On-site assessment to identify success factors for developing vocational education and training strategies at the regional level in Poland. Final report (original) (raw)

Vocational education and training in Poland in the context of European policy


The challenge for the Polish vocational education and training system since the Polish accession to the European Union is not only to provide skilled, well qualified staff to the labor market for various sectors of the national economy. Membership in the open economic and cultural European market commits Poland to implementing European strategic documents in Polish conditions to support European labour conditions and to create the labour market in accordance with European requirements. Different European documents call for changes in the education system including the modernization of vocational training. The documents, which strongly emphasize the links between education and the labor market, are the White Paper on Education and Training and the White Paper 'A new impetus for European youth'. White Papers consider the importance of education and training to Europe in the current context of technological and economic change and the guidelines for action in the pursuit of obj...

Implementing ECVET principles : reforming Poland's vocational education and training through learning outcomes based curricula and assessment


e aim of this article is twofold. First, to propose what it means to implement the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) into a national quali" cations system. Second, to describe in detail the key elements and broader context of the 2012/2013 vocational education reform in Poland, which introduced the learning outcomes approach and ECVET system. We show that key ECVET principles were implemented in Poland because they were treated more as a means to modernise the national VET system, rather than to promote the international mobility of learners.

A comparative overview of the status and the main characteristics of vocational education and training (VET) trainers in south-eastern Europe

This pa­per is a follow-up to the study “VET tra­i­ners in public and pri­va­te tra­i­ning ininsti­tuti­ons” (EAC/09/06 Studi­es on Tra­i­ners in Vo­ca­ti­o­nal Educa­tio io n and Tra­i­ning: key acactors to ma­ke li­felong learearearning a rea­lity in Euro­pe LOT 2) that was commisissi­o­ned by the Euro­pean Commisissio io n to Resea ea rch vo­or Beleid (RvB) & PLATO in 2008. The author of this pa­per – which fo­cuses on the pro­fessi­o­na­li­za­tio io n proocesses of VET tra­i­ners and ininstructors wororking in public tra­i­ning ororga­ni­za­ti­ons in So­uth-Eastern Euro­pe – was ininvololved in the study as a resea ea rch ex­pert for a cluster of co­untri­es that inincluded Bulga­ria ia , Cyprus, Greeeece and Turkey. The pa­per lo­oks upon current isissues of VET tra­i­ners’ ca­reer paths, thei ei r ro­les and competenci­es, thei ei r qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on and recruituituitment pro­cesses as well as the va­ried po­li­ci­es and pro­fessi­oonal developopment acacti­vi­ti­es for this gro­up of peo­ple, from a compa­ra­ti­ve perspecti­ve. The pa­per cononcludes with so­me recommenda­ti­ons for imimpro­ving acaccess and wororking conondi­ti­ons, suppororting pro­fessi­o­nal developopment and ra­i­sing atattracacti­veness of the proofessio io n in this part of Euro­pe.

Research Design and Preliminary Results of an Exploratory Study on Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Poland

@TVET Asia, 2019

TVET in Poland has a long tradition and distinctive features set in Polish geographic, economic and social context. Even though there is no unique and specific TVET low in Poland like for example the Vocational Training Act in Germany, numerous educational reforms conducted in Poland have been instrumental to shaping the contemporary form of this type of education. This article presents the theoretical frame, the applied methodology, preliminary findings as well as crucial challenges of the project. It is a contribution to the academic discussion on Polish TVET at the secondary level that not rarely has been overshadowed in the Polish scholarly tradition by voices focused primarily on technical education at the university level.

The evolution of vocational education and training in Hungary and Poland 1989-2035

Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 2022

The article uses a multi-faceted approach to present the major challenges to vocational education and training (VET) that Hungary and Poland have been facing during the transformation of their economic systems in 1989 and integration into the EU in 2004. The evolution of VET is examined according to historical traditions, its declining prestige, the introduction of dual training, governance, and the involvement of social partners. We also look at recent changes in the two countries as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss the current situation in the light of VET scenarios recently developed by Cedefop.

Features and tendencies of vocational education and training strategy and policy change in Lithuania


The change of vocational education and training system reform is a natural process constantly affected by external economic and social factors. However, this process demands to determine the preconditions for change, i.e. the strong and weak levels of the reform. The article analyses the key dispositions that have provided foundation for VET reform in Lithuania during the last decade and highlights major contradictions of the reform that create preconditions for a new reform strategy.

Historical Development of Vocational Education and Training in Lithuania and Its Implications for Designing and Implementation of Regional Vet Partnerships


Article aims at disclosing the conditions and requirements posed by the historical development of vocational education and trai ning in Lithuania to the designing and implementation of regio nal VET partnerships. The development of vocational education and its context in three main periods (evolution of the society and statehood of Lithuania in the first half of the 20th century, the Soviet occupation and the development of the society and state after the restoring ofthe statehood in 1990) are analyzed, seeking to disclose the implications of this development for the designing and implementation of regional VET partnerships..

Strategic Evaluation of Some EU Projects Prepared by the Ministry of National Education in the Context of the Vision of Vocational Education

European Journal of Education Studies , 2023

The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the change in the vision of vocational education within the scope of the "Modernization of Vocational and Technical Education Project" (MTEM) and "Strengthening the Vocational Education and Training System" (MEGEP) financed by the EU, which was concluded by the Ministry of National Education. Vocational education is a type of education that increases the employability of students by providing vocational skills and is very important in the economic development of countries. Vocational education has gained even more importance in recent years due to the increasing need for human resources. This increasing importance obliges us to take some decisions about education locally and to transfer some responsibilities to local administrations as a means of development and development. In addition to this, it is necessary to set standards for each occupational group for an advanced vocational education and for citizens to take responsibility for a qualified vocational education. This study evaluates the studies on the development and standardization of the vocational education system through the projects made on this subject and sheds light on the development of the last twenty years.

Cooperation Between Vocational Schools and Business in Poland: Schools' vs. Employers' Perspective

Purpose – The aim of the article is to identify the barriers to cooperation between vocational schools and employers. Design/Methodology/Approach – The main data source are the results of two surveys (CAWI): on vocational schools in Lublin, and on employers cooperating with those schools. Findings – The results show the asymmetry of schools' and enterprises' objectives, which should be regarded as an important barrier to the development of cooperation between the two. Employers are set on increasing the number of hours of students' practical vocational training in the workplace, but are reluctant to undertake more costly and more demanding forms of cooperation with schools, like participating in vocational exams, training teachers or providing equipment for school workshops. Meanwhile, schools primarily indicate the need to improve their own resources, especially workshop equipment. They often consider the present state of cooperation with business as satisfactory. Employers' limited willingness to cooperate stems i.a. from fragmentation of the enterprise sector in Poland, poorly developed cooperative bonds between enterprises, and the small scale of recruitment problems during most of the last two decades. Practical implications – The results allow for the identification of these forms of cooperation between schools and employers, which should be supported by EU structural funds. Value – The research is based on information of high substantive value from the employers who already have experience in cooperation with vocational schools. Results contribute to the formulation of the view on the effects of the reform of vocational education in Poland. Keywords – vocational education and training, vocational education and enterprises, VET and the labour market, VET in Poland

Similarities and differences in the evolution of VET in Hungary and Poland 1989–2022

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023

The article takes a multi-pronged approach to study the main challenges in vocational education and training (VET) faced by Hungary and Poland in the transformation of their economies in 1989. The development of VET is examined in light of different development paths, ongoing criticism, declining prestige, dual training, governance, and VET research. We review the lessons learned from the changes experienced in the two countries as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic and examine the prospects for the current situation regarding VET in light of the recent Cedefop VET scenarios.