Where do we go (original) (raw)
In the book "Le tre anime” (The three souls), written with the physics professor Mario Bruschi and Stanislao Nievo published by Armando, we tried to answer the questions posed by the famous painting painted by Paul Gauguin: "Where do we come from, who we are, where do we go". The answers emerged from the individual experiences and were written with sincerity and courage in the hope of bringing life closer. For the physicist: "There are not enough data" and points out, at the beginning of his speech, very rightly, that: "Where are we going? ... as individuals, we inevitably and inevitably go towards death ... but the data are insufficient ...! They say that animals cannot anticipate, imagine, or represent the future so they know nothing about death. Man, on the other hand, has this "gift", and therefore lives (imagines, feels, anticipates) his death hundreds, thousands of times before it comes. The ironic thing is that true death, perhaps we will never experience it: as Mr. De Lapisse could testify, even a second before dying you are still alive. Some sages have deduced from this that death, being a non-experience, is not. In that sense, we would be immortal. This does not console me ... and the increasingly numerous data recently collected on DNE (Near Death Experiences) make us think: after all, perhaps we will "live" our death. This consoles us: maybe we will live even after death. In a new "body", in a new support for our consciousness (whatever it is).