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Acta Paedagogica Volynienses
У статті порушується проблема, викликана потребою суспільства у формуванні сучасного молодого покоління. Мета статті полягає у висвітленні впливу криз психовікового розвитку на виникнення негативної поведінки у дітей дошкільного віку. Виокремлено, проаналізовано погляди та узагальнено ідеї відомих дослідників щодо порушеної проблеми дослідження. У разі несприятливого перебігу кризи необхідно здійснювати психолого-педагогічний супровід дитини дошкільного віку, актуальність якого підвищуватиметься у зв'язку з акцентуванням на завданнях позитивної соціалізації, що простежується в освітніх програмах дітей дошкільного віку. Найбільш поширеними негативними проявами, які спостерігаються у дошкільному віці, є: примхливість, впертість, агресія, афективні спалахи, істерики, страхи, неслухняність, нечесність, жадібність, замкнутість, сором’язливість, кожен з яких має певні особливості прояву. Суттєвими є й інші симптоми криз у дітей, такі як негативізм, впертість, емоційне збудження, норов...
Sententiae, 2013
Alexander Pustovit “The Reason Seeks the God ...”: Evolution of Pushkin`s Religious and Philosophical Views from the French Skepticism to German Idealism The article is devoted to the ideological evolution of Pushkin : from skepticism (bordering with atheism) – to religiosity. In this regard, the pagan antiquity as a whole (and skepticism generated by it, in particular), as well as the Christian culture are the two equal important ISSN 2075-6461. Sententiae, 2013, № 2 (XXIX) 63 Александр Пустовит sources of Pushkin's creative work. In this research the author proves the following theses: 1) the mature Pushkin `s works are deeply akin to Goethe's ones, his position in the history of Russian literature is isomorphic to that of Goethe in the history of German literature 2) the position of the majority of Pushkin scholars who argued that the poet despised " German metaphysics", is based on selective quotations and therefore wrong 3) towards the end of his life Pushkin inclined to German idealism, and some of his works of the 1830`s have sonata (dialectical in nature) form; some of them are built as a dialogue of opposites 4) the commonplaces of the modern Pushkin`s myths (Pushkin Voltairean, monarchist, an Orthodox-Christian) are the consequence of a unilateral approach 5) only holistic reconstruction of his philosophical and religious beliefs makes it possible to interpret his masterpieces adequately. Alexander Pustovit, Ph.D. in physics & mathematics, professor at the Department of philosophy in Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Kyiv)
Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 12. Psychological Sciences. Issue 16 (61). 2021., 2020
The article exposes the phenomenon of parental burnout, which is insufficiently studied in national science. The phenomenon of emotional burnout is usually studied in regards to work, especially in service occupations (“helping professions”). Nonetheless, it is found that burnout can develop in other domains, including parenting. Even though parenting is not considered a professional occupation, society’s demands towards parents and their responsibilities are incredibly high and are growing every day. Parents are not prepared for many of them. People’s deteriorating living standards, lack of political and economic stability, and the newly a newly emerged challenge of a global pandemic all cause excessive and prolonged stress in parents that may lead to parental burnout. The aim of the study is to present a theoretical analysis on parental burnout phenomenon and also substantiate importance of an exploration of the parental burnout in Ukraine.To achieve the aim of the study, the arti...
Перспективи та інновації науки
The article presents a general description of scientific views on Журнал «Перспективи та інновації науки» (Серія «Педагогіка», Серія «Психологія», Серія «Медицина» № 3(3) 2021 293 activities; experience is an activity of establishing a connection with the world, which is derived from self-assessment and is carried out on the basis of the existing emotional and somatic state.
The method for approximate evaluation of matrix valued functional integrals with a small parameter b in the differential equation for the transition function is proposed. This method is based on the approximation of a chronologically ordered exponent by usual exponents. Предложен метод приближенного вычисления матричнозначных функциональных интегралов при малых значениях параметра b, входящего в дифференциальное уравнение для переходной функции. Этот метод основывается на аппроксимации хронологически упорядоченной экспоненты обычными экспонентами.
The subject of this article is higher education of persons with socio-functional differences, which include the prisoners, the object – differentiated social-psychological approaches to their resocialization. Requires upgrading of the entire system of Yiwu and social work on the correction of the prisoners, the differentiation of socio-psychological impact, depending on the degree of criminological the personality of the convict. Among the most effective forms of correctional social work called specially created in places of deprivation of liberty field of subject development, which is for prisoners who are capable of learning, and a prerequisite for inclusive education of a new type, able to form their socio-professional identity, based on a new moral and behavioral positions, to change the social status and role in society. A differentiated approach in social work aimed at determining the social and psychological reserves of each prisoner, determine the ability to change their social roles based on personal reincarnation, change of axiological orientation of the personality, conditions of learning.