Discourse of the Revolution of Dignity: соntents, structure, research methodology [In Ukrainian] (original) (raw)
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In this article, the author deals with the notion of dignity and its influence on human studies in Ukraine. The author suggests that Revolution of Dignity had a big impact on the transformation of understanding the relation between a human being and a state in Ukraine as well as a human being who has freedom, rights, and own subjectivity. These concepts are very important for European Civilization since Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment because they derived from the central notion of the dignity of a human being or a human nature. Revolution of Dignity showed the rise of a subject of Ukrainian man who recognises himself as the independent and free entity. It denied any form of authoritarian rule and therefore desacralized post-soviet state in Ukraine that considered by Ukrainians as the symbiosis of oligarchy, state bureaucracy and criminals. Revolution of Dignity formulated new understanding that state exists for people and it must respect people as the subject.
Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity^ Aggression of the RF and International Law
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The Experience of Revolution (in Ukrainian)
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Archetypical Aspects of Hero Image in Modern Ukrainian Non-Institutional Military Discourse
Social Communications: Theory and Practice, 2021
The aim of the article is to study the specifics of the archetypal aspects of the Hero image in modern Ukrainian non-institutional military discourse. Materials & methods. Discourse analysis was used to identify the characteristics of archetypal images and motifs. The application of psychoanalytic interpretation, the most characteristic feature of which is the accentuation of senses and the assumption of the self-sufficiency of experience, has directed attention to the symbolism of the unconscious, universal meanings and psychological mechanisms inherent in the text. The material for the article was text fragments, photos and comments to them with a total volume of 912 units, which were posted during 2020 on the pages of the social network groups Facebook "Military service - Military Service", "Armed Forces of Ukraine". Results & discussions. Hero-rescuer mythological archetype is at the heart of the Ukrainian non-institutional military discourse. Permanent mytho...
A Discursive Approach to Modern Ukrainian Non-institutional Military Discourse
Social Communications: Theory and Practice, 2021
The aim of the article is to prove the need for discourse analysis for the study of modern Ukrainian non-institutional military discourse; to substantiate the methodological approach in line of discourse analysis to the study of the psychological and social context of the Ukrainian non-institutional military discourse. Materials &methods. The study has used a set of general scientific research methods (analysis, classification, systematization, explanation) in order to analyze scientific sources, to generalize research data, to define concepts. Results &discussions. The scientific interest of social psychology and sociolinguistics is aimed at studying the following aspects of non-institutional military discourse: 1)intentional (intentions, strategies, plans), namely, cultural differentiation, construction and protection of personal identity; 2)mainstreaming (embodiment of intentions in the sign-symbolic space of discourse), for example, appeal to metaphorical models, actualization of the concept WAR and its components; 3)pragmatic, namely, adaptation of military servicemen to combat stress, psychological protection from the destructive effects of a traumatic situation;4)identifying (recognition and understanding of meanings, values, construction of identity), notably, creation of a single cultural and symbolic space of a separate military community, construction of the opposition “friend foe”;5)contextual (expansion of the semantic field on the basis of socio-cultural, historical and other contexts),which is reflected in the information and psychological confrontation during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict;6)emotional, such as the definition of emotional and semantic dominance that is peculiar to military discourse. In this perspective, non-institutional military discourse can serve as a material for studying the goal-setting of ideology in society. Principles of critical discourse analysis developed by T.Van Dijk is especially relevant for the study of the peculiarities of non-institutional military discourse during unjust, aggression wars aimed at conquering foreign countries.Due to the complexity and versatility of non-institutional military discourse it is also necessary to turn to another type of discursive analysis, which has the most empirically oriented approach and allows to focus on extensive psychological issues such as cognition, emotions, attitudes, values, prejudices, memory, motives; namely, discursive psychology.Conclusions. The focus on achieving the most effective and efficient implementation of the study requires recourse to discourse analysis as the main methodological approach. The concept of critical discourse analysis developed by T.Van Dijk and discursive psychology are more relevant for the study of modern Ukrainian non-institutional military discourse.
Революція Гідності і Русская весна. The Revolution of Dignity and “Russian Spring”:
The Revolution of Dignity and “Russian spring”: a critical and philosophical view from the perspective of forming the “Russian world” principle. // The Revolution of Dignity: On Its Way to History Focus Topic Postmodern Revolutions: Maidan in the Context of Global Protest Movements of the Late 20..., 2021
Author considers the process of the Revolution of Dignity within philosophical framework, making an attempt to analyze its fundamental ideas, based on the definition of philosophy as an enterprise of constructing and asserting worldviews and systems of ideas. Author states that every revolution in itself is “tyrannical” event for political consciousness, and that the very naming of any event as revolution pretend to form any metanarrative about something great reality which (de)forms our perception of history and politics. Author tries to avoid biases of retrospective and metaphysical wishing thinking while not ignoring phenomenological authenticity of the very event and of the meaning of actions as it was understood by the very actors. Analyzing fundamental ideas, author describes six levels of these ideas, i.e. domestic policy aspect (and within it, aspect of the right to resisting dictatorship), national liberation aspect, anticolonial, antitotalitarian and civilizational aspects. Author shows these aspects or set of values and motivations have been changed throughout revolutionary process, and different set of values have been dominating in different stages of revolution. The Revolution of Dignity is part or stage of bigger revolutionary transformative process that covers the time from 1990, so it can be named as Maidan-3 after Maidan-1 (1990) and Maidan-2 (2004). This bigger revolutionary process has two dimensions: liberal-democratic and national-liberational, and develops within the context of struggle between Russian or Soviet imperial colonial power and modern Ukrainian nation, former colony and province, fighting for its sovereignty and inclusive institutions. As Russian world taken by definition of “subjective unity of political elites, political and symbolical capital, identity, that forms all-encompassing universal global project aimed at enhancing and expanding Russian power as political subject, and doctrine that provide its ideological legitimation”, is determining factor for course of events of the Revolution, author claims the “Russian spring” is also the part in this course, as a stage of counterrevolution and intervention. The course of revolutionary events in Ukraine is compared with some details of French and American, as well as Russian revolution. Волковський В. Революція Гідності та "русская весна": критично-філософський погляд щодо перспективи формування доктрини "русского мира". // Революція Гідності: на шляху до історії. Відп. ред. І. В. Пошивайло, Л. В. Онишко. – К.: Національний музей Революції Гідності, 2021. С.61-77. The Revolution of Dignity and “Russian spring”: a critical and philosophical view from the perspective of forming the “Russian world” principle. // The Revolution of Dignity: On Its Way to History Focus Topic Postmodern Revolutions: Maidan in the Context of Global Protest Movements of the Late 20th – Early 21st century . Scienсе Forum Of The National Museum Of The Revolution Of Dignity. Collection of research contributions. Volume 2 KYIV: National Memorial to the Heavenly Hundred Heroes and Revolution of Dignity Museum, Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukrainian Catholic University, 2021, 61-77