« La fabrique des citoyens. (Re)construire l’école après Mussolini dans l’Italie de l’immédiat après-guerre (1943-1948) », 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire, vol. 145, no. 1, 2020, pp. 3-17. (original) (raw)
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Contrary to a widely-held view, the ideals and practices of French republicans never were a model to copy for their Italian counterparts who took part in the intellectually decisive yet short-lived experience of the republics during the revolutionary biennio of 1848-1849. Even in the eyes of its supporters with the strongest conviction (Ferrari), they were debated in order to adapt them to local and historical traditions (Montanelli), when they were not criticized (Mazzini) or simply abandoned in favor of other political horizons (Cattaneo). Following the birth of the Kingdom of Italy, absorbed and like engulfed by the reference to France – a country that both fascinated and irritated Italians – the republican regime of France lost some of its appeal among the Italian republican family even if the latter never hesitated to defend it in times of tension between Rome and Paris and to acknowledge the merits of its values and achievements.
L'université italienne, le fascisme et l'après guerre
Transcription revue et annotée de la communication à la Conférence internationale à l'occasion du 40e anniversaire de l'Université François-Rabelais de Tours, 6-7 octobre 2010; j'ai gardé le style problématique et direct de l'exposition séminairiale] 1. Je me sens un peu dépassé par le sujet qui m'a été confié: que peut-on dire de raisonnable, voire "d'historique" sur l'évolution d'un système actuellement composé par 56 universités d'Etat ou publiques, 13 universités privées, 3 polytechniques, 3 Ecoles supérieures, 2 universités pour étrangers − un système d'institutions qui regroupent presque 2 milions d'étudiants et presque 60.000 professeurs et chercheurs, qui travaillent dans toutes les disciplines du savoir?
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Following the Chomsky-Herman theory, because tv channels “sell” public to advertisers, these latters can conditionate tv programms. Evoiding mechanical effects, I reflected about consequences on education of a whole generation, employng many sociological surveys and studies of this time (in particular Casetti, Bentivegna, Morcellini, Tullio-Altan, Pilati, Gabriele Calvi) and exploiting the interpretation of a protagonist (Carlo Freccero). Many pages discuss about the commercial, cultural and political strategy of Berlusconi. There are also two chapters about the history of education in united Italy (ch. 3 and 4), and a long interview with two education psychologists (Oliverio Ferraris e Giani Gallino) and a sociologue of aducation (D’Amato) about influence of tv (ch.7).
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