A Genealogy of 'Ilal Al-Hadîth Study (Tracing the Historical Root Gene of Existence and Development The Study of 'Ilal Al-Hadith (original) (raw)

Ali Mustafa Ya’Qub: Criticism of Problematic Hadith and Its Contribution to the Development of the Study of Hadith in Indonesia

LISAN AL-HAL: Jurnal Pengembangan Pemikiran dan Kebudayaan

This article discusses Ali Mustafa Ya'qub's criticism of the popular hadiths in society and their contribution to the development of hadith studies in Indonesia. Ali Mustafa Ya'qub tested the authenticity of these problematic hadiths by combining sanad and matan criticism. The results of this study comprehend Ali Mustafa Ya'qub's method of understanding a hadith by referring to the hadith Takhrij, namely by referring to the work of Mahmud Thahhan. In addition, he also often performs ijtihad independently in determining the quality of hadith, namely by looking at the opinions of mutaqaddimin, mutaakhkhirin and contemporary scholars. Ali Mustafa Ya'qub's contribution to the study of hadith in Indonesia can be seen based on his critical attitude when he studied and criticized the work of orientalists, namely Ignaz Goldziher, Juynboll, Joseph Schact and David Samuel Margolioth as well as scholars who went against the flow. He also verified the hadith and ...

Hadith Book of Middle Age : The Study of

This paper attempts to describe and analyze one of the anthologies or secondary hadith books of medieval, namely al-Targīb wa al-Tarhīb by al-Munżirī (581-656 H). This book has quite a lot of hadith, so it is natural that the quality is varied, sahih, hasan, and daif (with various forms). Al-Targīb wa al-Tarhīb can be categorized as a book of adab or morality of a Muslim that can be a provision of life in the world and the hereafter. The Hadiths contained in the book contain quite complex themes or topics, ranging from life in the world and the hereafter. But what is certain is that the book al-Targīb wa al-Tarhīb was written not at the initiative of al-Munżirī himself, but was a request from one of his students. After praying or asking God for guidance, some time later he was willing to write the book. Al-Munżirī did not just include the quoted hadiths, but also gives an assessment and explains the words that are considered difficult to be understood. Thus, he has also conducted research on hadith.

PRESERVING HADITH TRADITION IN THE MODERN TIMES: Muhammad Yâsîn al-Fâdânî’s Thought on Sanad in His al-‘Ujâlah fi al-Ahâdîth al-Musalsalah

Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies

Abstrak: Melestarikan Tradisi Hadis di Era Modern: Pemikiran Muhammad Yâsîn al-Fâdânî tentang Sanad dalam Kitab al-‘Ujâlah fi al-Ahâdîth al-Musalsalah. Selepas kesempurnaan tadwîn (pembukuan hadis), periwayatan hadis bersanad telah berubah menjadi sekadar tradisi formalistik. Sanad hadis telah beralih fungsi daripada penentu status hadis kepada sekadar simbol keberkatan. Namun begitu, apabila kalangan reformis abad modern terlihat merendahkan kepentingan sanad, kalangan tradisionalis tetap melihat sanad dan tradisi periwayatan sebagai sesuatu yang mesti dilestarikan. Salah seorang daripada mereka ialah Muhammad Yâsîn al-Fâdânî (w. 1990), seorang ulama Nusantara yang namanya sering diiringi dengan gelaran musnid al-‘ashr (musnid semasa yang terulung). Artikel ini akan mengkaji pandangan beliau mengenai konsep sanad dan relevansi periwayatan hadis bersanad di abad modern. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan mengaplikasi metode analisis dokumen dan sejarah dengan penumpuan kepada buk...

The Hidayat Al-Habib Fi Al-Targhib Wa Al- Tarhib: A Pioneer Work Of Hadith In Malay Archipelago By Al-Raniri


This article presents an investigation on a part played by al-Raniri in disseminating Hadith teaching in Malay Region. Special attention is given to his techniques of writing Hadith in order to facilitate a better understanding of the Hadith to Malay readers and also his connections with his teachers and the chains of his teachers with leading Islamic scholars in the Middle East. In the interest of validity and reliability, the study provides multiple sources of evidence including in-depth interviews with expert in the field of seventeenth century education and biographers of the great scholar. Also, from previous documentations and content analysis. The study is qualitative and the approach is hermeneutic. This article upon the earliest Hadith writing in the Malay world would assist in understanding, the importance of Hadith in Malay-Islamic history and its recognition by the devout and how it came to be regarded as part of Islamic Scripture.

Siradjuddin Abbas’ Contribution in the Study of Hadith in Indonesia

Jurnal Ushuluddin

This research was proposed by Siradjuddin Abbas who in some literature is not known as a hadith figure. He is better known as a prominent Indonesian theologian and fiqh expert. In fact, the thoughts and contributions of Siradjuddin Abbas in the study of hadith can be traced in his various works. This study aimed to reveal the contribution of Siradjuddin Abbas in the study of hadith. The descriptive-analytical method and the biographical approach were used to answer the questions: 1) whether Siradjuddin Abbas can be said to be a hadith figure, and 2) what is the contribution of Siradjuddin Abbas in the study of hadith in Indonesia. The results of the study indicated that; 1) Siradjuddin Abbas is not only a theologian and fuqahā’ but also a figure in Indonesian hadith. Although he did not write a specific hadith book, Siradjuddin Abbas’s thoughts on hadith are scattered in his various works. He was a collector, commentator and eristic of hadith in written and oral. 2) The roles and th...

Konstruk Syarah Hadits Ahkam (Syarh Ahadits Al-Ahkam) Dan Format Pembelajarannya DI Perguruan Tinggi: Sebuah Tawaran Metodologis

Al-Mashlahah Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial, 2018

This paper offers a methodological offer in relation to the format of the study of Hadith Ahkam Course (Ahâdîts Al-Ahkâm) in Higher Education. The exact nomenclature for the Hadith Ahkam course is Syarah Ahkam (Syarh Ahâdîts Al-Ahkâm). During this time, Syarh Ahâdîts Al-Ahkâm has not been studied deeply about the substance of his legal ahadith and its construct is seen not clear until it seems is too much expose his hadiths but minimal explanation or interpretation (syarh). This impact on the format of learning Syarh Ahâdîts Al-Ahkâm which is felt still not structured and directed the purpose. Therefore, the construct in Syarh Ahâdîts al-Ahkâm should consist of two scope (objectivity) of the discussion, namely the law of worship (fiqh al-'ibâdah, al-'ibâdât) and interactional muamalah law (fiqh al-mu'amalah, al-mu'âmalât) for example with the main reference of the book of Bulûgh Al-Marâm min Adillah Al-Ahkâm by Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqalânî Al-Syâfi'î or other works by studying about 3-5 hadiths which are sub sections in each chapter. As for the format of learning, it can be applied scientific-applicative steps in the preparation of scientific papers for learning which includes the determination of the theme of hadith, the writing of Had teksth text and its translation, takhrîj al-hadîts, vocabulary (mufradât), biographical narrator, historical background of hadith (asbâb wurûd al-hadîts) if any, explanation or interpretation (syarh) hadith, and the conclusion of the law or avail of his hadith. ABSTRAK Makalah ini mengajukan tawaran metodologis berkaitan dengan format pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Hadits Ahkam (Ahâdîts Al-Ahkâm) di Perguruan Tinggi. Nomenklatur yang tepat bagi mata kuliah Hadits Ahkam adalah Syarah Hadits Ahkam (Syarh Ahâdîts Al-Ahkâm). Selama ini, Syarh Ahâdîts Al-Ahkâm belum banyak dikaji secara mendalam tentang substansi hadits-hadits hukumnya dan konstruknya pun terlihat belum jelas hingga yang tampak adalah terlalu banyak mengekspos haditshaditsnya namun minim penjelasan atau interpretasinya (syarh). Hal ini berimbas terhadap format pembelajaran Syarh Ahâdîts Al-Ahkâm yang dirasakan masih belum terstruktur dan terarah tujuannya. Karena itu, konstruk dalam Syarh Ahâdîts Al-Ahkâm sebaiknya terdiri dari dua ruang lingkup (objektifitas) pembahasannya, yaitu hukum ibadah (fiqh al-'ibâdah, al-'ibâdât) dan hukum muamalah interaksional (fiqh al-mu'âmalah, al-mu'âmalât) misalnya dengan referensi utama kitab Bulûgh Al-Marâm min Adillah Al-Ahkâm karya Ibn Hajar Al-"Asqalânî Al-Syâfi"î atau karya lainnya dengan mengkaji sekitar 3-5 hadits saja yang menjadi subbab dalam tiap babnya. Adapun format pembelajarannya, maka dapat diterapkan langkah ilmiah-aplikatif dalam penyusunan karya ilmiah untuk pembelajaran yang meliputi penentuan tema hadits, penulisan teks hadits dan terjemahannya, takhrîj al-hadîts, kosakata (mufradât), biografi perawi, latar historis hadits (asbâb wurûd al-hadîts) bila ada, penjelasan atau interpretasi (syarh) hadits, dan kesimpulan hukum atau faedah haditsnya.

The Contribution of Muhammad Mahfuzh Al-Tarmasi to the Hadith Studies in Indonesia

Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya, 2019

This study examines the contribution of Mahfuzh Al-Tarmasi, Javanese-born scholars, who live in Mecca in Hadith studies in Indonesia. This study employs a qualitative method with a historical approach to trace al-Tarmasi contribution in Hadith studies in Indonesia. After analyzing the primary and secondary sources, this study shows that Mahfuzh Al-Tarmasi is one of the prominent Islamic scholars of Indonesia in the nineteenth century who have contributed greatly and significantly to the study of hadith and the science of Hadith (‘ilm al-riwāyat) in Indonesia. The contribution of Mahfuzh Al-Tarmasi can be seen by the fact that he had so many students who learned Hadith and the science of Hadith from him, not only from Indonesia but also from abroad such as Malaysia, India and other countries. He also produced works in the field of Hadith and the science of Hadith. Besides that, he had explained the book Alfiyyah Al-Suyūṭī by the title Manhaj Dhawī al-Nazhar: Sharḥ Manzhūmah ‘Ilm al-Ā...

Seni Suara Dalam Islammenurut Pandangan Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah Danismail Raji Al-Faruqi


Seni suara merupakan salah satu bentuk kreatifitas yang menggunakan media suara sekaligus menjadi bagian dari seni musik. Di zaman modern ini, seni suara sudah sangat di kenal dan menjadi fenomena tersendiri. Pasalnya seni suara sendiri menjadi bagian dari kesenian yang tidak bisa difilter sehingga mampu dikonsumsi segala lapisan masyarakat. Dengan merebaknya seni suara secara besar-besaran ini seni suara tidak hanya memberikan dampak positiftetapi ia juga membawa dampak negatif, sehingga tidak heran banyak yang menyalahgunakan seni suara sebagai media maksiyat yang membawa kesesatan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah library research, yang menggunakan literaturliteratur berupa kitab, jurnal, buku, kamus, dan karya pustaka lain yang berkaitan dengan obyek kajian. Sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analitis-komparatif, yakni menguraikan data-data yang berkaitan dengan seni suara menurut Ibnu Qayyim dan Ismail Raji. Kemudian melihat aspek apa saja yang digunakan oleh kedua tokoh terkait...

Puitisasi Ajaran Islam: Analisis Tekstual Nadoman Akhlak karya Kiai Muhyidin Limbangan (1903-1980)

Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan

This article will discuss the work of a scholar who has never been mentioned in Islamic literature in West Java. He is Kiai Muhyidin from Limbangan, Garut. His work is called Nazmul Hujah, or commonly referred to among santri as Nadoman Akhlak. The selection of this work is mainly due to the absence of a special study of the author and his work. In fact, this work is interesting enough to be studied further because it shows the author's attempt to translate the great works of Imam al-Ghāzāli, Iḥyā 'ulum al-din, even though only a small part of it is in Sundanese, and in poetic form. This research will first discuss in passing the terms nadoman, pupujian, and syi'iran. Then, the author will introduce the biography of Kiai Muhyidin through a review of the text in the Den Maki collection autograph script and interview. Finally, one of his works, Nadoman Akhlak, will be explored through textual analysis. In the broader Sundanese-Islamic context, this work is another example of the indigenous efforts of Islam as a Sundanese identity, through efforts to translate Arabic works into languages that were easily understood by Sundanese santri's.