Poverty in Muslim Countries: Policy Recommendations Over The Gulf Cooperation Council (original) (raw)
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Poverty means scarcity or insufficiency basic necessities for survival. Fighting poverty is a social responsibility for all Muslims. But, majority of Muslim countries, many people continue to live under abject poverty finding it hard to access proper housing, food and clothes. Muslim countries despite being endowed with natural resources including oil, most of them are facing poverty challenges and high disparities in income distributions. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation member states despite possessing 70 per cent of the world energy resources and 40 per cent of natural resources, the GDP of all member states is less than that of Japan. These countries therefore contribute only eight percent to world GDP while 40 per cent of the population continues to live below poverty level. The objective of the study was to examine the nature and causes of poverty in selected Muslim countries. The study analyzed the effects of poverty on the society and the general economic growth. Specific focus was given to the role of Muslim women towards poverty reduction. The methodology involved analysis of secondary data to analyze poverty trends. Study recommended inclusion of women in financial, agricultural and decision making positions to tap their potential in fighting poverty.
A Comparative Study on Poverty Alleviation between Moslem and Non Moslem Populated Countries. The paper attempts to explore the problems and roots of poverty, the poverty alleviation progress, programs and policies between selected Moslem populated-countries in Asia and selected non-Moslem populated-countries in Latin America. Three important aspects are concluded. Firstly, the poor are mostly living in rural areas and suburban slums. Second, poverty alleviation efforts in both particular groups of countries have resulted in a better outcome. Other economic indicators such as GNI per capita and income inequality graphic have shown better patterns. Third, there have been different strategic policies and programs implemented between the two groups of countries. Islamic economic notions such as zakah, infaq, and sadaqah play a very significant role in Moslem populated countries, on the other hand, non Moslem populated countries tend to create more radical and creative strategies such as agendas of land reform and tourism industry development. Abstrak. Studi Banding dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan antara Negara yang Berpenduduk Muslim dengan Negara yang Tidak Berpenduduk Muslim. Artikel ini berusaha untuk mengungkap akar masalah dari kemiskinan, hasil dari usaha pengendalian kemiskinan, program dan kebijakan negara berpenduduk Muslim terpilih di Asia dan Negara yang tidak berpenduduk Muslim terpilih di America Latin. Tiga kesimpulan diperoleh penulis. Pertama, penduduk miskin sebagian besar tinggal di pedesaan dan daerah kumuh pinggir kota. Kedua, usaha pemberantasan kemiskinan dalam dua kelompok negara tertentu telah menunjukkan hasil. Indikator ekonomi lainnya seperti PNB per kapita dan grafis dari ketimpagan pendapatan telah menunjukan kemajuan. Ketiga, ada beberapa kebijakan dan program berbeda yang dilakukan oleh dua kelompok dari negara terpilih. Ajaran ekonomi Islam seperti zakat, infaq, dan sedekah sangat berperan dalam negara yang berpenduduk Muslim, di samping itu, negara yang tidak berpenduduk Muslim membuat strategi lebih mendasar dan kreatif seperti rencana pembangunan dan industri pariwisata. Kata kunci: kemiskinan, survei kepustakaan, studi banding, negara muslim, negara non-muslim
Contemporary Vision of Poverty and Islamic Strategy for Poverty Alleviation
SAGE Open, 2017
Currently, irrespective of one's religious, ideological, and political inclination, poverty is seen as a destructive force in all aspects. Subsequently, various strategies have been formulated to alleviate poverty. But what are actually the components of the destructive force of poverty in the vision of contemporary Muslim scholars? What kind of Islamic strategies have they formulated out of this vision? This article seeks to answer these two main questions by first investigating into the contemporary vision of poverty that has been adopted by Muslim scholars, followed second by an investigation into the strategies for poverty alleviation they proposed, and third, by critically analyzing their vision of poverty and strategies from an Islamic perspective. Based on a textual analysis of references, this article displays an inadequacy of the vision and strategies of the contemporary Muslim scholars for ignoring material-spiritual definition of poverty, as well as for formulating strategies for poverty alleviation using an exogenous, top-down approach. In a nutshell, this article attempts to provide a justification for rescrutinization of the vision of poverty from an Islamic perspective, and for a reconstruction of the poverty alleviation strategies based on the faith of the Muslim communities themselves.
Poverty and the Role of Islam in Reducing Poverty
Journal of World Science, 2023
Poverty is one of the greatest concerns in all societies and economic systems. It is a negative phenomenon that threatens life. Economic schools of thought have presented various approaches to overcome poverty, but so far have not succeeded in eradicating it from human life. This occurrence is referred to as an unpleasant complication. Poverty is one of the most significant and persistent problems in both developed and developing countries, including Islamic countries. The purpose of this research is to examine the role of Islam in reducing poverty. The research method used in this study is descriptive-analytical, and the necessary information was gathered from library sources and through the use of the Delphi method. The research findings indicate that in this study, the concept of poverty and its impacts are analyzed through verses from the Quran and Hadith. Findings include the definition of poverty and the gap between the rich and the poor, which is a major concern in the fields of economics and public policy. Despite being widespread, poverty is not limited to economic aspects alone but also encompasses cultural, social, and educational poverty. Analysis from the perspective of financial development highlights the importance of understanding its overall impact.
Ending Poverty: Islamic Solutions For The Welfare of The Ummah
Sentralisasi, 2024
Poverty is a social problem of global concern. In developing countries including Indonesia, tens of millions of people live below the poverty line. In Islam, poverty is seen as a form of social injustice that must be resolved. The Quran and Hadith explicitly indicate the duty of Muslims to help the poor. This paper aims to analyze the Islamic perspective on poverty and propose Islamic solutions to achieve the welfare of the Ummah, within the framework of achieving maqashid sharia. The method used is a literature study of Islamic sources and contextual analysis of the poverty situation in Muslim countries. The results show that poverty is caused by various factors, both internal and external. Islam offers comprehensive solutions such as the Islamic economic system, optimization of zakat and waqf, policy reform, and others. This is important in order to realize the purpose of sharia to protect the lives, property, and benefit of the people. However, its implementation needs to be studied further so that it is right on target in alleviating poverty in the contemporary Islamic world.
Poverty Alleviation on a Sustainable Basis in the Islamic Framework
The Pakistan Development Review, 2000
Allah (SWT) is the sole creator of this vast universe and whatever it contains. He created man as a master piece of His creation and elevated him to be His vicegerent on earth. He made all physical systems and other creations to cater human needs from the time immoral. And those holding political power in Muslim countries under Islamic teachings are required to make necessary arrangements for the satisfaction of his material needs through efficient utilisation of resources and equitable distribution of goods and services and also to fully protect him from all kinds of fear besides the fear of starvation. There is ample evidence in Quran, Sunnah, and practice of Caliphs to provide food as well as social security to each and every individual in an Islamic economy. Pointing to this fact, an Ayah of Quran enjoying upon Quraish to worship Allah because He has protected them both from starvation and fear by granting them food and peace.1 Similarly a Hadith says that a society where a Musl...
Fight Against Poverty From the Islamic Point of View: The Wealth Distribution and Share
Today, poverty is one of the most important problems in the world. This is not only the problem of poor people living in specific regions but also the problem of all people in general. Poverty is expected to decrease as the welfare level increases. The World Bank predicts that extreme poverty will disappear until 2030 but mentions significant hesitations in achieving this objective. Even though extreme poverty will have actually disappeared in 2030, the deep gap between the richest 20% and the poorest 20% will continue to maintain its presence. There are many reasons for poverty arising from individuals such as illiteracy, inexperience, and laziness. However, there are many reasons for poverty beyond the individual such as the management of the capital by a small group of people. While the capital continuously increases under the control of a narrow group, poor community deprived of increasing welfare benefits from it slightly and too late. In this case, the solutions that individuals striving to live below the poverty line can find on their own in order to keep alive remain quite limited. Islam has a shorter term solution for welfare share: Transferring a small amount of high-income group's wealth to the low-income group. Through this worship called zakat, it is aimed to rid poor people of desperation. It is not theoretically impossible to develop a method to reduce income inequality by taking the worship of zakat as a model.
Fight Against Poverty from Islamic Point of view: The Wealth Distribution and Share
Today, poverty is one of the most important problems in the world. This is not only the problem of poor people living in specific regions but also the problem of all people in general. Poverty is expected to decrease as the welfare level increases. The World Bank predicts that extreme poverty will disappear until 2030 but mentions significant hesitations in achieving this objective. Even though extreme poverty will have actually disappeared in 2030, the deep gap between the richest 20% and the poorest 20% will continue to maintain its presence. There are many reasons for poverty arising from individuals such as illiteracy, inexperience, and laziness. However, there are many reasons for poverty beyond the individual such as the management of the capital by a small group of people.
Potent Islamic Measures to Poverty Alleviation
BURJI, 2021
Poverty is one of the most deplore disabilities that can afflict a person or a nation, unfortunately poverty seems to be increasing in the world. Eradicating of poverty is a major challenge of the entire universe in the 21 st century. In fact, it is the number one goal of the Millennium Development Goal (MGDs). In line with brotherhood concept which is emphasized in Islam, it views society as a unified equity in which individual freedom and human dignity is supreme, it encourages to the people to help their less fortune brothers and sisters through many means such as charity, alms, endowment, gift and so on. This paper, presents some potent measures in alleviating poverty in the world. It defines poverty, identifies types, causes and measures taken by other agencies and later itemizes and discusses Islamic measures in alleviating poverty. The paper largely takes the documentation of history into account. Meanwhile, the descriptive, prescriptive and annalistic approach has also been applied in the Paper
Ibn Khaldun Model on Poverty: The Case of Organization of Islamic Conference (Oic) Countries
Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance
If we consider the state of the world economy, especially in the OIC countries, somecountries have to struggle in dealing with the problems of poverty. Hypothetically,the wealth of natural resources is potentially in the welfare of the population, but thefacts on the ground say the situation is another in which it is far from being wellbeing.This study aims to analyze poverty in OIC countries by using a developmentmodel proposed by Ibn Khaldun. The model consists of six variables: human resourcevariable (proxy HDI), the variable role of government (proxy government spendingin education and health), variable of development (proxy foreign direct investment),state assets variable (proxy for GDP/capita), justice variable (gini index proxy) andsharia variable (a proxy perception index of corruption). This study uses panel dataregression analysis with nine object OIC member countries (Indonesia, Malaysia,Egypt, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Benin) over theyear...