Трансатлантическая книга Алена Роб-Грийе и Роберта Раушенберга (original) (raw)

Англофонный диптих о России и русских Вирджинии Вулф и Джона Стейнбека

Studia Rossica Posnaniensia, 2020

The paper deals with the reception of the Russian character (mind and soul) by two prominent anglophone writers: Virginia Woolf and John Steinbeck. Virginia Woolf recognizes the Russians and their soul through the perception of the great Russian masterpieces of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov (The Russian Point of View, essay, 1925); Steinbeck’s A Russian Journal, 1948, presents the Russians as they were observed by the American author in their everyday life, rebuilding their country after WWII. The genre specificity of each work, the differences of time, emotions and purpose of writing, the Russian “experience” of each author, determine a certain heterogeneity of understanding of Russia and Russians; nevertheless, both form a heterogeneous whole of the Anglophone perception.

Фонд Раисы Гуревич-Кроль-Де Кирико-Кальцы (Раисы Лорк) в Гуманитарной библиотеке Сиены

Вестник архивиста, 2018

The article strives to describe the fond of Raissa Calza (1897–1979) in the Library of Humanities of Siena and documents it contains. For this purpose, the author has carried out the following tasks: she has studied Russian and foreign historiography on the issue; she has analyzed sources on the issue; and drawing on these, she has studied the biography of Raisa Calza; she has reviewed the archival fond and analyzed its documents. Having reviewed the historiography, the author comes to the conclusion that the fate of Raisa Calza, her creativity, and scientific work have been poorly studied, especially by Russian historians. There are few articles dedicated to the Calza collection in the Library of Humanities. Studying the sources (personal and business letters, diary, notebooks, memoirs, photographs, scientific works) associated with Raisa and her connections allows to identify their nature and main features and to supplement, clarify, and flesh out the biography of Raissa Calza. These documents are sources on more than everyday life and microhistory. They can be used in studying the history of Russian emigration, of Russian-Italian cultural relations, of archeology. The fate of Raisa Calza is interesting in itself, as a fate of a woman, an individual, amidst historical events of the 20th century. The hronological frameworks of the study coincide with the chronology of Raisa Calza’s documents preserved in the Siena’s library (1900s–1970s). The article includes an overview of the creation of the archive in the Library of Humanities of Siena and that of the Raissa Calza fond, which came into existence when she donated her documents to the Library in 1970s. The article studies the structure of the Raissa Calza fond: boxes I, VI – letters, postcards, telegrams, dairy, history of Gourevitch, Tumarkin and Frenkley families; II–IV – ‘Ostia’ containing materials on the excavations of Antic Ostia; V – various documents, boxes of photos. The author concludes that these sources should be introduces into scientific use. The collection proves that documents on Russian history are available not only in central state archives and private collections, but also in universities. It challenges historians to start researching universities libraries and archives. The reign archives containing documents of Raissa Calza.

"Смерть книги" на закате эпохи Гутенберга

‘THE DEATH OF THE BOOK’ AT THE THE END OF THE GUTENBERG ERA The paper considers the book as a philosophical, cultural, literary and communicative phenomenon. The essence of the book as a mean of communication is revealed. Current trends in the replacement of the book as a kind of integrity by various elements of hypertext virtual reality are analyzed. It is concluded that the book in communicative philosophy turns a person to the Other face to face. Examples of understanding the concept of book in the Middle Ages are given on the by analysis of the Crimean Tatar mystical works. It is pointed out that it is impossible to link the phenomenon of a book in the postmodern cultural space to a material form with the simultaneous importance of preserving the essence of the book as some kind of integral message turned by the author to the Other. The whole text of the book is seen as a factor in establishing the connection with the Other. Key words: the book. the Gutenberg era, communication theory, wholeness, hypertext, postmodern, Sufism, the death of the author

«Нераздельность» трансценденталий- Филипп Канцлер, Александр Гэльский, Бонавентура.pdf

В статье проводится анализ употребления термина «нераздельность» (indivisio) в определениях трансценденталий (понятий «единое», «истинное», «благое») у Филиппа Канцлера и первых выдающихся францисканских магистров — Александра Гэльского и Бонавентуры (использование термина «нераздельность» (indivisio) при определении трансценденталий было отличительной чертой францисканского подхода к этой проблеме и сигнализирует о влиянии на него идей Филиппа Канцлера). Основное внимание уделяется развитию термина «нераздельность», устанавливается его роль в обосновании тезиса об обратимости трансценденталий у упомянутых авторов, про- слеживается то, как развитие понятия indivisio способствовало появлению и развитию в учении о трансценденталиях гносеологического и антропологического аспектов.

"Муки совести" Августа Стриндберга - муки переводчика (и исследователя)

shagi, 2019

The paper deals with 6 different translations of August Strindberg’s short story Samvetsqval (Pains of Consciousness), 1885, namely two French ones, two Russian ones and one German, published between 1885 and 1919. The focus is put on translation strategies, the way the author influences the process of translation, the relationship between different versions and the — sometime dramatic — changes a literary text can undergo when the translation is not made from the original but uses a “relay”— text. In Strindberg’s story, the hero, a Prussian officer, orders the execution of French partisans taken prisoners in 1871, is tormented by remorse, becomes mad, recovers his mental health in a Suisse sanatorium and become a convinced pacifist dreaming about a Union of European Nations. The first French translation was complete, whereas the second one omitted half of the story, since it was made not from the original, but from a German version that also was incomplete. Nevertheless Strindberg was satisfied with the result, because after the nine years that passed after the publication of the original he was no longer interested in social questions which occupied his mind in 1885. Moreover, in the new “decadent” context the accent put on the individual psyche instead of the pacifist theme seemed to him more appropriate. The Russian translation published in 1919 also takes considerable liberties with the original text: the long humanistic monolog, “highlight” of the story, is no long pronounced by a priest, but by a innkeeper.


Французский ежегодник, 2022

The author of article analyzes the book of the eminent French sociologist and publicist Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu (1842-1912) «The Empire of the Tsars and the Russians» (1881-1888), published in three volumes in the wake of the Franco-Russian rapprochement. Traditionally the works of Leroy-Beaulieu are perceived in foreign and Russian historiography as an ideological basis of the Franco-Russian alliance. Leroy-Beaulieu himself is considered as a researcher who suggested a new view of Russia and a new direction in Russian studies. However, does Leroy-Beaulieu's book differ so radically from the works of his predecessors? Does it really contain a completely new look at Russia and Russians, and for this reason it has become popular and widely read? Based on a comparative analysis of the book by Leroy-Beaulieu and the works of his predecessors, the author of article concludes that Leroy-Beaulieu's break with the previous tradition was not so obvious, and his conclusions were not so innovative. Far from idealizing Russia, Leroy-Beaulieu treated this country with great sympathy, although the traditional view through the optics of superiority is often traced in his approach. Therefore, Russia for Leroy-Beaulieu is a realm of «lacunae and gaps» that can be meliorated with the correct use of Western experience. The author of article concludes also that in the period of Franco-German tension and the emerging Russian French rapprochement, the book of Leroy-Beaulieu fell into place and time. That is why it was well accepted because it contained a new, friendly, and objective view on the great, immense, but not at all terrible Russia. Keywords: A. Leroy-Beaulieu, «The Empire of Tsars and the Russians», rossika, image studies, stereotypes of mutual perception, Franco-Russian relations in the late 19 th century "Империя царей и русские" А. Леруа-Болье