Bioterrorism as a New Form of Global Threat COVID 19 Case20200624 8577 10sfxqd (original) (raw)

Bio-terrorism Strategy in the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic: A Perspective from Conspiratorial and Apocalyptic Hypotheses

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2020

The frequency with which Wuhan Covid-19 virus appears randomly all over the world has raised suspicion that it could be a bio-warfare and hegemonic tool of Beijing, the emergent imperial power to sustain its over bearing ambition and influence in the global system in recent times. The controversies surrounding the outbreak of the virus have left no doubt that the virus is concocted in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. This study, therefore, attempts to ascertain whether the outbreak of Covid-19 or Coronavirus pandemic is a natural epidemic or a bioterrorism as it is alleged to be put to use for sinister motives by the Communist Party in China. The study also relates same to the conspiratorial and apocalyptic hypotheses surrounding its outbreak since late December 2019. The study examines the concept of bioterrorism and biological weapons, and most importantly “Covid-19” and the challenges it poses to the entire world, W.H.O and the intelligence community as a tool of state actor terrorism. To review relevant literatures in the study area, the study adopted historical design which is qualitative and explorative in nature. Historical research method is applied via secondary sources of data, including textbooks, official documents, research articles and opinion papers, and internet materials. The study finds it necessary to suggest appropriate measures to forestall further spread of the strain as a means for biological warfare by the Communist Party of China as alleged by conspiracy theorists.

Human Rights, Threat to Humanity and International Management of Covid-19: The Unanswered Questions. AUTHOR

When Corona Virus emerged in Wuhan China in 2019, several Nations, including the very technologically advanced, nay, the world powers received the news with indifference, referring to it as 'China's affair'. But like the Nazis movement in Germany that snow-balled into the Second World War and its holocaust trademark, the virus soon gained International recognition as a pandemic that beat hollow the boastful capacity of the World Health Organization and all subscribing Nations. The poor handling of the scourge by most nations and the volume of casualty and fatality before the world purported to evolve vaccines against the virus show that the world today is as unprepared to contain certain emergencies as happened in the events leading to the Second World War. By doctrinal approach therefore, this paper deciphered why it took the world such intensive but rather late effort to find solution to the scourge but more seriously, the fear of repeat of a more potent attack on humanity for which the paper raised questions on the DNA of the virus; whether it evolved from a chemical laboratory; what its biological evolution is all about; whether it was humanly orchestrated and whether it was a natural phenomenon. The paper found that if, as in the past, the world concentrates on proffering reactionary solution without getting to the root of such a threat to humanity. Such error could be weaponized with a more horrendous result to humanity than the world has ever seen. The paper thus recommended that the world should go beyond its claim to finding vaccines to determining the biological components of Covid-19 and all its mutations, to avoid similar strains taking the world hostage in an era where all forms of fanaticisms are rife.

Medico-Legal Aspects of Covid-19: Microbial Terrorism


The entire world is going through hard times because of the emergence of new pandemic named Coronavirus or COVID-19. The virus originated from Wuhan and has spread Worldwide. There are many questions arising regarding the origin of this fatal virus; whether it is natural or manmade. In the past years, many microorganisms were used as biowarfare agents for causing destruction. In 2001, anthrax attack took place in United States (US) by the use of bacteria, Bacillus anthracis which acted as a bioweapon and led to a number of deaths in Texas, US. This review summarises the origin, epidemiology, medico-legal aspects and the recent researches of the virus indicating its nature of being manmade or a natural virus.


The activities of extremist groups worldwide have been focused on acquiring methods to inflict high mass casualty incidents. They seek weapons of mass destruction which they would not hesitate to deploy into densely populated regions in America or anywhere in the world. Fortunately, the level of security guarding nuclear arsenals is high and the required security clearances and ongoing government surveillance over key personnel working in the nuclear weapons industry is also high. The control over nuclear weapons and raw materials makes it difficult, but, not impossible, for a group of determined extremists to acquire essential materials and technical skills to build a nuclear device or buy an operational one on the black market. However, a far less secured and less government regulated industry with equal potential for high mass casualty incidents exist in virology laboratories throughout the world today. Advances in virology have far surpassed existing public policy controls and government regulatory safeguards that should secure laboratories at reasonably the same level as the nuclear weapons industry. Laboratories are not closely regulated and key scientists have not been cleared by extensive background screening procedures or kept under the close surveillance protocols as they were during the Manhattan Project while developing the first atomic bomb during WWII. To some readers this warning may just be dismissed as alarmist. It is nonetheless important to understand that the technology to create deadly viruses is available; and, dangerous pathogens could be under development now in any of the many unregulated laboratories operated by unsupervised scientists. International public policy and global multinational government regulation have not kept pace with the rapid modern advances in the biological sciences. It is

In the Shadow of Biological Warfare: Conspiracy Theories on the Origins of COVID-19 and Enhancing Global Governance of Biosafety as a Matter of Urgency

Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 2020

Two theories on the origins of COVID-19 have been widely circulating in China and the West respectively, one blaming the United States and the other a highest-level biocontainment laboratory in Wuhan, the initial epicentre of the pandemic. Both theories make claims of biological warfare attempts. According to the available scientific evidence, these claims are groundless. However, like the episodes of biological warfare during the mid-twentieth century, the spread of these present-day conspiracy theories reflects a series of longstanding and damaging trends in the international scene which include deep mistrust, animosities, the power of ideologies such as nationalism, and the sacrifice of truth in propaganda campaigns. Also, the threats associated with biological warfare, bioterrorism, and the accidental leakage of deadly viruses from labs are real and growing. Thus, developing a better global governance of biosafety and biosecurity than exists at present is an urgent imperative for the international community in the broader context of a looming Cold War II. For such a governance, an ethical framework is proposed based upon the triple ethical values of transparency, trust, and the common good of humanity.

Strengthening the Global Response to Infectious Disease Threats in the Twenty-First Century, with a COVID-19 Epilogue

Global Health

A biological attack is the intentional release of a pathogen (disease causing agent) or biotoxin (poisonous substance produced by a living organism) against humans, plants, or animals. An attack against people could be used to cause illness, death, fear, societal disruption, and eco nomic damage. An attack on agricultural plants and animals would primarily cause economic damage, loss of confidence in the food supply, and possible loss of life. It is useful to distinguish between two kinds of biological agents: • Transmissible agents that spread from person to person (e.g., small pox, Ebola) or animal to animal (e.g., foot and mouth disease). • Agents that may cause adverse effects in exposed individuals but that do not make those individuals contagious to others (e.g., anthrax, bot ulinum toxin).

A Perspective of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Invasion of a Suspicious Virus to Health, Economic and Social Spheres (A brief overview)


The emergence of unforeseen phenomena and events in the world is not over. The tragic events caused by the attacks of micro-organisms have changed the lives of persons in a special way each time and also have made difficult the planning for countries. It is dared to say that the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the most complex and tragic events of this century. This viral invasion overshadowed all the pillars of people's normal lives and the balance of executive levers in the health, economic, social, educational and policymaker systems of the world. This issue has led to the formation of new thinking in the minds of individuals and the decisions of officials and trustees of countries' planners. Therefore, it is time to plan a new approach to prevent and deal with such incidents by changing the structures in future practical and scientific protocols and taking into account the possibility occurrence of unknown phenomena.

Bioterrorism: is it a real threat?

Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 2005

The Geneva Protocol of 1925 commits the signatory nations to refraining from the use of biological weapons. However, the terrorist assaults of September 2001 and, subsequently, the anthrax-containing letters are cause for great concerns: new threats to the security of nations are expected, as terrorist organizations seem to increasingly explore novel ways of spreading terror.In this context, naturally emerging diseases such as SARS, monkeypox or West Nile fever assume new importance because it is difficult to distinguish between natural epidemics and possible bioweapon assaults. Great efforts on the part of governments and public health authorities are necessary to counteract these threats.

SARS-cov-2 is a biological warfare weapon

Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози, 2020

The article deals with the theoretical and practical assumptions, based on available facts and research related to COVID-19, in order to discern the origin of the coronavirus and its consequences on national and international security. The main finding is that the world is faced with an extremely dangerous biowarfare weapon, i.e. that the virus has been engineered in lab conditions. The acknowledgement of this fact may be of utmost importance for seeking solutions and adequate responses. The analysis shows that great world powers invest enormous amounts of money into further developments of biological weapons, and the academia plays significant role in the endeavor. In addition to human costs, what is at stake here are human rights, democracy and the security of mankind.

VIRUS* Biological Predator (An Investigative Review of Covid 19 )

VIRUS* Biological Predator (An Investigative Review of Covid 19 ), 2021

The study takes an helicopter view of Covid-19, with close focuses on the virus itself, the history of viral pandemics, and the various responses of us humans. The latter cover the detailed actions of the country of origin, and by the world community. Besides inter-governmental and private-public partnerships, the latter include the outstanding collaboration of the scientific, medical, humanitarian and philanthropic communities .It examines the GOF/Leak Allegations in depth. It ends with Concluding Observations and recommendations for Direction of Change. (a) Part One, Summarises the current state of knowledge of viruses (b) Part Two, Focuses on the past Lesser Pandemics, followed by the past Major Pandemics, (c) Part Three, Deals with the Covid-19: its origin, the country of origin and its initial actions; WHO’s first responses, its mobilisation of the global communities, and its Three Pillars Strategy – Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Vaccines (d) Part Four, Recounts our Human Defenses and Medical Defenses (e) Part Five, Sizes up where we are under Score Lines, and the road ahead (f) Part Six, Captures the international communities that rallied together to battle the pandemic Part Seven, includes the Concluding Observations and Directions of Change (285 pages)