RFID Controlled “GG” Pieces Ranking Detection with Watch-Dog Enable (original) (raw)

Chess IoT

IRJET, 2023

This paper presents the design and development of an electronic Chess board with embedded LEDs and magnetic sensors. The board is capable of detecting and displaying the possible moves of a piece when lifted, along with other Chess rules. The project was completed by an individual with no prior experience in electronics hardware or software development under his teachers' guidance, using an Arduino microcontroller and coded in C++. Technical challenges included scaling the number of sensors and LEDs, managing the 64 sensors and RGB LEDs with limited Arduino I/O pins, and implementing the various rules of chess. The resulting electronic Chess board is portable, features a traditional look with a wooden frame and painted glass top, and has a power bank with up to 5 hours of supply output. Its features include chess rules like hit another piece, castling, check, pawn switch at the end, and en-passant etc. Overall, this project provides an example of how emerging technologies can be used to enhance and modernize traditional games while providing a unique and interactive experience for players.

Energy Consumption in the Chess WSN: A MoDeST Case Study


Abstract In this chapter we demonstrate the use of MoDeST, as introduced in the previous chapter, by means of a case study carried out in the Quasimodo project. We analyse the energy efficiency of a Wireless Sensor Network MAC protocol, gMAC for short, which was patented by the Dutch company CHESS BV.

RFID Technology and its Applications


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one of the most exciting techniques. the aim of this Paper is to analyze RFID technology and its applications. This paper gives a brief information Principles of RFID, tag and classification of readers, use of frequencies, current application, as well as the advantages and limitations. The objective of this letter is to analyze the current development and future realm technology. A smart meter helps the consumer to know the power consumption of equipment in his respective houses. The objective of this research work is to measure and analyze power consumption by using a smart meter data by conducting case studies on different homes. In addition to saving electricity, smart meter data shows the behavior of devices in the behavior of consumers. Because the power consumption is increasing in the day because the consumption pattern should be given more attention to understanding that the consumption and analysis of consumption is required over time. In the case of developing countries, the technology to employ smart power meters is still unaware of many common people and power utilities. Therefore, there is a great need to save energy by installing these meters. Considering the behavior of consumers, reducing energy expenditure and its correlation with power spot prices have led to this research. The method used to analyze the outcome of this study has been demonstrated using case analysis, ARMMA model XLSTAT equipment and a flattening technique. Based on the valuation results provided in research, the hypothesis is achieved to change the behavior of consumers when they have better control over habits.

Para ESSU Game using Performant Internet of Things (IoT)

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2020

Eastern Samar State University Salcedo Campus envisions to be an academic paradise in this side of the country. Like any organization it encounters environmental problems like improper garbage disposal. It aimed to design and develop and test a ParaESSU game. A waterfall model of software development was utilized on the creation of the game. Planning, conceptualization and data gathering were the activities in designing, interface design and coding followed to insure the system's functionality. The game was evaluated using the ISO 9126-1 Quality Model and System Usability Scale (SUS) to show that the game was technically and operationally effective. Every after testing the game was updated to conform to the suggestions made by the evaluators. Results showed that the game can now be utilized and ready for deployment. SUS showed high scale which means that first time user can play the game without any demonstration and guidance. Further studies must be directed to add details not specified in the game and to further enhance its structure.