Guinness World Records 2020: Deutschsprachige Ausgabe (original) (raw)
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Hamburg Contemporary Economic Discussions No. 61, 2017
We conduct an innovative analysis of sporting world records by a) using economic instead of sporting determinants and b) by using multivariate stochastic frontier functions. Using data from 48 different disciplines between 1970 and 2014, we show that world records are close to full efficiency and therefore actual athletic frontiers. Forecasts including economic determinants imply that the dynamics of world records largely depend on the dynamics of the frontiers and their driving forces, i.e., socio-economic developments.
Background: Germany has committed to ambitious emission reduction targets, is phasing out nuclear energy and has been actively promoting a shift to renewable energy. The 2010 Energy Concept stipulates targets also for other sectors, and a range of policy measures are in place to enhance energy efficiency in buildings, to promote electric mobility and the expansion of the electricity grid, for example. However, Germany remains reliant on fossil fuels for a significant share of its energy consumption, including coal and lignite for electricity (partially due to the existence of domestic sources). NonETS emission reduction target: The German 2020 target is-14% (compared to 2005) and emissions were already reduced by 9% between 2005 and 2011. According to the latest national projections submitted to the Commission and taking into account existing measures, the target is, however, expected to be missed by a small margin of one percentage point:-13% in 2020 compared to 2005.
ADABA-Aussprachedatenbank De Database of the National Standa
This paper gives a comprehensive report on major the results of the ongoing project „Varieties of Austrian German – Standard pronunciation and varieties of standard pronunciation“ which started in January 2001 and will be finished in 2004. It is financed by the research fund of the Austrian national bank and supported by the national Austrian broadcasting corporation ORF. One of the major results is the ADABA database which contains the pronunciation of a corpus of 13.500 phonetically rich words spoken by six model speakers coming from Austria, Germany and Switzerland totalling 81.000 single words. The project, the database and the ADABA-Transcriber which has also been developed in the course of the project will be presented in detail and an outline of its possible use for phonetic research will be given. The acronym ADABA stands for: AUSSPRACHEDATENBANKAUSTRIA (Pronunciation-Database-Austria.)
The year of 2015 has seen a quantitative and qualitative intensification of Islamophobia in Germany. The topics included in this report cover the PEGIDA movement, the situation of national data on Islamophobia, media and reporting biases around gender and feminism, as well as the influx of refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East and Afghanistan. One of the most concerning aspects about the most recent developments of Islamophobia is the continuing absence of reliable and nationwide data on Islamophobic incidents. For this, this survey compels the government of Germany to take active measures to guarantee a countrywide collection of data. Throughout 2015, the PEGIDA movement almost single-handedly questioned the fringe status of Islamophobia in Germany, whilst nevertheless being portrayed by politicians as an extremist phenomena not representative of mainstream society. This report thus demands a more comprehensive and serious undertaking at the level of German society and the government to promote ample discussion about racism (instead of obscurantist discourse only about PEGIDA), amongst which Islamophobia is the most dominant form at the present moment. A specific image of womanhood, vague claims of sexual and gender equality, and very specific nationalistic ties (most notably with Israel) seem to all be primary features of a public and politicised Islamophobia in 2015, to be found in rightwing milieus just as much as in German mainstream policy and legal debates. Like the PEGIDA discourse, these politicised debates deflect very necessary national conversations (like those about gender, sexuality and contested European political complicities) while intensifying the negative associations between Islam, Muslims, discrimination and violence. This report thus calls for policymakers to cease locating the problems of sexism, anti-Semitism or homophobia only in the Muslim ‘Other’ and to undertake a sober assessment of enduring forms of discrimination in contemporary Germany society. Furthermore, the discriminatory legal environment that either only slowly admits, does not welcome, or even prohibits the wearing of the headscarf still persists throughout Germany, despite the positive legal stride of the lifting of the ban for Muslim headscarf-wearing teachers which occurred in 2015. Besides a comprehensive overhaul of civil rights law, this report also advocates concrete protections for Muslim women and men vis-à-vis the labour market. Finally, the continuing influx of refugees and asylum seekers into Germany, the majority of whom come from predominantly Muslim societies, has unfortunately granted Islamophobia a licence to operate under ostensibly reasonable and legitimate concerns with regards to the ‘defense’ of German and European sovereignties. Compounded by the ongoing gains Islamophobia has made in 2015, the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ has had the deleterious effect of merging anti-refugee sentiment, Islamophobia and patriotic nationalism into a fuse set to be ignited imminently, as will be shown in the report. The year 2015 is then sadly the year Islamophobia became an undeniable force within German society, and continuous efforts and data like the following report will thus be assuredly necessary in the years to come.
Germany (Federal Republic of Germany)
The Forum of Federations Handbook of Federal Countries 2020, 2020
The mission wishes to express its gratitude to the authorities and staff of the CBBH, especially for facilitating the mission's work, for the constructive discussions, as well as for their hospitality and cooperation throughout the team's stay in Sarajevo. The mission also wishes to express its gratitude to Francisco Parodi, the IMF Resident Representative in BiH, and to the staff of the IMF Office-Adrian Musić, Sanela Teskeredžić, and Nedžad Fazlagić-for the outstanding collaboration and support provided prior to and throughout the mission. This report builds on the aide-mémoire that was presented and discussed with the CBBH authorities at the end of the mission.
Within the federal system of Germany, responsibilities for waters are divided between national and federal authorities. Two federal agencies are dedicated to hydrological and environmental matters concerning the coastal waters. Both institutions are supreme federal agencies. The Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie-Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany-(BSH) is the maritime partner for industry, science, and environmental organisations. The BSH offers a wide range of services such as:-prediction of tides, water levels, and storm surges,-monitoring of the marine environment,-prosecution of environmental offences,-improvement of the knowledge of the oceans. The Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde-German Federal Institute of Hydrology-(BfG) is responsible for the German waterways in federal ownership. In this position it has a central mediating and integrating function. The BfG advises federal ministries, such as the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (BMVBS), and the Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV) in matters regarding the utilisation and management of the German federal waterways. In this context, the WSV operates a network of gauging stations both in coastal and inland waters. Additionally, the federal states and some harbour authorities operate their own tide gauges.
The Record That (Almost) Never Was!
The Antique Phonograph, 2022
The Caning of Charles Sumner by Preston Brooks in 1856 was a watershed episode in pre-Civil War America. The principals are long since dead, but the Clergyman who defended Sumner in conservative Washington , DC, just days after the brutal incident, lived long enough to make a gramophone recording in 1898 - that 7" diameter disc (only one of which survives), spoken by Rev. Byron Sunderland, was recently discovered and has been transcribed. It is an astonishing link to the original Congressional debacle from 166 years ago.