Trilobiten, Dreilapper (original) (raw)

Die Trilobitensammlung der Universität Wien: eine Revision mit Beiträgen zur Stammesgeschichte der Trilobita

Master's thesis, University of Vienna, 2002

A REVISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA’S TRILOBITE COLLECTION: A COMPILING CATALOGUE WITH ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE PHYLOGENETIC POSITION OF THE TRILOBITA. Trilobites have been known some 15.000 years. Although the group is not as important in a cultural sense as for example, molluscs, trilobites have been used as cultic objects by certain Indian tribes of North and South America, as amulets and jewellery by Europeans; they are even mentioned in literature and poetry. WALCH introduced the name ”Trilobites” in 1771; since then highly different views concerning their zoological position have been discussed, and even at present their exact phylogenetic position remains an unsolved problem. In 1939 and in the following years STØRMER reconstructed the morphology of the trilobite biramous limb: he believed in the presence of a precoxa on the protopodite, to which the outer branch of the biramous appendage is attached. If this is true, the trilobite exite should be a pre-epipodite and therefore cannot be homologous to the crustacean exite, which is a true exopodite originating from the basis. In STØRMER’s view this trilobite-type limb is an important characteristic uniting Trilobitomorpha and Chelicerata (the ”Arachnomorpha” or ”Arachnata” concept), the latter having primary biramous appendages, as indicated by xiphosuran limbs with a small remaining exite. None of the following studies, however, was able to prove the existence of STØRMER’s precoxa. According to new findings in stem-lineage crustaceans it is highly probable that neither Lamellipedia (= new appropriate name for ”Trilobitomorpha”) nor Chelicerata possess a true coxa (in the crustacean sense), their protopodite therefore being homologous to the basis of Crustacea. The important characteristics of the trilobite-type appendage are that the exopodite (exite of basis) bears long, flattened setae; these setae are directed away from the endopodite. Trilobite-type and crustacean-type biramous limbs are clearly homologous structures, originating from a simple construction of schizoramous appendage as shown in the proschizoramian Fuxianhuia. Neither do additional characteristics like cephalisation, pygidium and facial sutures prove a closer relationship of Lamellipedia and Chelicerata. At present the Lamellipedia are best treated as an independent subphylum of the phylum Arthropoda, with no closer connection to the Chelicerata than to the Crustacea. Rejecting the Uniramia-hypothesis the Arthropoda as a whole are considered to be monophyletic. During the work on the trilobite collection, every fossil was cleaned, classified, and labelled. The specimens are now housed adequately in sealed plastic bags or showcases. The trilobite collection consists of 1411 fossils mainly from the Czech Republic (1091 specimens), but also from other countries such as Germany, Austria, Sweden, Great Britain, the United States of America, Russia, Estonia, Italy, Morocco and France. These objects were brought together by a variety of different people, some of them important palaeontologists: Othenio ABEL, Ignaz HAWLE, Jaroslav J. JAHN, Rudolf KNER, Valerian von MÖLLER and Ottomar P. NOVÁK; a separate chapter deals with the historical origin of some specimens. Being a collection for educational purposes various indices are added to the systematic catalogue in order to find objects according to specific criteria important for teaching at the university.

Trilobiten aus dem Mitteldevon der Ardennen. Teil 4: Phacopiden

In den vorangehenden Teilen dieser Reihe (Fossilien 2/2011, 1/2012, 2/2013) haben wir Trilobiten aus den Familien der Lichiden, Odontopleuriden, Proetiden, Scutelliden und Harpiden vorgestellt. Hier setzen wir unsere Dokumentation von Trilobiten aus dem Gebiet der belgischen Ardennen mit der Familie Phacopidae fort. Die Phacopiden gehören dort nach unseren Erfahrungen neben den Proetiden zu den häufigsten Trilobiten.

Das neue Triptychon von

Hieronymus Bosch fragments in Paris (Ship of Fools), Yale (Fragment), Washington (Death of the Miser) and Rotterdam (Marskramer / Pedlar) are once one triptych, later sawn to pieces and dispersed. The existing fragments form the inner wings of a triptych, the middle is lost, but has a parallel in the Haywain-triptych.


Wörterbuch der Schweizer Sozialpolitik

Das Dreisäulenprinzip bezieht sich auf die drei Elemente des Schweizer Altersvorsorgesystems, nämlich die 1947 gegründete Alters-und Hinterlassenenversicherung (AHV, 1. Säule), die im 1985 in Kraft getretenen Gesetz festgelegte und von den Pensionskassen ausgeführte berufliche Vorsorge (BVG, 2. Säule) sowie schliesslich die Ende der 1980er Jahre formell eingeführte individuelle Vorsorge (3. Säule). Die drei Säulen basieren auf unterschiedlichen Arten der Finanzierung: Im Gegensatz zur AHV, die auf dem Umlageverfahren gründet, werden die zweite und die dritte Säule durch das Kapitalisierungssystem finanziert. Auch die Bedeutung der einzelnen Säulen für die Altersvorsorge unterscheidet sich stark: Während die AHV eine Grundversorgung für alle Pensionierten bietet, beziehen derzeit nur vier von fünf Männern und zwei von drei Frauen zusätzlich eine Pension nach BVG. Lediglich rund ein Drittel der Rentnerinnen und Rentner geniessen ausserdem Leistungen der dritten Säule.