molecules Flavonoids from Brazilian Cerrado: Biosynthesis, Chemical and Biological Profile (original) (raw)
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Flavonoids from Brazilian Cerrado: Biosynthesis, Chemical and Biological Profile
Flavonoids are highly bioactive compounds with very low toxicity, which makes them attractive starting points in drug discovery. This study aims to provide information on plant species containing flavonoids, which are found in the Brazilian Cerrado. First, we present the characterization and plant diversity with emphasis on the families of flavonoid-producing plants, and then we describe the phenylpropanoid pathway which represents the flavonoids’ main route biosynthesis—generally conserved in all species. Chemical structures and biological activities of flavonoids isolated from the Cerrado’s plant species are also described based on examples from the relevant literature studies. Finally, research on the biodiversity of the Cerrado biome should be encouraged, due to the discovery of new sources of flavonoids which can provide several benefits to human health and the possibility of developing new drugs by the pharmaceutical industry.
Ecological phytochemistry of Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) plants
Phytochemistry Reviews, 2013
The Cerrado (the Brazilian savanna) is one of the vegetation formations of great biodiversity in Brazil and it has experienced strong deforestation and fragmentation. The Cerrado must contain at least 12,000 higher plant species. We discuss the ecological relevance of phytochemical studies carried out on plants from the Cerrado, including examples of phytotoxicity, antifungal, insecticidal and antibacterial activities. The results have been classified according to activity and plant family. The most active compounds have been highlighted and other activities are discussed. A large number of complex biochemical interactions occur in this system. However, only a small fraction of the species has been studied from the phytochemical viewpoint to identify the metabolites responsible for these interactions.
Plant Flavonoids: Biological Molecules for Useful Exploitation
Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 1995
Flavonoids affect how plants interact with (Bradylrhizobium and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) microsymbionts, microbial pathogens, insect predators, insect pollinators and herbivores. Legumes are a particularly rich source of flavonoid compounds, so the diversity of these agriculturally important molecules in agronomic lines and cultivars could be exploited for increased food production. Also, the widespread distribution of flavonoids in plants, especially in unselected native flora of developing countries, could be explored for their increased use in medicine and disease control. Alexander, M. (1985). Enhancing nitrogen fixation by use of pesticides: a review. Advances in Agronomy 38, 267-282. Anokbonggo, W.W. (1 992). The role of African traditional medicine in the health-care delivery alongside modern medicine. In '
Bioactive Compounds Found in Brazilian Cerrado Fruits
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015
Functional foods include any natural product that presents health-promoting effects, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Cerrado fruits are considered a source of bioactive substances, mainly phenolic compounds, making them important functional foods. Despite this, the losses of natural vegetation in the Cerrado are progressive. Hence, the knowledge propagation about the importance of the species found in Cerrado could contribute to the preservation of this biome. This review provides information about Cerrado fruits and highlights the structures and pharmacologic potential of functional compounds found in these fruits. Compounds detected in Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (pequi), Dipteryx alata Vog. (baru), Eugenia dysenterica DC. (cagaita), Eugenia uniflora L. (pitanga), Genipa americana L. (jenipapo), Hancornia speciosa Gomes (mangaba), Mauritia flexuosa L.f. (buriti), Myrciaria cauliflora (DC) Berg (jabuticaba), Psidium guajava L. (goiaba), Psidium spp. (araçá), Solanum lycocarpum St. Hill (lobeira), Spondias mombin L. (cajá), Annona crassiflora Mart. (araticum), among others are reported here.
Characterization in silico of flavonoids biosynthesis in Theobroma cacao L
A detailed and curated map of molecular interactions taking place in the polyphenols (flavonoids) biosynthesis in Theobroma cacao L. is presented. The map was created using the software Cytoscape v.2.7 and the KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) database. The statistical parameters of the network were determined with CentiScape v.1.1 and MetaAnalyzer v.2.6.1. A preliminary theoretical map containing 1024 chemical species and 1099 chemical reactions was built, then a second map that was curated and annotated with the biological facts obtained from approximately 85 publications in T. cacao, with 653 chemical species and 706 chemical reactions. Structural analysis of this interaction network revealed similitude with other biological networks. The study of complex networks opens the way for creating realistic computational models of flavonoid biosynthesis metabolic pathways in cacao.
The article deals with the gain of biologically active substance flavonoid in endemic plant species in Ajara and Ajara-Lazica applying tandem chromate mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) method. In the object under analysis, for the purpose of identification of the target substance, mass spectrums of the peaks existing on chromatographs were compared with the mass spectrums of the substances existing in the database (NIST 2011). Out of the examined 21 species, flavonoids appeared in the following 3 species, Scutellaria pontica C. Koch.-Labiatae L.; Astragalus adzharicus M. Pop.-Fabaceae Lindl; Linaria adzharica Kem.-Nath. (=L.syspirensis C. Koch.)-Scrophulariaceae Juss. Material under current analysis was taken in 2014-2015. The following has been identified in the examined endemic plant species, Scutellaria pontica C. Koch.-Labiatae L. Luteolin, apigenin; Astragalus adzharicus M.Pop.-Fabaceae Lindl; quercetin, kaempferol; Linaria adzharica Kem.-Nath. (=L.syspirensis C. Koch.)-Scrophularia...
The flavonoid biosynthetic pathway in plants: Function and evolution
BioEssays, 1994
Flavonoids ar€ a class of low molecular rveight phenolic compounds that is widely distributed in th€ ptant kingdom. They exhibit a divers€ spectrum of biologicat functions and play an important role in the int€raction betwe€n plants and their environment. Flavonoids not only protect the plant from the harmful effec0s of UV irrsdiation but also play a crucial role in the serxal reproduction process. A special class of tlavonoid potyme.s, th€ tannins, plays a structùral role in the ptant. Y€t other classes of flavonoids, flavonols and anthocyaninsj have been implicated in the attraction of pollinators. Certain flavonoids participÀte in the inte.action b€tween plants and other organisms such as symbiotic bacteria and parasites. This rais€s the intriguing question as to how thes€ different compounds arose and evolved, Bas€d on taxonomy aÌd molecular analysis of g€n€ expression patterns it is possible to d€duce a putative sequence of acq sition of the different branches of fhe biosvnthetic pathway and th€ir regulato.s, lnlroduction Plants arc well,known producers ofa large anay of low mol eculal weighi compounds. Most of rhesc compounds were initially classified as secondary meÌaboliles because they seemed to have no clear finctìon for rhe orgrìnisn. To man, however. these compounds have had a long hisrory of use as, for instance. precùrsors of medicines, lìavours, fragrances. dyes and various subslances for the cheD ical indusrrv.
Chemistry and Biological Activities of Flavonoids: An Overview
The Scientific World Journal, 2013
There has been increasing interest in the research on flavonoids from plant sources because of their versatile health benefits reported in various epidemiological studies. Since flavonoids are directly associated with human dietary ingredients and health, there is need to evaluate structure and function relationship. The bioavailability, metabolism, and biological activity of flavonoids depend upon the configuration, total number of hydroxyl groups, and substitution of functional groups about their nuclear structure. Fruits and vegetables are the main dietary sources of flavonoids for humans, along with tea and wine. Most recent researches have focused on the health aspects of flavonoids for humans. Many flavonoids are shown to have antioxidative activity, free radical scavenging capacity, coronary heart disease prevention, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities, while some flavonoids exhibit potential antiviral activities. In plant systems, flavonoids help in combating oxidative stress and act as growth regulators. For pharmaceutical purposes cost-effective bulk production of different types of flavonoids has been made possible with the help of microbial biotechnology. This review highlights the structural features of flavonoids, their beneficial roles in human health, and significance in plants as well as their microbial production.
Chemistry and Health benefits to humans of Some Flavonoids: An Overview
Journal of Current Pharma Research
Flavonoids are low molecular weight secondary metabolites that are produced by plants, and described as non-essential for plant survival, primary metabolites. Flavonoids are able to interact with many diverse targets in sub cellular locations to elicit various activities in microbes, plants and animals. Flavonoids are abundant in plants, in which they perform several functions. The rhizobia present in soil produce Nod factors in response to the presence of flavonoids. Flavonoid" is used to describe a broad collection of natural products that include a C 6-C 3-C 6 carbon framework, specifically phenyl benzopyran functionality. Depending on the position of the linkage of the aromatic ring to the benzopyrano (chromano) moiety, Flavonoids are important antioxidants, and promote several health effects.