatra 77.9%, West Sumatra 8.9%, Riau 65.6%, Jambi 74.2%, South Sumatra 58.3, Lampung 60.7%. In pregnancy, anemia can harm maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. In a pregnant state, the supply of iron from food is still not sufficient so that a supplement is needed in the form of blood/Fe added tablets. Because the benefits of Fe tablets are very large for the prevention of anemia in pregnant women. However, there are still many pregnant women who do not consume Fe tablets up to 90 tablets. So that the administration of Fe tablets has not yet reached the target where the central government has set it. The results of Riskesdas in 2013 from 89.1% of pregnant women who consumed Fe tablets, only 33.3% consumed up to 90 Fe tablets...

The Impact of Daily Iron Supplementation on Hemoglobin Levels of Pregnant Omani Women

Background: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) during pregnancy is a public health problem in Oman. Although a national anemia control program provides daily iron supplementation for pregnant women through antenatal care services, yet the prevalence of IDA is increasing. Objectives: This study is aiming to evaluate the impact of daily iron supplementation on iron status of pregnant Omani women and to explore anemiarelated perceptions among the enrolled study subjects. Subjects and Methods: A crosssectional study approach included pregnant women visiting primary health care centers at Muscat city, Sultanate of Oman. The inclusion criteria were pregnant Omani nationals on their first trimester and have hemoglobin (Hb) level less than 11 g/dL. The efficacy of the iron supplementation was assessed by comparing the Hb levels of the study subjects at the time of enrollment with that by the end of pregnanc. Results: Fifty four study subjects were recruited on voluntary basis for this study; 42 were complied with the iron supplementation program meanwhile 12 were not complied with the iron supplementation. All study subjects were anemic and had a low daily dietary intake of iron. The iron supplemented group (n=42) had no improvement in their Hb levels by the end of pregnancy. The reasons of the failure of daily iron supplementation program for the enrolled study subjects were: poor compliance of taking the tablets as a daily dose, late start of the iron supplementation, misconceptions on the effect of iron supplementation, and inadequate motivation. Conclusion: Daily iron supplementation among the enrolled study subjects is not effective in improving their Hb levels. Poor adherence to the required daily dosage and wrong believe about iron supplementation were common among the majority of the enrolled study participants.

Effect of Nutritional Program on Anemic Status and Pregnancy outcome among Pregnant Women Suffering from Iron Deficiency Anemia

Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal

Background: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common nutritional disorder during pregnancy. The aim of this study: was to determine the effect of nutritional program on anemic status and pregnancy outcome among pregnant women suffering from iron deficiency anemia. Subjects and Method: The study was carried out at antenatal inpatient units and outpatient clinics in obstetrics and gynecological department at Tanta University and El-Menshawy Hospitals and four governmental antenatal clinics in Tanta city. Convenient sample of 60 pregnant women were included in the study and fulfilling the inclusive criteria. Five tools were used: Tool (I):A structured interview schedule included four parts: (a) Socio-demographic data, (b) Reproductive history, menstrual history, antenatal booking and attendance of antenatal care classes regarding IDA, (c) Current health history of women included: medical, surgical and also family history (d) History of iron deficiency anemia during current pregnancy. Tool (II): Women's knowledge assessment interview: it included two parts: a) Women's knowledge about iron deficiency anemia and b): Assessment of pregnant women's self-care measures and nutritional habits regarding iron deficiency anemia. Tool (III): Iron Intake Calculation Food Frequency Questionnaire it was used to assess women's iron dietary intake. Tool (IV): Bio-physiological measurement included: (a) Anthropometric measurements :Body Mass Index and Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC), (b) Physical examination: to assess signs of iron deficiency anemia, (c) Measurement of serum hemoglobin level on capillary blood using one touch hemoglobin device(d) Stool analysis: was done to exclude parasitic infestation. Tool (V): Outcome assessment tool: included two parts, (a) Maternal outcome assessment sheet and (b) Neonatal outcome assessment sheet. Results: Itrevealed that mean blood hemoglobin level had increased from (9.05±0.98) pre-program to (11.8±0.95) at the end of the 2 nd trimester and (10.74±0.93) at the end of the 3 rd trimester. Conclusion: Significant improvement of the level of knowledge, dietary habits, anemic status (hemoglobin level) and the maternal & neonatal outcome were found after implementation of the program. Therefore, the study recommended: developing antenatal educational classes for all pregnant women to increase their awareness about importance of early and regular antenatal care as well as proper screening for early diagnosis and effective management of IDA to improve their pregnancy outcome.

Study of frequency of anemia among pregnant women in their first trimester in different clinics of Faisalabad

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2020

Introduction:Anemia represents a decrease in red cell mass or hemoglobin contents of blood below physiological needs (11-12mg/dl) as set by tissues oxygen demand. Physiological adaptation in pregnancy leads to physiological anemia of pregnancy so women in child bearing years are particularly susceptible to iron-deficiency anemia. The reasons are both the loss of blood through menstruation and increase blood supply demands during pregnancy. Materials and methods: Study design: Descriptive crosssectional study method. Setting: It was conducted in Gynecology clinics of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Duration of study: 6 months (Jan-June 2019). Sample Size: 60 pregnant women. Sample Technique: Simple random sampling. Sample selection: Pregnant women of first trimester falling in age group of 18-35 years were included while non-pregnant women, pregnant women of second and third trimesters and pregnant women of age < 15 years and > 35 years were excluded. Data analysis: SPSS version 20. Results: Out of 60 pregnant women, 73.3% (44) were anemic, of which 36.7% (22) were mildly anemic (10-10.9 g/dl), 30% (18) were moderately anemic(7-9 g/dl) and only 6.7% (4) were severely anemic (<7 g/dl). The rest of 26% (16) were with normal hemoglobin levels. Conclusion: Anemia in pregnancy is the most common health issue which needs prime attention of health care workers because a high percentage of women suffer from it. Therefore women of childbearing age should be provided nutritional education and proper awareness about food sources of iron. Adequate diet before and during pregnancy and proper perinatal care are the need of hour.