SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ EĞİTİM FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ Biyoteknoloji ve Genetik Mühendisliği Konusunun Öğretiminde 8. Sınıf (original) (raw)
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İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019
The aim of this study, it has been investigated whether there is significant difference between the knowledge level of science teachers on biotechnology/genetic engineering applications their gender, their field of graduation, duration of experience and taking biotechnology courses. Design & Methodology: The research method was descriptive and crosssectional. The sample of research were 58 science teachers in Malatya. Data collection instruments were researcher made valid and reliable questionnaire which was used to assess demographic information, knowledge level of science teachers. Findings: According to the analysis, there is no significant difference between the knowledge level on biotechnology/genetic engineeering and the gender, the their field of graduation, duration of experience and taking biotechnology courses was found. But, more than half of the science teachers participating in this study did not correctly answer 8 questions of the knowledge test. These questions that were answered incorrectly were mostly related to genetic engineering, genetic modified organisms, cloning and human genome project. Implications & Suggestions: The results show that science teachers do not follow current developments and this problem needs to be solved. This problem can be solved by providing in-service training by field specialists.
DEFENSE OF SILISTRE Nazmiye YOZGAT Erciyes University, Institute of Social Sciences M.Sc. Thesis, June 2014 Supervisor: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Yahya BAGÇEC ABSTRACT Silistre, a province that used to lie along Tuna coastwise and appertained to Ottoman Empire, had played a major role during Crimean War (1853 – 1856) and Ottoman – Russian War due to its strategic, historical and military position. During the crucial periods of Crimean War, it was successfully defended against Russian forces from 15th of May till 25th of June in 1854. Silistre forces which fought under the command of Musa Hulusi Pasha and Mehmet Rifat Pasha, changed the progress of Ottoman – Russian War (1853 – 1856) by defending Silistre against Russian forces. Although Russian military forces attacked with all the powers they had, they could not succeed. English and French commands began to come to the battle area after Sinop raid. By the event which occurred on 13th of June, Russians found out that they could not conquer the castle; they removed the blockade upon Silistre with the help of allied powers and they surrendered the lease of Romania entirely. There was not any land of battle on the coast of Tuna any more. The Austrians and Turks set out to occupy Romania and Turkish soldiers came in to Bucharest boundaries. That is why it became impossible for the allied forces to meet with Russian army. After that Tsarist Russia stayed in defense, allied forces proceeded to attack and Sevastopol front-line gained much more importance. Consequently, with the fall of this castle, Russian exploit which had lasted for two and half years, ended. Silistre defense that occurred at a front line during the war, wore down the Russians in terms of physical and psychological aspects, changed the perspectives of European countries towards the war and avoided the possible operation of Russia to ix Istanbul. Countless epics, anthems and theatre compositions were written down on Silistre triumph. Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid Han bestowed the ones who made contributions to Silistre defense with salaries, medals and stamps. Furthermore, the public of Silistre was granted with a tax offset which lasted for three years after the defense. Key Words: Crimean War, Tuna front line, Silistre, Musa Hulusi Pasha, Mehmet Rifat Pasha. SLSTRE MÜDAFAASI Nazmiye YOZGAT Erciyes Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Haziran 2014 Danısman: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Yahya BAGÇEC KISA ÖZET Tuna boylarında Osmanlı Devleti’ne baglı bir eyalet olan Silistre, basta Kırım Savası (1853-1856) olmak üzere Osmanlı-Rus savaslarında stratejik konumu, tarihî ve askerî yönüyle çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. Kırım Savası’nın kritik bir döneminde 1854 yılının 15 Mayıs’ından 25 Haziran’a kadar Rus kuvvetlerine karsı burada basarılı bir müdafaa yapılmıstır. Musa Hulusi Pasa ve sonrasında Mehmet Rifat Pasa’nın kumandası altındaki Silistre kuvvetleri, Rusları Silistre önlerinde tutarak 1853-1856 Osmanlı-Rus Savası’nın seyrini degistirmistir. Ruslar bütün kuvvetleriyle Silistre kalesine hücum etmislerse de muvaffak olamamıslardır. Sinop baskını sonrasında savasa müdahil olan ngiliz ve Fransız kuvvetleri de harp sahasına gelmeye baslamıslardır. Ruslar, 13 Haziran vakası ile kaleyi zapt edemeyeceklerini anlayınca, arka taraftan Avusturyalıların tehdit gösterileri, ön tarafta da müttefik ordularının harekât girisimi neticesinde Silistre muhasarasını kaldırmıslar ve Romanya’yı tamamıyla tahliye etmislerdir. Tuna kıyılarında artık savas sahası kalmamıstır. Avusturya, Türklerle birlikte Romanya’yı isgal etmeye baslamıs, Türk askeri Bükres sehrine girmistir. Bu sekilde müttefikler için Rus ordusu ile temas ihtimali kalkmıstır. Savas bundan sonra Çarlık Rusya’nın savunmada kaldıgı, müttefiklerin ise taarruzda oldugu Sivastopol cephesinde dügümlenmis ve bu kalenin düsmesiyle 2,5 yıllık Rus serüveni sona ermistir. Savasın yalnızca bir cephesinde cereyan eden Silistre müdafaası, Rusları fiziki ve ruhi bakımdan yıprattıgı gibi, Avrupa devletlerinin savasa bakısını degistirmis, Rusların stanbul üzerine girisecegi bir harekâtı da önlemistir. Silistre zaferi üzerine destanlar, marslar ve bir de önemli tiyatro eseri yazılmıstır. Müdafaa sonrasında Osmanlı padisahı Abdülmecid Han tarafından Silistre müdafaasına katkı saglayanlara vii maas, madalya ve nisan ihsan edilmis ve Silistre halkına da üç yıl vergi muafiyeti getirilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kırım Savası, Tuna Cephesi, Silistre, Musa Hulusi Pasa, Mehmet Rifat Pasa.