Alternative and traditional indicators of the Brazilian (original) (raw)

How well developed are altmetrics? A cross-disciplinary analysis of the presence of 'alternative metrics' in scientific publications 1

In this paper an analysis of the presence and possibilities of altmetrics for bibliometric and performance analysis is carried out. Using the web based tool Impact Story, we collected metrics for 20,000 random publications from the Web of Science. We studied both the presence and distribution of altmetrics in the set of publications, across fields, document types and over publication years, as well as the extent to which altmetrics correlate with citation indicators. The main result of the study is that the altmetrics source that provides the most metrics is Mendeley, with metrics on readerships for 62.6% of all the publications studied, other sources only provide marginal information. In terms of relation with citations, a moderate spearman correlation (r=0.49) has been found between Mendeley readership counts and citation indicators. Other possibilities and limitations of these indicators are discussed and future research lines are outlined.

How well developed are altmetrics? A cross-disciplinary analysis of the presence of ‘alternative metrics’ in scientific publications

Scientometrics, 2014

In this paper an analysis of the presence and possibilities of altmetrics for bibliometric and performance analysis is carried out. Using the web based tool Impact Story, we collected metrics for 20,000 random publications from the Web of Science. We studied both the presence and distribution of altmetrics in the set of publications, across fields, document types and over publication years, as well as the extent to which altmetrics correlate with citation indicators. The main result of the study is that the altmetrics source that provides the most metrics is Mendeley, with metrics on readerships for 62.6% of all the publications studied, other sources only provide marginal information. In terms of relation with citations, a moderate spearman correlation (r=0.49) has been found between Mendeley readership counts and citation indicators. Other possibilities and limitations of these indicators are discussed and future research lines are outlined.

Comunicação e Gênero como área de pesquisa: características e desenvolvimento dos estudos a partir da análise bibliométrica

Intercom: Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação, 2021

Resumo Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir as características e o desenvolvimento das pesquisas em Comunicação que fazem interface com os Estudos de Gênero. A pesquisa é feita tendo como base a verificação de trabalhos publicados em todas as edições de 70 revistas, classificadas com Qualis A1, A2, B1 e B2 na área da Comunicação e Informação, da Capes. A discussão dos dados tem como base aspectos relacionados a três eixos: áreas predominantes, métodos e técnicas empregadas e processos priorizados nas observações empíricas. Ao todo, foram encontrados 633 artigos que assumem a junção entre Comunicação e Gênero e que compõem o corpus deste trabalho. Os dados são apresentados a partir do método quantitativo, sendo que a análise das publicações foi feita com base na observação sistemática dos artigos, seguindo a técnica bibliométrica. Dentre os resultados, destacam-se as pesquisas qualitativas e nas subáreas do jornalismo e audiovisual.

From altmetrics to citation: analisys of the brazilian datagramazero journal

This paper reflects about the impacts and possible relationships between altmetrics data and traditional citations. Presents an empirical analysis of the Information Science DataGramaZero Journal. The altmetrics data were collected by parameterization of APIs (Facebook and Twitter); and to collect the citations the Publish or Perish with data Google.Scholar was used. The universe of 441 articles provided for analysis 1,164 altmetrics data and 1,932 citations. The results shows 47.85% of the articles received one or more mentions and 36.73% of them have one or more citation. Old articles have higher citation index and recent articles have more altmetrics data. The relationship between this metrics is not direct and proportional, but articles with altmetrics data concentrate 61.34% of the total citations received. The multiple URLs for the same article and the qualification of altmetrics data when generated by APIs are challenges to overcome.

Perfil da produção científica sobre estudo da técnica análise por envoltória de dados: uma pesquisa na literatura nacional e internacional

The objective of the present article is to present a bibliographical survey of the applications of the technique "Data Envelopment Analysis", in national and international literature. Moreover, it identifies to possible sectors and applications, not yet explored, that can be object of inquiry in future research. For in such a way it was necessary, initially, to identify excellent aspects in international literature, contemplating three stages: (a) the main the publication authors and number in the subject; (b) main the periodic ones where the publications had been found; e (c) publication number for country. Meanwhile, the systematization of national literature presented a structuralized methods procedure in the following phases: (a) Brazilian publication regularity; (b) amount of master and doctor degree for university in Brazil; e (c) level of knowledge -professionalizing, master and doctor degree -for academic area defended. On the basis of the results, were verified that still few publications exist, in Brazil, decurrent of texts form doctor degree, being that the same it occurs with publications techniques, on the subject. Moreover, the publications are originated, in its majority, of two great polar regions -UFRJ and UFSC -what demonstrates one high degree of concentration of studies of this nature. The contribution of the present article is to serve of base and to guide studies of new researchers of the area.

Escolha de destino turístico: Estudo bibliométrico com análise de citação e co-citação de autores


O estudo bibliométrico foi realizado com o objetivo de entender os principais assuntos, abordagens e referenciais teóricos relacionados ao tema “escolha de destino turístico”. A pesquisa, realizada a partir da base de dados Scopus e com utilização de softwares estatísticos, foi baseada na técnica de análise de citação, definindo-se a relevância e prestígio dos artigos, autores, modelos e fundamentos teóricos com base no número de citações realizadas em artigos posteriores. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que existe diversidade de perspectivas e abordagens relacionadas ao tema e que os artigos podem ser agrupados em estudos relativos a modelos de decisão ou escolha de destino, fatores motivadores para turismo, características ou fatores pessoais, características e atrativos do destino, natureza da viagem pretendida (tamanho do feriado, distância, duração da viagem, etc.), experiências da viagem (humor, sentimentos durante a viagem, avaliações pós-viagem, etc.), influência da ima...

in Brazil : Comparative analysis between quality indices and indices of academic and social impact


This paper aims to profile Brazilian Information Science journals and compare their quality and impact indicators, be these traditional or altmetrics indicators. It is an exploratory and descriptive research, with quantitative analysis of 23 journals, analysed in accordance with their Qualis (2013-6) assessment, their h and g indices from Google Scholar Metrics and their altmetrics data from Facebook for the period 2011 to 2016. The Qualis assessment was obtained from the Sucupira Platform, the indices from Harzing’s Publish or Perish, and the altmetrics through the Facebook Application Programming Interface (API). The results show that the journals were created between 1972 and 2011, that they are edited by universities and that the most adopted frequency of publication is biannual (52%), followed by quarterly (39%). Regarding the national quality indicator Qualis, 73% of the journals fall within the higher stratum of B1 to A1. Regarding impact, 30.4% of the journals have an h-inde...

Bibliometrics and altmetrics literature review

Performance Measurement and Metrics, 2017

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present the evolution in notions from bibliometrics to altmetrics and confront them taking into consideration specific criteria. The objective of this paper is to present the evolution of research, regarding the above fields, the study of metrics and indicators used, and the strength and weaknesses resulting from the current literature. Furthermore, the authors present the manipulation techniques for both fields as their main weakness, as well as further key points, analyzing the alternative options of bibliometrics and altmetrics. Design/methodology/approach First, the authors present the evolution of the literature, concerning the specific field and metrics used, following with a brief description of basic indicators related to the field of bibliometrics (journal impact factor (JIF), eigenfactor, article influence score and h-index) discussing their advantages and disadvantages. In the second part, the authors describe altmetrics and present...

Bibliometric Study and Methodological Quality Indicators of the Journal Porta Linguarum During Six-­Year Period 2008-­2013

Porta Linguarum Revista Interuniversitaria de Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras, 2015

In this study we have developed a bibliometric study in the journal Porta Linguarum about the methodological quality indicators of the empirical articles published during the sexennial period 2008-2013. The results obtained show that, it was a journal in which quantitative papers predominate along with theoretical works. The results also suggest that, this journal should improve some fundamental methodological issues, related mainly to the types of samples, novelty of the literature and validity and reliability of the data collection instruments. On the contrary, it has achieved excellent results in the indicators related to the internationality of authorship and references managed, language processing, and control of inbreeding for authorship. Keywords: Bibliometric analysis. Methodological quality indicators. Estudio bibliométrico e indicadores de calidad metodológicos de la revista Porta Linguarum durante el sexenio 2008-2013 RESUMEN. En el presente trabajo hemos desarrollado un estudio bibliométrico de la revista Porta Linguarum sobre indicadores de calidad metodológicos de los artículos de naturaleza empírica publicados durante el sexenio 2008-2013. Los resultados logrados revelan que se trata de una revista donde predominan los trabajos de corte cuantitativo, junto a otros de carácter más teórico. Los datos obtenidos, también apuntan a que la revista citada debe mejorar algunos aspectos metodológicos esenciales, relacionados, sobre todo, con la tipoinstrumentos de medida. Por el contrario, ha logrado excelentes resultados en los indicadores elaboración, así como en el control de la endogamia por autoría. Palabras clave: Análisis bibliométrico. Indicadores de calidad metodológica.