Ruskin, i Magistri Com(m)acini e gli Artisti dei Laghi. Fra rilancio del Medioevo lombardo e ricezione operativa del restauro romantico (original) (raw)

Il Medioevo lucchese rivisitato a Villa Guinigi

"Conosco un ottimo storico dell'arte ...": per Enrico Castelnuovo ; scritti di allievi e amici pisani. Donato, Maria Monica • Ferretti, Massimo [- Pisa (2012), 2012

Con l’apertura della nuova sezione dedicata alla cultura figurativa a Lucca dal V al XIII secolo si conclude, almeno nelle linee generali, il processo che nel corso dell’ultimo decennio ha portato a una completa revisione degli ordinamenti e degli allestimenti nei due Musei nazionali di Lucca. Nell’intento di rendere più facilmente leggibile il panorama dell’arte lucchese, tutte le collezioni sono state distribuite tra le due sedi museali secondo un percorso che si sviluppa cronologicamente, iniziando negli spazi di Villa Guinigi con le testimonianze dall’VIII secolo a.C. fino al XVIII, per proseguire da questa data fino alla metà del Novecento al secondo piano di palazzo Mansi. Il recente allestimento del Museo di Villa Guinigi ha privilegiato scelto il dialogo tra le varie opere e, conforme a questa linea guida, è stato l’indirizzo che si è seguito anche nella recente sistemazione delle sale dedicate al Medioevo dove i reperti archeologici, le croci dipinte, gli affreschi, i bacini ceramici, le preziose oreficerie longobarde e alcuni importanti nuclei di monete coesistono in contesti cronologicamente coerenti, dove peraltro la scultura ha la prevalenza assoluta e costituisce il riferimento costante lungo l’intero arco temporale compreso tra il VI e il XIII secolo.

Un architetto dei laghi lombardi alla corte moscovita di Basilio III: Aloisio Novi da Lanzo d'Intelvi


The misunderstanding of names and surnames and the diversity of spelling did not help in the recognition of Aloisio Novi as a member of the second generation of Lake Artists who worked in Russia, and who were above all involved in the building of Moscow as the Grand Princes’ capital city. Aloisio Novi – who we can finally consider a member of the well-known dynasty from Intelvi Valley – arrived in Russia between the reigns of Velikij Knjaz' – Gosudar’ Ivan III (1462-1505) and his successor Vasili III (1505-1533). He was preceded by the leading figure of Pietro Antonio Solari (member of a branch of the dynasty from the Intelvi Valley), who worked together with Aristotele Fioravanti from Bononia, and by Luigi Carcano from Milan, who was active together with different masters from the Ceresio region. Before coming to Russia, Novi worked for the Crimean court of Menli I Giray in 1504. In the same period, some of his relatives worked in the great building site of the Certosa of Pavia...

Anticipando Ruskin. Considerazioni sulla rivalutazione della "Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio" di Carpaccio nelle prime decadi dell’Ottocento

Saggi e memorie di storia dell'arte, 2020

ANTICIPATING RUSKIN. OBSERVATIONS ON THE RE-EVALUATION OF CARPACCIO’S PRESENTATION OF JESUS AT THE TEMPLE IN THE FIRST DECADES OF THE 19TH CENTURY It is well-known and widely investigated how the 19th century re-evaluation of Carpaccio as a prominent figure of the Venetian art scene between the 15th and the early 16th century, has its peak in the works of John Ruskin, written during the second half of the 19th century. Conversely, to date the circumstances that favoured and initiated the rediscovery of the famous painter around the 1830s, within the framework of the Academy of Fine Arts, have received little attention. The essay traces the earliest evidence of Carpaccio’s fortune in the 19th century, with a focus on the role played by his altarpiece, portraying the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, in the process of re-evaluation of this great master.

I disegni di architettura di John Ruskin in Italia: un percorso verso la definizione di un lessico per il restauro

Memories of John Ruskin. Unto this last, 2019

The present contribution intends to trace in the graphic work produced by Jonh Ruskin during his travels in Italy in the 1940s and the beginning of the 1950s - which accompanies his reflections in the form of diaries and letters - the turning point towards the development of his peculiar thought on restoration, witnessed by the choice of the vocabulary used in his writings related to the subject. In this perspective, the difference between the drawings elaborated during the journey of 1840-41, in which the landscape description of the whole prevails, and those of the second half of the Forties, focalized on a careful work of observation of the reality, indicates the beginning of a peculiar way of understanding architecture in its urban contextuality, but above all in its details.