This project aims at applying a warning system to prevent accidents which involve vehicles such as cars and trucks when the driver is drunk by using the detection of breath alcohol detector’s concept or, more commonly known as a breathalyzer system that can monitor the person's blood alcohol concentration. This system detects the presence of alcohol molecule in the driver blood sample and displays the results by referring to the alcohol concentration detected from the driver’s blood once the driver wants to start driving the vehicle. A research on Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) showed that at 0.2mg/l and above, (measured in mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood, or mg/l) judgment, coordination and sensory perception are impaired, reaction time slows, performance in intellectual tests falls, and eyesight are weakened. Drunken drivers have increased very large and so are the deaths and accidents due to drunken drivers. The main objective of this project is to design a system which would prevent drunk drivers to start their cars when they are in drunk condition or to stop their cars in case they were already driving before getting drunk with SMS notification and vehicle tracking on Google Map. By so doing, reducing the mortality rates due to road accidents. The design of this project includes the development of hardware and software as the device modules. The hardware part includes the power supply units, the sensor circuit, the ATMEGA Microcontroller circuit, the LCD screen, motor unit, LED circuits, Buzzer as the alarm circuits, a GSM module, a GPS tracking module and an SD card module. Software part will cover coding programming in the ATMEGA microcontroller by using Arduino programming. During testing, the alcohol detector detects the presence of alcohol from the blood sample of the drunk driver. This blood sample is analyzed and displayed on an LCD screen in units of the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Based on the values that have been detected, this system operates and gives warnings to the drunk driver who is in drunken condition not to continue driving the vehicles via alarm from buzzer and LED will show the BAC level high. Equally, the LCD screen will display a message for the other persons in the vehicle. In case the drunk driver continues driving, the motor of the vehicle will stop rotating, causing the vehicle to stop. The GPS module receive the coordinate of the point at which the vehicle is located, and a series of message is sent through the GSM module to the Road Security Agency Service (RSAS) containing the link of the geographical coordinates (or location) of the vehicle. At the same time, the microcontroller and the SD card module is used to send drunk drivers and vehicle’s informations to the Microsoft Excel database for managerial purposes by the agency. Finally, the system was designed, and the real time implementation was done with a prototype of the model, and this system is effective, reliable, fast, at a distance measuring system that can be easily housed in vehicles.