Politics in the Origins: The Making of Corporate Law in Nineteenth-Century Brazil (original) (raw)
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Brazilian law and legal culture in the XIX th century
Brazililan Law and Legal Culture in the XIX Century, 2018
After reviewing the place of legal history in Brazilian legal academia, and the theoretical basis of its recent development in the author's own work, the paper takes two paradigmatic fields of legal culture in 19 th century Brazil: the organization of the Judicial Power and the establishment of an Administrative Jurisdiction. Both reflect the importance of liberal conservative ideals in monarchical Brazil, and at the same time the importance of debates concerning the very idea of law and justice. The last two sections try to show how legal scholars were involved in these debates. Brasilianisches Recht und Rechtskultur im 19. Jahrhundert. Nach der Verortung von Rechtsgeschichte in der brasilianischen Rechtswissenschaft und der theoretischen Basis in der jüngsten Entwicklung in der eigenen Arbeit des Autors greift dieser Gastbeitrag zwei paradig-matische Felder der Rechtskultur im Brasilien des 19. Jahrhunderts auf: die Organisation der Judikative und die Gründung einer Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit. Beide spiegeln die Bedeutung liberal-konservativer Ideale im monarchischen Brasilien wider und zugleich die Bedeutung von Debatten über die Idee von Recht und Gerechtigkeit. Die letzten beiden Abschnitte versu-chen zu zeigen, wie Rechtswissenschaftler an diesen Debatten beteiligt waren. Legal scholarship and law itself have changed dramatically in the second half of the 20 th century. The creation of constitutional courts in several jurisdictions , the incorporation of social, welfare, and identity rights in constitutions , globalization, the presence of a transnational network of private actors in business transactions, the appeal to constant institutional borrowings and transplant across national borders, and finally the rise of the virtual world, all of these are important factors in the process of social and legal change. Legal theory has entered into a fruitful dialogue with new epistemological trends, such as analytical and hermeneutical philosophies 1). Legal historiography has also felt the influence of different strands of theory, many of them shaped *) Law School, University of São Paulo 1) In line with the wittgensteinian tradition as suggested by John Searle and the hermeneutic tradition of H.-G. Gadamer, particularly the way both traditions converge in the work of K a rl-O t t o A p el , starting with Transformation der Philo-DIESE DATEI DARF NUR ZU PERSÖNLICHEN ZWECKEN UND WEDER DIREKT NOCH INDIREKT FÜR ELEKTRONISCHE PUBLIKATIONEN DURCH DIE VERFASSERIN ODER DEN VERFASSER DES BEITRAGS GENUTZT WERDEN. BEITRAG AUS: ZEITSCHRIFT DER SAVIGNY-STIFTUNG FÜR RECHTSGESCHICHTE, GERMANISTISCHE ABTEILUNG
Economic Development and the Legal Foundations of Regulation in Brazil
The Law and Development Review, 2013
The paper describes the evolution of legal ideas underlying authoritative discourse used as grounds for changes in economic policy in Brazil. It examines the role of legal ideas in the shaping of policy since the rise of enlarged administrative power in the nineteenth century to the emergence of the developmentalist state in the 1930s, to pro-market reforms of the mid-1990s and early twenty-first century. A description of the contrasts between three major clusters of legal ideas is offered, covering: imported French-style legal doctrinalism in the “classical liberal” era (1850–1930), changes introduced by the administrative law of the “old developmentalism” (1930–1980), and imported Anglo-Saxon legal and economic concepts of the pro-market reforms phase (1990–2000).
Resumo O fenômeno da judicialização da política tem sido objeto de intenso debate na academia nos últimos vinte anos, envolvendo diferentes abordagens que divergem quanto à existência do fenômeno, suas razões e a extensão de seus efeitos. A literatura jurídica sobre o tema discorre sobre suas origens sociológicas (como o desencanto da democracia), políticas (como o enfraquecimento do legislativo) e jurídicas (como o aumento do acesso à justiça e a justiciabilidade dos direitos sociais), enquanto estudos na ciência política dão ênfase em aspectos institucionais, descrevendo a judicialização como resultado das opções estratégicas dos atores envolvidos diante das contingências institucionais existentes. Este artigo se situa na última corrente, tendo como objetivo descrever a construção da variável institucional, isto é, da estrutura político-normativa que dá subsídio ao comportamento dos diversos atores envolvidos. Assim, propõe-se uma revisão da literatura sobre as origens da judicialização da política no Brasil que explicitam o contexto do surgimento do controle de constitucionalidade no modelo institucional norte-americano e sua posterior recepção no desenho constitucional brasileiro. Concluímos que as sucessivas modificações constitucionais levaram ao funcionamento, no Brasil, de um controle de constitucionalidade com tendências centralizadoras (âmbito federativo), com um súbito alargamento no número de legitimados na Constituição de 1988, variável institucional que poderia explicar o incremento no volume e na extensão do controle de constitucionalidade abstrato exercido pelo STF. Palavras-chave: Controle de Constitucionalidade. Supremo Tribunal Federal. Suprema Corte norte-americana. Judicialização da Política. Origens. Abstract The judicialization of politics has been subject of intense academic debate in the last two decades. There are different approaches diverging about its extent, reasons and even about its own existence as phenomenon. Mainstream legal literature describe judicialization as outcome for sociological (e.g. delusion with
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, 2021
The article analyzes the elaboration of the Brazilian civil code of 1916 as part of a broader political project of Republican modernization, focusing on the relation between private law, politics and economics in Brazil at the turn of the 20th century. The basic argument is that the consolidation of the Republican regime during the presidency of Campos Sales (1898–1902) provided the institutional conditions that paved the way for the codification of civil law. From the political perspective, parliamentary debates indicate that the civil code draft quickly turned into an instrument of political bargain and opposition to the president’s authority. From the legal point of view, the paper argues that, contrary to the prevailing view in Brazilian private law scholarship, the code represented a real attempt to break with the old order and create the conditions for a private law system based on equal juridical freedom. Finally, the paper explores the connections between the reform of legal methodology and legislative modernization, pointing both at the normative principles guiding the civil code elaboration and at the opposition it was faced with in Brazilian society.
Revista de Estudos Empíricos em Direito, 2016
This article is about the field of socio-legal studies and the sociology of the field. This division enables working with two dimensions of the author’s socio-legal scholarly personality, especially as it relates to Brazil. It is going to try to describe, not prescribe, and the description is very preliminary. It is in part meant to provoke responses and criticisms that will make the description better. Part one examines the rise and to some extent fall of the field of socio-legal studies in the United States. Part two will examine and make a preliminary contrast to a kind of parallel and contrasting story in Brazil. Part three moves to a different approach, a more sociological approach, focusing on lawyers as a point of entry into issues of law and state. Part four is the most tentative part of this talk as it a very preliminary contrast of the U.S. story with what I know preliminarily about Brazil in relation to the same issues of the place of law, elite production, hegemony, and...
Brazilian Legal Culture: From the Tradition of Exception to the Promise of Emancipation
[This is just a preview of the paper. The full paper is avaiable at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11196-015-9449-2\] This article investigates the existence of an original Brazilian legal culture. It parts from a critical examination of the key moments in the history of Brazil through the accounts of its most important scholars, such as Caio Prado Junior, Darcy Ribeiro, Sergio Buarque de Holanda, Wilson Martins, Oliveira Viana, Roberto Damatta, Jose Murilo de Carvalho, among others. It identifies in the Brazilian legal culture something one might call tradition of exception, which can be found in many of its most prominent aspects, such as the persistent denial of any general or abstract regulatory standards, the uncritical introduction of foreign doctrines and legal patterns, the maintenance of aristocratic traditions in social life and the historical disregard of the Brazilian people as political subject. The article also offers a reflection on the problems and potentials of the current historic moment, in which for the first time Brazilians face the possibility of a genuine cultural emancipation.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Schröder (Berlin) Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Haferkamp (Köln) Prof. Dr. Albrecht Cordes (Frankfurt a. M.) Prof. Dr. Mathias Schmoeckel (Bonn) Prof. Dr. Andreas Thier (Zürich) Prof. Dr. Franck Roumy (Paris) Prof. Dr. Emanuele Conte (Rom) Prof. Dr. Massimo Meccarelli (Macerata) Prof. Dr. Michele Luminati (Rom) Prof. Dr. Stefano Solimano (Milano) Prof. Dr. Martin Josef Schermaier (Bonn) Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Hermann (München) Prof. Dr. Thomas Duve (Frankfurt a. M.) Prof. Dr. Manuel Martínez Neira (Madrid) Prof. Dr. D. Fernando Martínez Pérez (Madrid) Prof. Dr. Marju Luts-Sootak (Tartu) Prof. Dr. Heikki Pihlajamäki (Helsinki)