Marušić, prikaz (original) (raw)

Željko Mardešić - svjedok dvadesetoga stoljeća

Nova prisutnost : časopis za intelektualna i duhovna pitanja, 2006

Mnogi misle da za poznavanje osobe nije bitno poznavati njegovu biografiju. Kažu, dovoljno je poznavati osobu na izravan, neposredan način. To je točno. Nema ništa dragocjenije nego poznavati osobu kroz susrete, kroz zajedničko bivanje, rad, smijeh i žalost, kroz život. No, često se, susrećući ljude u određenom životnom razdoblju i upoznajući njihovu osebujnu osobnost, pitamo gdje su i kako te osobe oblikovane, što ih je učinilo takvima kakve jesu. I premda znamo da ljudski duh posjeduje neizmjernu snagu, koja mu omogućuje da se iskaže i oblikuje onkraj svakog očekivanja i izvan svih socio-kulturoloških spona, njegov duh i njegov život oblikuje mnoštvo ljudi, susreta, podneblja, događaja. Čovjekova se stvarnost u svoj složenosti otkriva kao jednostavno tkanje prelijepe tkanice od mnoštva raznobojnih vlakana. To je ono što nazivamo biografijom jedne osobe. Obično riječ biografija izaziva nemalu odbojnost jer se čini da je riječ o službenom izvješću o nečijemu životnom putu ili pokušaju nedostatne objektivizacije svega onoga što čovjek jest. Ili se čini kako je riječ o književnome rodu koji je, premda već prisutan u davnim vremenima, postao popularnim i unosnim u naše vrijeme. Biografije i autobiografije pišu se po narudžbi i s točno određenom svrhom. Unatoč svemu tomu biografija jednoga čovjeka nešto je nemjerljivo. Onaje poput autokarte koja nam pokazuje pravi put i usmjerava nas kada se izgubimo. Čovjek je sazdan i od svoje vlastite biografije koja se isprepleće s mnoštvom drugih biografija.

Denis Radoš, doktor tehničkih znanosti

Kartografija i Geoinformacije, 2017

in Livno. He attended elementary and secondary school in Tomislavgrad. In 2006 he enrolled in undergraduate studies in Geography at the Department of Geography of the University ofZadar, where he graduated in 2009, acquiring the degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geography. In the same year he enrolled in graduate studies in Applied Geography and gained his MSc in Geography on 14 June 2011, with the thesis topic Physical-Geographic Features of Duvno Field (Duvanjsko polje). He was among the best students in his year. He received a scholarship from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia for the entire duration of his studies. In 2008, he won the Federik Grosogono award from the Croatian Geographic Society-Zadar for outstanding achievements. He also received two Rector's awards from the University of Zadar in the academic years 2008/09 and 2009/10. During his studies, he participated in a number of international workshops and programmes and spent four weeks at the University ofMaribor, and two weeks at the University of Primorska in Koper. In 2011, he enrolled in interdisciplinary postgraduate doctoral studies The Adriatic-A Link Between Continents organized by the Department of History and the Department ofGeography ofthe University of Zadar, where he successfully defended his doctoral thesis under the mentorship ofProf. D. Magaš. From July 2011, he worked as a junior researcher in the scientific project Geographic Basis of Development of the Littoral Regions ofCroatia led by Prof. D. Magaš, and as an assistant at the Department ofGeography ofthe University of Zadar. Independently, or as a co-author, he has published around 20 scientific and professional papers. His particular scientific interests are physical geography, especially geomorphology, wind power estimation, and the application ofnew technologies such as GIS in geography. He speaks fluent English, and also uses German and Slovenian. He is a member of the Croatian Geographic Society-Zadar and secretary ofthe Naša Baština (Our Heritage) association in Zagreb. He is married and lives in Zadar. The thesis entitled Topography Analysis in the Wind Estimation Process is 132 A4 pages long and includes 76 figures, ofwhich most are thematic maps and cartograms. There are 29 tables, seven notes, 168 bibliographic units, two appendices, an abstract with key words in Croatian and English, and the author's biography. The thesis is the result of a young scientist's interest in researching the complex issue of the role of topography in the process of estimating wind potential, which determines the Denis Radoš, MSc in Geography, and assistant and junior researcher at the Chair for Cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the Department of Geography of the University of Zadar, has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled Topography Analysis in the Wind Estimation Process within the doctoral studies in The Adriatic-A Link Between Continents organized by the Department of History and the Department ofGeography ofthe University ofZadar.

Garić-grad in the Museum of Moslavina Holdings


Muzej Moslavine u Kutini osnovan je 1960., kada su i počeli prvi radovi na Garić-gradu. Pronađeni predmeti danas se nalaze u stalnome postavu Muzeja i čine veći dio Srednjovjekovne zbirke. U radu se opisuje povijest istraživanja Garić-grada i dio fundusa koji mu pripada.The Museum of Moslavina in Kutina was established in 1960, at the time when the initial works on Garić-grad commenced. The found items belong to the current Museum holdings and make the major part of its Mediaeval Collection. The paper describes the history of the research on Garić-grad and the part of the holdings belonging to it

Arhitekt Milorad Družeić

Kulturna Bastina, 2011

Izvorni znanstveni rad U članku se na osnovi bogate sačuvane osobne dokumentacije iznose podaci o životu i djelovanju splitskog arhitekta Milorada Družeića. Između dva svjetska rata bavio se uglavnom arhitekturom. Ocjenjuje se njegovo mjesto u okviru zagrebačke moderne, kao sljedbenika te avangardne škole. Posvetio se urbanizmu Splita i obližnjih naselja sve do sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Jedan je od prvaka u teoriji i praksi prostornog planiranja. Obilježio je značajno razdoblje u dinamičnom rastu grada. Ključne riječi: Split, XX. stoljeće, urbanizam, arhitektura, graditeljsko naslijeđe ŽIVOTNI PUT U razdoblju između dva svjetska rata Split se ubrzano napučivao, pa se intenzivno izgrađivao i širio. U to vrijeme u gradu je djelovalo nekoliko istaknutih arhitekata i građevinskih inženjera, među kojima su Nikola Armanda,