The Study of Customer Attitudes towards SMS Advertisements

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2016

The use of mobile phones and the Internet has been increasing rapidly with the continuous developments in technology. This increase helps businesses have a more interactive relationship with their customers both increasing the customer satisfaction and the quality of the organizations. Especially, short message services are of importance to maintain the customer relations. The focus of communication has turned to mobile technologies with the availability of the Internet in mobile devices. Thanks to these developments in technology, businesses have begun to focus on mobile marketing in order to reduce the costs and address more people than before. In addition, whether they are positive or negative, the attitudes of customers can have a certain influence the reputation of the companies. This study aims to examine the attitudes of the college students at Trakya University, Kesan Yusuf Capraz School towards the sms marketing advertisements and the differences stemming from their ways of life.

Consumers Perceived Advertising Value and Attitude Towards SMS Advertisements in Developing Countries: The Case of Fiji


What is the impact of three attributes of consumers’ Perceived Advertising Values and Attitudes (PAVA) towards SMS advertisements? Which feature(s) of an SMS advertisement persuades consumers to purchase what is advertised? What are our recommendations? To address these questions, this article discusses new insights in to the relationship between Infotainment, Credibility and Irritation, and the three attributes of PAVA; SMS advertisement features that persuade consumers to purchase what is advertised and provides solutions to marketers for improved SMS advertisements.

An Empirical Study of Factors Influencing Consumer Attitudes towards SMS Advertising


This article examines factors influencing consumer attitudes towards SMS advertising. The study's research framework was conceptualized using five predictor variables — informativeness, irritation, privacy, credibility, and incentives — and an outcome variable of consumer attitudes towards SMS advertising. The informativeness, irritation, and privacy was labelled as central route constructs and credibility and incentives were labelled as peripheral route constructs. Survey data collected from 251 mobile users selected from a cohort of undergraduates in business management from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, were analyzed using the Structural Equation Method (SEM). Results suggest that the informativeness and incentive variables are positively associated with customer attitudes towards SMS advertising, whereas irritation and privacy are found to be negatively associated with consumer attitudes towards SMS advertising. Surprisingly, credibility was found to be an insignific...


The rapid increase in the usage of mobile phones by young consumers has created new medium for interactive marketing. Based on a statistic by Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), total number of mobile phone users in Sarawak in year 2011 is 6.60 percent, which comprise of 2,384,138 users from 36,123,300 mobile phone users all over Malaysia. This has paved the way for many companies of goods and services in the state to adopt SMS advertising as new marketing platform. The present study investigates young consumers' attitude towards SMS advertising and a research framework was constructed to identify relevant factors affecting consumers' attitude towards SMS advertisement and users actual behaviour. The analysis was based on young consumer survey represented by bachelor degree students from Universiti Teknologi MARA Samarahan, Sarawak campus with a quota sample of 242 bachelor degree students. The results of the study revealed that the attitude of the consumers towards SMS advertising are reflected by personalization, non-irritation, credibility, informativeness, entertainment and monetary benefit. The study suggested that in order to increase the acceptance of SMS advertising, marketers should be careful in sending SMS advertising that are considered irritating. Therefore, sending non-irritating SMS advertisement is crucial in SMS advertising so that users would develop positive attitudes towards SMS advertising.

Attitudes and Behaviors of the Mobile Phones Users towards SMS Advertising: A Study in an Emerging Economy

Journal of Management Sciences, 2016

Advertisement through SMS is a commonly used medium in the era of technology. Companies are utilizing this medium of advertisement quite frequently. Rapid increase of the usage of mobile phones has developed an innovative way of utilizing this marketing tool. Due to the exponential growth in telecommunication industry after introduction of SMS and MMS, this study has been conducted to investigate the consumer attitude towards SMS advertisement and its relationship with behavior. Entertainment, irritation, product involvement and appeal were used in order to investigate the attitude of the consumer. A questionnaire was used to examine the relationships among variables of the study. Overall 350 usable responses were gathered. SEM was used to obtain the results of the overall model. Results of the study indicate that (1) product involvement, appeal and entertainment have a positive impact on attitude towards advertisement. Only irritation was found to be negatively insignificant. (2) Relationship between consumer attitude towards SMS advertising and attitude was positively significant. (3) Positive and direct relationship between attitude and consumer behavior was also found. (4) Permission appeared to be significant on consumer attitude towards mobile advertisement, which confirmed that prior permission is required to gain the positive response of the consumer. (5) Consumers are attracted by rewards therefore monetary benefits was also found to be a significant factor.


This research paper aims to examine the relationship between the predictors and consequences of SMS advertising value along with its mediating effect in the perspective of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. For this purpose causal and cross-sectional study with minimal researchers' interference and focus on the attitude of individuals was put forward. A personally-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from those 194 undergraduate and graduate students of universities who were the users of cell phone. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the proposed hypotheses. There is significant relationship between infotainment, credibility and SMS advertising value. Conversely irritation has no significant association with SMS advertising value. Advertising Value, in turns, has strong impact on attitude towards SMS advertisement. Advertising value also has full mediating effect between infotainment, credibility and attitude towards SMS advertisement and has no mediating effect between irritation and attitude towards SMS advertisement. This study imparts the enterprises and businesses with the modern and economical tool of advertisement and also a value addition to the literature.



This research report is about an assessment on the consumers’ perceptions towards SMS Marketing/mobile phone advertising by companies in Tanzania, with a case study of StarTimes Tanzania. This report is guided by the Theory of Reasoning Action (TRA) by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) which proposed that there are some factors that contribute towards reading mobile advertising. Focusing on the literature about attitudes toward advertising, consumer attitudes toward SMS-based advertisements and the relationships among attitudes, intention to view mobile ads. The model links individual beliefs, attitudes, intentions and behaviour to describe the psychological process that mediates the observed relations between attitudes and behaviour. Moreover the methodology used is based on a descriptive design because it seeks to describe different attitudes consumers have on mobile phone advertisements. Data collection methods for the collection of primary and secondary data used were interview and documentation to collect data from the sample of 15 respondents and Convenience sampling was used as a technique. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the findings revealed that people are aware of what mobile advertisement is, also it is found that mobile advertisement is the most and best form of advertising as consumers they are individually connected to service providers. Lastly it is recommended that advertisers should make sure they design the adverts in way that they will allow consumers to select when to receive the adverts and which kind of the adverts.

A Comprehensive Model of Factors Influencing Consumer Attitude towards and Acceptance of SMS Advertising: An Empirical Investigation in Jordan

MohammadHamdi Al Khasawneh & Ahmed Shuhaiber, 2013

As one of the mobile marketing instrument, SMS (Short Message Service) advertising is gaining popularity in accessing consumers through their mobile devices. The success of this advertising instrument depends largely on its acceptance by consumers. However, little is known regarding the factors contributing to the success of SMS advertising from customers‟ perspectives. This research aims to empirically investigate the significant factors that influence consumers attitude towards and acceptance of SMS advertising in Jordan. A conceptual model and hypotheses are tested with a sample of 220 Jordanian mobile phone users, and analysed quantitatively. The findings indicate that SMS informativeness, entertainment, credibility, clarity, incentive, personalization, relevancy, as well as subjective norms have positive significant influence on consumer attitude and acceptance of SMS advertising, whereas message irritation, brand familiarity and consumer control have negative significant influences. Based on the results, this paper rounds off with conclusions, recommendations for future marketing research and practice into SMS advertising.

SMS Advertising in Tanzania: Factors Affecting Consumer Attitudes

The rapid increase of the use of mobile phones has created a new channel for marketing. The use of Short Messaging Service (SMS) has become more important to access potential customers through their mobile phones. The new advertising platform, which is termed 'mobile advertising', refers to any communication about products, services, and ideas using mobile phones for promotional purposes. This study examines the factors that affect consumer attitudes towards SMS advertising and the relationship between these factors and attitude. The study used a survey of Tanzanian University students who are mobile phones users. The results, conducted on 260 students who are mobile phone users, showed that Informativenss and credibility were found to uniquely, significantly and positively influence the prediction customers attitude towards advertising SMSs (β=0.227, p=0.000) and (β= 0.129, p=0.022) respectively while irritating and frequency were found to uniquely, significantly and negatively influence the prediction customers attitude towards advertising SMSs (β= -0.269, p=0.000) and(β=0.265, p=0.000).

The Antecedents of Consumers’ Negative Attitudes Toward SMS Advertising: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Study

Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2013

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