Propagation modelling for indoor wireless communication

Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal, 1995

It is important to characterise the indoor radio propagation channel to ensure satisfactory performance of a wireless communication system. Site measurements can be costly; propagation models have been developed as a suitable low-cost alternative. The existing models can be classified into two major classes: statistical models and site-specific propagation models. Statistical models rely on measurement data; site-specific propagation models are based on electromagnetic-wave propagation theory. The ray-tracing technique is very useful in site-specific propagation modelling. This paper gives an overview of indoor propagation modelling and concentrates on a discussion of the raytracing modelling technique because of its practical appeal and its applicability t o any environment.

D-Model: A new perspective for modeling radio signal propagation in indoor environment

There are different approaches towards estimating the signal strength in indoor environment, which includes models such as empirical and deterministic models. Empirical Models are simple but less accurate whereas deterministic models have more accuracy but much more complex. In this paper we have identified some limitations of the most widely used empirical model i.e. 'Wall Attenuation Model' and presented a new empirical model called 'D-Model' to reduce the errors in earlier empirical models. D-model proposed that a single wall do not always attenuate the signal with constant dB loss but it varies with the distance of transmitter as well. D-model considers the wall not as a constant attenuation element but as an increase in the transmitter to receiver distance with a factor called 'D-factor'. We proved that D-model gives much more accurate signal strength estimations as compared to Wall Attenuation Model.

An Investigation on the Effects of Wall Parameters on the Indoor Wireless Propagations

2007 5th Student Conference on Research and Development, 2007

The type of the construction materials of the interior walls of the indoor environments plays a great role in the propagation of the transmitted signals inside the buildings. A comparison of calculated and simulated Fresnel reflection and transmitted coefficients at 2.4 GHz and 900 MHz for a variety of typical exterior building surfaces has been achieved. The effect of the different types of wall on the path loss prediction had been conducted by using a ray tracing program with real time reflection and refraction phenomena.

Statistical characterization of a partitioned indoor radio channel


The relationship between behaviour of radio wave propagation and building architecture in a small indoor environment is examined. A site is divided into three partitions on the basis of number of walls between transmitter and receiver. Wideband radio propagation measurements are performed in each partition and the data analysed to compare channel characteristics in the partitions. Comparisons include the RMS delay spread values and its short time variations, values of the distance-power law gradient and short time fluctuations of received power. The statistics of path arrivals and amplitudes, used for simulation of the measured channel profiles, are also analysed and compared for the partitions. Simulation model parameters in a partition are described by mathematical fits and are related to the number of walls between transmitter and receiver.

Optimizing the Existing Indoor Propagation Prediction Models

Mobile stations are more frequently used within the home and work-place. Thus, they require better indoor services. Modeling indoor propagation is complicated by the large variability in building layout and construction materials. For initial system planning, it is necessary to estimate the number of base stations to provide coverage to distributed mobile stations within the area and to estimate potential interference in the systems. For these system planning cases, models that generally represent the propagation characteristics are needed. In this study the most applicable propagation indoor models such as COST 231 Multi Wall, Longdistance path loss, Dominant path loss model and comparison of their prediction accuracy were discussed. Optimization is done using statistical approach. The MSE were found 6 dB and 5.34 dB for optimized Dominant Path Model and COST231 Multi-Wall Model respectively which is an acceptable value for the signal prediction. The path loss exponent for Long-dis...

Statistical characterisation of a partitioned indoor radio channel

IEE Proceedings I Communications, Speech and Vision

The relationship between behaviour of radio wave propagation and building architecture in a small indoor environment is examined. A site is divided into three partitions on the basis of number of walls between transmitter and receiver. Wideband radio propagation measurements are performed in each partition and the data analysed to compare channel characteristics in the partitions. Comparisons include the RMS delay spread values and its short time variations, values of the distance-power law gradient and short time fluctuations of received power. The statistics of path arrivals and amplitudes, used for simulation of the measured channel profiles, are also analysed and compared for the partitions. Simulation model parameters in a partition are described by mathematical fits and are related to the number of walls between transmitter and receiver.

978-1-4673-1239-4/12/$31.00 c©2012 IEEE Long-term Indoor Propagation Models for Radio Resource Management


Abstract—The radio interface is the bottleneck of most wireless communication systems. All techniques used to en-hance this interface require certain knowledge of the radio environment. This knowledge usually concerns either short-term, or long-term models and statistical characteristics of the environment, depending on the technique. Short-term models are suitable especially for signal processing applications, whereas long-term models are mostly used by radio resource management techniques. Most of the existing work is either focusing on outdoor propagation or short-term models. In this paper we present first results on developing long-term indoor propagation models based on extensive measurements. The results show that fast fading in indoor propagation models cannot be modeled with one distribution alone and thus dynamic models are required. Moreover, slow fading and its characteristics change very often and cannot be modeled with fixed distribution over time. I.

Indoor environment propagation review

Computer Science Review, 2020

A survey of indoor propagation characteristics is presented, including different models for path loss, shadowing and fast fading mechanisms, different channel parameters including signal strength, power delay, coherence bandwidth, Doppler spread and angle of arrival. The concepts of MIMO channels are also covered. The study also explores many types of deterministic channel modelling, such as Finite Difference Time Domain, Finite Integration Method, Ray tracing and the Dominant path model. Electromagnetic properties of building materials, including frequency dependence, are also investigated and several models for propagation through buildings are reviewed.

Bringing It Indoors: A Review of Narrowband Radio Propagation Modeling for Enclosed Spaces

IEEE Access

Small cells are now widely deployed indoors to address hot-spot areas where capacity uplift is needed. This deployment leads to the increase of wireless networks as a challenge to service demands of personal communication systems, which has inspired the scientific community to work towards understanding and predicting in-building radio wave propagation performance. Despite this, only a few reviews have attempted to overview channel modeling for specific indoor environments and even fewer outline remarks that include a methodology for designing and planning indoor radio systems. Consequently, a comprehensive survey of indoor narrowband channel models is presented, spanning more than 30 years of continuous research to overview and contrast significant developments including their disadvantages, and proposing a new taxonomy to analyze them. Finally, remarks on indoor radio propagation modeling with a vision for future research opportunities are presented.

Characteristics of the indoor propagation channel in 1.9 GHz band

This paper presents results of propagation measurements carried out in the frequency range 1 8 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 8 2 0 GHz inside a building, using network analyser. Wideband properties of the channel, described through mean delay and delay spread, and a narrowband local statistics of the received power have been presented. For each transmitter and receiver antennas location two propagation cases have been considered, line of sight (LOS) and obstructed line of sight (NLOS) -the direct path component was attenuated by radio absorbing mat near the receiver.