Die therapeutische Beziehungsgestaltung in der dolmetschergestützten Psychotherapie aus der Perspektive geflüchteter Patienten: Ergebnisse qualitativer Interviews (original) (raw)
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Psychotherapeutic Subjectivities Conclusion
The present dissertation is a qualitative inquiry into the differences in experiences of change in distinct, or even contrary, modalities of psychotherapy—Psychoanalysis (PSA)/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PDT) and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). As such, the investigation speaks to the actual effects of a given therapeutic approach in the words and narratives of the patients/analysands/clients. The very intention of such research crosses a number of theoretic debates within clinical psychology that have dogged the therapeutic field and show no signs of abatement any time soon. This research aimed to apply the results derived from empirical data regarding the above psychotherapy modalities to the question of Specific Factors vs. Common Factors and attempted to delineate the impact of interventions in what, as is shown below, must be understood in a Contextual model of psychotherapy that allows for a more nuanced consideration of differences in therapeutic relationships. What I conclude from my data indicates that a Contextual model, specifically that proposed by Butler and Strupp, supersedes the Specific Factors vs. Common Factors dichotomy in its explanatory value for understanding processes of therapeutic change.
Deconstructing the therapeutic relationship in order to reconstruct it
In the last ten years many researchers have set out to investigate the existence of a common factor that is transversal to various treatment models, in order to explain most of the effectiveness of the psychotherapies. The relationship, or more precisely that aspect of the patient-therapist relationship that goes by the name “therapeutic alliance”, has been identified as this common factor (Horvath & Symonds, 1991; Horvath & Bedi, 2002; Lingiardi, 2002; Martin, Garske, & Davis, 2000). Although the concept of therapeutic alliance has a relatively short history (Zetzel, 1958), its roots lie in the psychoanalytic tradition (Freud, 1912; Sterba, 1934) and it was in the 1970s that it started its shift into the field of empirical research. After an initial period (1912-1965) of psychoanalytic theorizations (starting with the “irreprehensible positive transference” of Freud 1912) and a second period of empirical research with the construction of ad hoc instruments and studies aimed at the ...
Die Geschichte der „Stellungnahme zur psychoanalytischen Therapie
Forum Der Psychoanalyse, 2004
Die Stellungnahme, erarbeitet von der DGPT in Verbindung mit DGAP, DGIP, DGPM, DPG, DPV und VAKJP,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie (DGPT), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Analytische Psychologie (DGAP), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Individualpsychologie (DGIP), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie (DGPM), Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft (DPG), Deutsche Psychoanalytische Vereinigung (DPV), Vereinigung Analytischer Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychotherapeuten (VAKJP). entstand als Reaktion auf die öffentliche Forderung nach einer erneuten Darlegung des aktuellen Kenntnisstandes über die Wirksamkeit der psychoanalytischen Therapie. Insofern steht ihre Veröffentlichung im Kontext der sozial- und gesundheitspolitischen Veränderungen der letzten Jahre, in denen alte Entscheidungen neu überdacht und auf ihre Legitimationsbasis hin überprüft werden, in denen aber auch gesetzliche Neuregelungen, wie das Ps ...
Co-experiencing psychotherapy explained in a dialogue
Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 2019
Co-experiencing psychotherapy was developed in Russia by Fyodor Vasilyuk and his colleagues after an impactful encounter with Carl Rogers. Through an interview with Jeffrey Cornelius-White, with Fedor Shankov serving as translator and later contributor after Vasilyuk's death, the ideology and methodology of co-experiencing psychotherapy is explored. Fyodor Vasilyuk addresses the phenomenology of co-experiencing therapy as well as its relationship to both cultural-historical psychology and person-centered psychotherapy. He describes the concepts of his approach as well as the importance of the synchronous relationship between the client and therapist in overcoming crises along with a comparison of other anthropological practices' conceptualizations of human experiences. The interview closes with Shankov's accounts of personal experiences with Vasilyuk, honoring his legacy of creativity as a person, bravery to live daringly, and for developing a humanistic approach founded on Russian psychological traditions. L'expérience de la co-thérapie expliquée sous forme de dialogue L'expérience de la co-thérapie a été développée en Russie par Fyodor Vasilyuk et par ses collègues suite à une rencontre déterminante avec Carl Rogers. Le système et la méthodologie de l'expérience de la cothérapie sont explorés au travers d'une interview avec Jeffrey Cornelius-White et Fedor Shankov agissant comme traductrice puis ensuite, après le décès de la Fyodor Vasilyuk, comme contributrice. Fyodor Vasilyuk aborde la phénoménologie de l'expérience de la cothérapie aussi bien en relation avec la psychologie dans son contexte culturel et historique qu'avec la psychothérapie centrée sur la personne. Elle décrit aussi bien les concepts de cette approche que l'importance de la relation ajustée entre le client et le thérapeute dans le dépassement des crises et en propose une comparaison avec d'autres conceptualisations anthropologiques pratiques de l'expérience humaine. L'interview se termine avec des récits d'expérience personnelle de la Fedor Shankov avec Vasilyuk, rendant hommage à l'héritage de sa créativité en tant que personne, à son ARTICLE HISTORY
Can we learn on Psychotherapeutic Process Dimensions with Single Case Study?
Revista de Psicoterapia, 2021
Relational psychoanalysis states that an adequate management of the intersubjective processes displayed in psychotherapy are essential to promote effective change. The analysis about some variables of the therapist and patient and the complex and co-determined interaction between them, give us new perspectives on the therapeutic process. This analysis leads us to question some topics and consider from a new view the therapist's functions and the patient's roles within the therapeutic process. A group of researchers in Spain, Argentine, Mexico and Germany have worked along a decade (1997-2008) in the Salamanca-Barcelona-Madrid Project on Psychotherapy Process Research. This project, an study conducting single case research (´The Publicist´ case), along the main phases of complete treatment (up to 200 recorded sessions), have given us the opportunity to adquire a better knowledge on therapeutic process, through the content analysis of sessions and with qualitative data using a...
Psychotherapy Research, 2010
Clients', therapists', and observers' identification of change was studied in 27 therapeutic processes, and agreement on the amount, temporal location, and content of change was related to outcome. Results show that clients reported more changes in successful therapies. Client–therapist temporal match of change moments was low irrespective of outcome. Results from all three perspectives were consistent in that manifestation of new behaviors and emotions was the most representative content of change among all therapies. Meanwhile, client–therapist agreement on the frequency of grouped change indicators reported was associated with positive outcome, whereas client–observer agreement was related to negative outcome. Therapists and observers agreed in both successful and nonsuccessful therapies. The relationship between agreement and therapeutic outcome is discussed in relation to each dimension of analysis. Sono stati studiati i clienti ,i terapeuti e gli osservatori per individuare in 27 processi terapeutici, il cambiamento, l'accordo sul compenso, l'ubicazione temporale e il contenuto del cambiamento legato all'esito. I risultati mostrano che i clienti segnalano più cambiamenti nelle terapie con buon esito. La relazione tarapeuta - paziente in relazione allo spazio in cui avviene porta pochi momenti di cambiamento a prescindere del risultato. I risultati di tutti e tre i punti di vista sono stati coerenti in quanto manifestazione di nuovi comportamenti .Le emozioni sono state quelle che cambiano di più fra tutte le terapie. L'accordo terapeuta-paziente rispetto al cambiamento è stata associata ad esito positivo, mentre accordo cliente-osservatore era collegato ad esito negativo. Terapeuti e osservatori concordato sia sul successo sia sul non successo delle terapie. Il rapporto tra accordo e risultato terapeutico è discusso in relazione a ciascuna dimensione di analisi.Die Identifizierung von Veränderung durch Klienten, Therapeuten und Beobachter wurde anhand 27 therapeutischer Prozesse untersucht. Übereinstimmung der Höhe, der zeitlichen Anordnung und des Inhalts der Veränderung stand im Zusammenhang mit dem Therapieergebnis. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Klienten mehr Veränderungen in erfolgreichen Therapien berichteten. Die Klienten-Therapeuten-Anpassung bzgl. des zeitlichen Auftretens der Veränderungsmomente war gering, unabhängig vom Therapieergebnis. Ergebnisse aller drei Perspektiven waren konsistent darin, dass die Manifestation neuer Verhaltensweisen und Emotionen die häufigste Inhaltsrepräsentation der Veränderung über alle Therapien hinweg, war. Klienten-Therapeuten-Übereinstimmung über die Häufigkeit gruppierter Veränderungsindikatoren, die berichtet wurden, hing mit positiven Therapieergebnis zusammen, wohingegen Klienten-Beobachter-Übereinstimmung mit negativem Therapieergebnis zusammenhing. Therapeuten und Beobachter stimmten sowohl bei erfolgreichen als auch bei nicht erfolgreichen Therapien überein. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Übereinstimmung und Therapieergebnis wird in Hinsicht auf alle Analysedimensionen diskutiert.