Albanian place names in Greece ending in -esi, -isi, their relation to ancient toponyms ending in -issos, -ssos, and their ethnological significance (original) (raw)



Using the so-called "Nordwestblock", a hypothetical area in Northwestern Europe with unique linguistic interest, firstly proposed by Kuhn (1963) and Gysseling (1960), as a starting point, this paper will research on whether the Old (or Proto-) Indo-European layer, datable from the 4th millennium BC is also apparent in the hydronyms and toponyms of modern day Greece and Albania. To achieve that, a plethora of Indo-European roots is selected based upon the probability of it being representative of this proto-layer, in accordance with local hydronymic and toponymic data. This study aims at complementing findings from research by Krahe (1964) and Woudhuizen (2020) and is the first one, to our knowledge, to particularly examine in tandem, in this sense, the southwest end of the Balkan Peninsula. Hopefully, this research will support the longitudinal investigation of the Indo-European evolution in the area.

Slavonic and Greek Traces in the Toponymy of the Region of Vlora, Southern Albania

European Journal of Language and Literature, 2018

As toponyms reflect the life of an area, they deserve special attention while studying the history of that area. The region of Vlora, particularly the area called Labëria, because of its highly varied terrain, is extremely rich in place names, which possess multifaceted values with respect to naming, word formation and lexicology at large. The present study on the Vlora region toponyms focuses on the place names that contain Slavic and Greek elements in their structure. The study material is, basically, from the research of various authors, mostly Albanian. The bulk of the toponyms used here have been collected in field studies, while working with elderly local people and shepherds of the respective zones, who provided us with material of great interest in this domain. The study has cognitive and scientific values and bears witness to the early contacts between peoples. It attempts to further complete and enrich the toponymy of the Vlora region. The collection and systematization of the toponymy of different areas of the region would also be of interest in compiling a toponomastic dictionary in this field of study.

Slavic elements in the Greek idioms of South Albania


On the basis of previous studies on the Slavic elements of Greek and Albanian (Meyer 1891, 1894, Vasmer 1941, Селищев 1931, etc.), as well as of more recent research on this field (Ylli 1997, 2000, Οικονόμου 2010, etc.), this author examines the Slavic “traces” that occur in the Greek idioms of South Albania (GISA). This study relies on primary sources (field-research), and it focuses on words/ suffixes/ place-names of Slavic origin. Constantly in contact with the Albanian language and considered as a manifestation of continuity/discontinuity of the Greek idioms of Epirus, GISA present, as far as their Slavic elements are concerned, several particularities and asymmetries in relation to the Albanian and the Greek dialects of the broader geographic region.

Albanian Odonyms in North Macedonia as Means for Preserving Linguistic and Cultural Heritage

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

This paper analyses some problems related to street names in North Macedonia, the necessity of their translation or adaptation into Albanian, as well as some issues related to the standardization of these names. Street names (odonyms) constitute a prominent feature of a city's linguistic landscape and they are associated with a particular nation in geo-linguistics. As a result, certain political regimes using their authority, influence/change/or do not accept changes in the existing street names and designations. Language itself is a marker of the identity of a group of people and as such carries a symbolic value, especially in cases where two languages are identified with two national communities, which due to several reasons may be in a "conflict". In such situations, state authorities tend to influence in favour of that group that constitutes the dominant part of the nation, giving priority to the language of this group. In general terms, this is also the context in...

Solaki, An., Vamvakidou, I., Papoutzis, L., Kourdis, Ev. (2013). Toponyms in Western Macedonia: borders and their historic ideological project. Menon: Journal of Educational Research Florina, Greece, pp. 178-187.

This presentation refers to toponyms in the broader area of Florina in order to reveal their historic, ideological project. We selected and gathered the total corpus of toponyms which consists of 106 place names. The research question refers to the transformation of toponyms in the specific time and place (western Macedonian borders during 1926(western Macedonian borders during -1929. We focus on the former names that signify a Slavic, linguistic origin, while some of them refer to Turkish, Vlachic and Arvanitic origins. We are interested in the process of renaming these toponyms and particularly in their oral usage. We analyze 10 examples of toponyms in order to find out the historic and ideological variables may signify in. In the process of the interlingual translation we are applying the historic, hermeneutic analysis. A simple definition of hermeneutics is textual interpretation, or, in other words, finding meaning in the written word. Two embedded assumptions of hermeneutics are that humans experience the world through language and this language provides both understanding and knowledge. This method of textual analysis emphasizes the socio-cultural and historic influences on qualitative interpretation. It also exposes connotations.


Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie, 2022

Migrations, transfers and population changes have taken place between states from Balkans and Anatolian area in the first half of the twentieth century. This process had as a result the appearance of new ethnicities having the place of origin as a central identity marker. Although under a general theory, each case must (also) be treated in its specific. The present paper approaches the case of Arvanites from Tyhero, Greece, a village near the river Evros, the border with Turkey. The conclusion is that their identity in relation to a place of origin, situated not far away beyond Evros, is retreating in the face of an identity connected to the entire region of Thrace.

On the Origin of Names in Indo-European Languages from Proto and Modern Albanian

Abstract The question of Albanian as a unique and oldest Indo-European language along Armenian and ancient Greek, continues to attract the attention of many scholars, which have not yet come with any convincing conclusion on its origin. This paper does not attempt to undertake anything on its origin either, but in considering the etymology of some names in many Indo-European languages derived from Albanian. Loan words in Albanian, which are overwhelming and endless, are not the aim hereto. Linguists and albanologysts in general tend to overemphasize the impact of Latin into Albanian, that is mainly based on the heritage of Roman interpretation which in the second century BC conquered Illyricum and Ancient Greece (much of today's Balkan Peninsula) and ruled it for the next five centuries. The other way around or from Albanian into Latin and many Indo-European languages, is often neglected, which this paper tries fill that gap and pave the way for future research in this respect.