The Difference between Individuals Doing Sports or not in Terms of Their Stress Coping Styles (original) (raw)
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The purpose of this study is to determine the style of coping with stress of man athletes and to compare the style of coping with stress in socio demographic respect. The sample of the study includes a total of 350 young athletes in the branches of boxing, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, taekwondo and weightlifting, participated in Turkey Youth Champions in 2011. In this study,‘stress coping style inventory developed by Folkman and Lazarus is used in order to collect data. SPSS 15 package software was used for the data analysis. The test of Kolmogorov-Smirnov to determine whether the data had a normal distribution , the test of Levene was applied to determine the homogeneity of variances and it was determined that the datas had an homogeneous and normal distribution. descriptive statistictics, to determine the differences between more than two variants and the relationship between the variants one way analysis of variance tukey test were applied in data analysis. At the end of the data analysis there is statistically meaningful differences between optimist approach dimension and sport age variant (p<0,05).
Investigation of Sports High School Students Coping with Stress Levels
The Online Journal of Recreation and Sport, 2016
This study, aims to examine the different variables in how the students in sports high school copes with stress. In this study, screening method has been used and 242 questionnaires were distributed to the participants by the number of students. Out of 204, 201 has been returned. Some of these questionnaires has been without valid reasons, such as incomplete questionnaires are set to leave. In total, 188 of the questionnaires has been found worthy of analysis. Accordingly, 188 participant's information (% 68.6 Male, n=129, %31.4 Female, n=59) was taken into account. Data of this research has been developed by Personal Information Form and Folkman and Lazarus (1980), which was adopted to Turkish by Şahin ve Durak (1995) under the name of Stress Coping Styles Participant's ways to cope with stress has been analyzed depending on their gender, age, income and sportive activities. In this research, a significant difference has been found between coping with stress and gender difference. Female participant's ways of coping with stress has been found rather weaker, then to those of male participants. In contrast, there is no significant difference that is observed between income, physical fitness and age, in terms of coping with stress. Administration board of the school, teachers and the parents of the female students may contribute by education and planning, to female participant's ways of coping with stress.
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 2018
The purpose of this study was to examine determination of attitudes to cope with stress of the students in physical education and sports departments. 305 students from, Ahi Evran University, department of pyhsical education and sports teacher, sports management and coaching education department, was participated in this study..In tghe study 43-item attitude of coping with stress inventory and personal information form was used as a data collection tool. For comparison of the obtained data, distribution, frequency, t test and ANOVA analyses were used. The specific structure of the sport field and the positive mental factors that are brought with it stand as important tools for effective stress fighting. The specific structure of the sport field and the positive mental factors that are brought with it stand as important tools for effective stress fighting.As a result of the statistical analyses attitudes to cope with stress did not Show a statistical difference according to all subscales and in terms of gender, department and of sports type variables.
turkish journal of sport and exercise, 2017
It is the aim of this study is to test the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28 (ACSI-28) developed by Smith et al. (28). Back-translation technique was employed during the process of Turkish translation of ACSI-28. The scale is 28 items instrument which have seven subscales, namely coping with adversity, concentration, coachability, confidence and achievement motivation, goal setting/mental preparation, peaking under pressure, and freedom from worry. Respondents of the ACSI-28 indicate the extent to which they agree with each statement on a four-point Likert scale, ranging from 0 ( Almost never ) to 3 ( Almost always ). Items number 9 and 12 have been removed from the scale, which are not meaningful t value according to the analyze. With the remaining 26 items, the analyzes were repeated. After review, all the items were maintain in place. In order to test the inventory’s reliability, its Cronbach’s Alpha scores was calculated and f...
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An investigation of stress management techniques in group and individual athletes in Rasht City
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Slovenian Journal of Public Health, 2015
Aim. The objective of the study was to examine self-esteem, anxiety level and coping strategies among secondary school students in relation to their involvement in organized sports. Methods. The sample included 280 Slovenian male and female secondary school students aged between 15 and 19 years. The participants completed The Adolescent Coping Scale, the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the PSDQ Selfesteem Scale. Results. Participants engaged in organized sports exhibited higher self-esteem scores and lower anxiety scores in comparison to non-sport participants. Differences between the two groups have also been identified with respect to the use of certain coping strategies. Sport participants reported more productive coping than non-sport participants, which represents an active and problem-focused approach to dealing with everyday problems. Gender differences in the referred variables have also been studied, with female athletes exhibiting higher levels of anxiety than male athletes. Female participants were also found to use more non-productive coping than males, focused mainly on reducing emotional effects of stress. Conclusions. Organized youth sports have an important role in improving and maintaining a favorable sense of self-worth, reducing anxiety, and promoting productive coping strategies in adolescents when dealing with everyday problems.
Comparison of depression, stress and anxiety, between sports person and non-sport persons
International journal of applied research, 2016
The purpose of the study was to compare depression, stress, and anxiety between sports and non-sports persons for this purpose the subject (sports person) were selected from Department of Physical Education (IGIPESS), University Of Delhi, Vikaspuri New Delhi and non-sports person were selected from coaching institute these are preparing for competitive exams. For this study DASS questionnaire was used as a tool to collect the data. The age group of the subject was 20 to 25Years. Descriptive statistic and independent paired “t” test was applied. There was a significant difference in depression and stress between sports and non-sports persons. While the results also revealed that there was no significant difference in anxiety between sports and non-sports person. The significant difference was fixed at 0.05 level.
Validation of the Arabic Version of the Inventory of Coping Strategies of Competitive Sport (ISCCS)
Advances in Physical Education, 2016
The aim of our study is to validate the Arabic version of the inventory of coping strategies of competitive sports (ISCCS) using factor analysis. After critical analyses of adapted sports versions, Gaudreau and Blondin (2002) proposed the ISCCS questionnaire to measure coping strategies in the field of competitive sports (André & Laurencelle, 2010). The ISCCS identify ten coping strategies that are divided in two dimensions: the coping task-oriented and the coping emotion-oriented. 419 athletes (273 men and 146 women; age 16.79 ± 3.82 years, 14 to 34) in different individual and team competitions, volunteered to participate in the study. Data were collected and analyzed for reliability and validity using the test-retest method, reliability, correlation analysis and confirmatory factor analyses. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS version 22.0.0 the IBM AMOS. The confirmatory factor analyses showed good adjustments for coping models of task-oriented (chi-square 359.35, CFI: 0.92; TLI: 0.91; GFI: 0.93; RMSEA: 0.040 and p value < 0.001), and the coping oriented emotion (chi-square 215.45, CFI: 0.93; TLI: 0.91; GFI, 0.94; RMSEA: 0.054 and p < 0.001). In conclusion, ISCCS was translated and validated in various languages, including French, English, Spanish, and Turkish… Arabic version demonstrated good psychometric properties adjustments and can be used in other surveys in the area of sports competition.
Comparison of stress vulnerability among the selected team sports
International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, 2019
The objective of the study is to assess the level of stress and to compare the stress vulnerability among the athletes of different team sports i.e., basketball, volleyball, football and hockey. And, also assess, whether the stress vulnerability in a population have equal variances. Method: For the purpose of the study the total of 112 (28 male from each team sports) were selected. The subjects were Inter-University athletes at National level from different team sports i.e. basketball, volleyball, football and hockey. And the age of the subjects were ranged from 17 to 28. For the assessment of the data on the stress vulnerability of selected athletes the questionnaire "Stress Vulnerability Scale" developed by Lyle H. Miller and Alma Dell Smith (1989), Boston University Medical Centre and also cited by Werner W.K. Hoeger, "Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness". To find out the Stress Level of selected athletes, descriptive statistics was used, and to examine the significance differences of stress vulnerability between selected sports athletes, one way ANOVA was used and the hypothesis was tested at.05 level of significance. Results: the mean and standard deviation of Stress Vulnerability for selected subjects of team sports i.e., basketball (28.607 ± 8.862), volleyball (27.571 ± 7.480), football (25.607 ± 5.685), hockey (25.321 ± 8.563) respectively. The ANOVA results shows that the p-value for stress vulnerability of selected subjects is greater than 0.05 and hence the F-value is insignificant at 5 % level. This show that the selected team sport having similar tolerance of stress caused by training or any other factors related to the training. Conclusion: There is no difference in the stress vulnerability between the selected sports i.e., basketball, volleyball, football and hockey. And however, less level of stress was found in hockey players as comparison to mean score with the others team sports players. The author further suggest that there should be other factors which might bring insignificant difference between the selected team sports and further study can also be done with other sports or increasing subjects or by increasing other psychological variables to make more understanding the real causes of similarities among the selected sports.