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Prof Dr Beyza Bilgin e Armagan
Prof Dr Beyza Bilgin e Armagan, 2020
Prof. Dr. Beyza Bilgin is a great scientist who has earned the title of "Master of Teachers" with many characteristics. Bilgin's students in the field of religious education, on the 40th anniversary wrote a book of gift in order to show their gratitude to Bilgin with a concrete and long lasting work. The gift book consists of three parts and 28 chapters. In these articles, Bilgin's life, personality, works and contribution to religious education are discussed. The gift book is an important source and guide to learn the life story of a scientist, to discover the adventures of a science branch, to know what it means to be a "great teacher" and to understand what religious education means for Beyza Bilgin and Beyza Bilgin means for religious education in Turkey.
Prof. Dr. Beyza Bi̇lgi̇n Ve Di̇n Eği̇ti̇mi̇ne Katkilari
Prof. Dr. Beyza Bilgin was a religious educator who continued her “theology” career, which she started in 1956, in the field of “religious education” and crowned this journey as the first professor of her field. In this article, the life and works of Beyza Bilgin, who has made significant contributions to the scientific research she has done in the field of religious education in Turkey, are mentioned and her contributions to religious education are discussed and evaluated. In this direction, the main focus of the article is on the question of what is the contribution of Beyza Bilgin, a very influential name for the science of religious education, to the science of religious education and the dimensions of religious education. Therefore, the aim of the study is to try to reveal the effects and contributions of the intellectual and academic productions of Beyza Bilgin who extend beyond her own time through her contributions to the journey of scientific religious education, to the fie...
Prof. Dr. Beyza Bilgin’e Armağan Beyza Bilgin’de Din Eğitimi, Din Eğitiminde Beyza Bilgin
Prof. Dr. Beyza Bilgin, bircok ozelligiyle “hocalarin hocasi” olma sifatini hak etmis onemli bir bilim insanidir. Bilgin’in din egitimi alanindaki ogrencileri, din egitimi kursusunun kurulusunun 40. yilinda hocalarina somut ve kalici bir eserle minnetlerini sunma amaciyla bir armagan kitabi yazmaya karar vermis ve her biri Bilgin’le olan bilimsel etkilesimlerini anlatan ozgun birer kitap bolumu ile bu calismaya katki saglamistir. Kitap 3 bolum, 28 yazidan olusmaktadir. Prof. Dr. Beyza Bilgin’e Armagan, Beyza Bilgin’de Din Egitimi, Din Egitiminde Beyza Bilgin baslikli vefa duygusunun somut bir urun ornegi olan bu kitap, hoca-ogrenci iliskisini ictenlikle yansitan onemli bir kaynaktir. Armagan kitap, bir bilim insanin hayat hikâyesini ogrenmek, bir bilim dalinin dogus surecinde yasanan seruvenleri kesfetmek, “buyuk hoca” olmanin ne anlama geldigini bilmek ve ozel olarak din egitimi icin Beyza Bilgin’in ve Beyza Bilgin icin din egitiminin ne anlama geldigini kavramak adina basucu eseri...
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