Review of the Genus Cladonota Stål with Keys, Illustrations of Adults, and Descriptions of Four New Species from Costa Rica, Honduras and Ecuador (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Membracinae: Hysoprorini). III. Subgenus Lecythifera Fowler (original) (raw)

This is the third in a series of four papers that will treat the 55 species and one incertae sedis in the genus Cladonota Stal. The genus Cladonota contains four subgenera: Falculifera McKamey, Cladonota Stal, Lecythifera Fowler, and Lobocladisca Stal. This paper treats the 20 species of the subgenus Lecythifera Fowler, which includes: C. affinis (Fowler); C. bulbosa Flynn; C. championi (Fowler); C. costaricensis Flynn, new species; C. costata (Buckton); C. falleni (Stal); C. globonegra Flynn, new species; C. gonzaloi (Pelaez); C. grisea Flynn, new species; C. hoffmanni (Pelaez); C. inflata (Fowler); C. locomotiva (Breddin); C. machinula (Breddin) [ Hypsoprora maculata Fonesca and Diringshofen, new synonym]; C. meteorus Arnaud; C. orellana Flynn, new species; C. pieltaini (Pela ez); C. plummeri (Pelaez); C. robustula (Fowler); C. siparuna (Strumpel) and C. yucatanensis Flynn. Keys to species of the subgenus and illustrations and diagnoses are given for each species treated.