Pengujian Black Box pada Sistem Informasi Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) dengan menggunakan Metode Boundary Value Analysis (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2020
With this student assessment application, if there is an error in the program, there will be losses for students and universities. The loss that is in the natural student, if this application has an error (trouble) then the student assessment process will be delayed and difficult in the calculation of the value of students and students will be late in obtaining the value. The losses are in the natural universities where students want a quick assessment process but the university cannot calculate quickly and precisely. Method used in this application use black box method with boundary value analysis technique. The boundary value analysis technique measures application's assessment if there is an error when entering data that will be tested in the field to determine the value has been valid or no more errors will be stored in the database. The test is done on the Student assessment form by measuring the upper limit value and lower limit value through several predefined stages for each of the columns in the form. Test results can be input to improve the application. The results of this test can provide reference to the quality testing of the student assessment application by analyzing the functionality of the programs that have been made in accordance with the results expected
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
Testing is one level that must be passed in order to produce results from a weighted system. If no testing is done on the system, the quality of the system cannot be known so that if an error occurs it can harm the system. By conducting experiments can find the location of defects in a system that can be known from the beginning that can be fixed immediately. Testing there are several types of system experiments, experiments used are Black Box testing using a limit value analysis method that is effective in trying the functions of a system. Testing techniques by making test cases based on limits on lower and upper values can provide good coverage and represent the actual input values. Based on the results of tests conducted with the analysis of boundary values, the application developed has been error free. This gives a guarantee that the application developed has met the requirements and is of high quality.
JOAIIA: Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Applications, 2020
In this student assessment application, if there is an error program, there will be losses for students and universities. Losses for students, if this application error occurs, then the assessment received by students will experience delays due to the difficulty in the process of calculating student grades and students will be late to receive an assessment. Losses for the university, if there is an error program on this application, the university will suffer losses if students want a rapid decline in grades but the university cannot calculate quickly and accurately. The method used in testing this application uses the black box method with boundary value analysis techniques. Boundary value analysis techniques test the quality of the application by showing that there are still some errors when entering data to be tested in the column to determine whether the input value is valid or not with the lower limit and the upper limit that has been determined. So the problems that occur can cause data stored in the database does not match the expected data. The test is carried out in the Student Rating form by testing the upper and lower limit values through several predetermined stages for each column contained in the form. Test results can be used as input to improve the application. The results of this test can provide a reference for testing the quality of student assessment applications by analyzing the functionality of the program that has been made in accordance with the expected results.
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi
The national exam is a benchmark for assessment carried out in the country for the parent of Education, which is used as a prerequisite for student graduation. Before taking the national exam, students take a trial exam which is used as a benchmark before the actual national exam. The use of graduation data is not yet realistic and maximum. This is quite difficult for students who are not known to have passed. In order to predict the pass threshold, it is possible to utilize existing data, especially completion data, to predict the completion rate. Due to the large amount of data, it requires a period to predict, so we need a system that can extend the estimated period of the student's graduation phase. This study describes the testing of prediction applications for passing the National Examination while using the black box method. The black box method consists of several methods, including splitting equivalence, limit analysis, comparison testing, sampling testing, robustness testing, and others. Among these tests, the marginal analysis test method was chosen for this study. Marginal analysis is a test procedure that determines the basic and upper bounds of the data to be tested. This test is run using the class feature added to the National Examination Pass Prediction application. The results of this test indicate that there are many weaknesses in validating the data and the data stored in the database does not match the desired data. The results of this test can be used as suggestions or evidence for application improvement.
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2020
Testing on an application aims to check whether a program has run properly or there are still errors that must be corrected so that the program created will be a program that has good quality. In this study the software that will be reviewed using Black Box Testing is a PlayStation Loan Information Application System where this application aims to facilitate the admin (PlayStation rental) in data collection on the number of borrowers, as well as the return date of PlayStation borrowed by members, where there are 2 forms to be filled in. Member added data form, game added form during the loan. lending data information applications will be tested using Black Box Testing where this test only aims to see the program whether in accordance with the expected function or not without knowing the program code used. Black Box Testing Method consists of several techniques, including Equivalence Partitions, Boundary Value Analysis, Sample Testing, and so on. Among the many testing techniques, in...
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2020
Sales application is a financial transaction application, if something goes wrong can be detrimental to the owner, buyer, and employee. Then it needs to be tested to ensure the quality of the resulting application. Testing is a verification process for assessing the quality of a software to see whether the software meets the expected process and direction or not. The process that is not optimal can cause inequality of data to be stored in a database. Applications that have been programmed in such a way must go through a process step to ensure the level of quality of the software itself. Examples of processes that can be said to be good if they have a chance of getting an unknown error. Of the several types of Black Box testing methods one of them is Boundary Value Analysis. The method tests the maximum and minimum number of digits to produce a valid value and is easy enough to test sales applications at PT Global Advindo. In the first stage carried out in this study is to identify the functionality to be processed, ensuring the maximum and minimum number of digits matches the specified order. The result of applying the method used is the quality of the software is in accordance with the function, and can be utilized properly by user. Abstrak Aplikasi penjualan merupakan merupakan aplikasi transaksi keuangan, jika terjadi kesalahan dapat merugikan pemilik, pembeli, dan karyawan. Maka perlu dilakukan pengujian untuk menjamin kualitas aplikasi yang dihasilkan. Pengujian merupakan proses verifikasi untuk penilaian kualitas suatu perangkat lunak untuk melihat apakah perangkat lunak memenuhi proses dan arahan yang diharapkan atau tidak. Proses yang tidak maksimal dapat menyebabkan ketidaksamaan data yang akan disimpan dalam basis data. Aplikasi yang sudah diprogram sebegitu rupa harus menempuh tahap proses untuk memastikan tingkat kualitas dari perangkat lunak itu sendiri. Contoh proses yang dapat dikatakan baik jikalau memiliki kesempatan mendapatkan sebuah error yang tidak dapat diketahui. Dari beberapa jenis metode pengujian Black Box salah satunya adalah Boundary Value Analysis. Metode tersebut menguji jumlah digit maksimal dan minimal untuk menghasilkan nilai yang valid dan cukup mudah untuk menguji aplikasi penjualan pada PT Global Advindo. Pada tahap pertama yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan mengidenfitikasi fungsionalitas yang akan diproses, memastikan banyaknya digit maksimal dan minimal cocok dengan susunan yang telah ditentukan. Hasil dari penerapan metode yang dipakai adalah kualitas dari perangkat lunak sudah sesuai dengan fungsi, serta dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh pengguna.
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
Kopi.Net shop application is an applications created and designed in the hope that it can provide information about every product in Kopi.Net shot online, but it cannot be used in general because there are still problems so testing needs to be done in order to reduce the level of failure or error which can cause losses to the store’s selling activities. Applications that have already been designed must be tested first, in the coffee shop application testing using the boundary value analysis and validation method, validation is a process to the check whether the application has reached the desired application standard. In proof, a data that is not accordance with the database. As an example, stock data will become uncertain or exceed the capacity created. That way it can cause harm to the coffee shop application. Therefore, it requires repairing and testing data validation more accurately. So that it can help the owner of the coffee shop application in accurate data stock data. Test...
Pengujian Black Box pada Aplikasi Berita Online dengan Menggunakan Metode Boundary Value Analysis
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2020
Testing is one level that must be passed in order to produce results from a weighted system. If no testing is done on the system, the quality of the system cannot be known so that if an error occurs it can harm the system. By conducting experiments can find the location of defects in a system that can be known from the beginning that can be fixed immediately. Testing there are several types of system experiments, experiments used are black box testing using a limit value analysis method that is effective in trying the functions of a system. The technique determines the limits on the lower and upper values to produce the actual values. Based on the test results using the boundary value analysis technique that still has a disability that is the lack of data verification, then there must be an improvement in the validation function.
Pengujian Black Box pada Aplikasi Penjualan Berbasis Web Menggunakan Teknik Boundary Value Analysis
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2019
In a software test, validation is one of the processes of checking whether the software meets the expected specifications and objectives or not. The data validation process has not been maximized can result in a mismatch of data that will be stored in the database. For example the amount of stock turned negative, or the number of digits entered can exceed the defined limits. This can be detrimental to the owner and user in using this application. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of validation more accurately, so it can help the owner in terms of data accuracy. Applications are designed in such a way must go through a testing phase to ensure the quality of the software itself. Examples of tests can be said to be good if they have a chance of finding an error that cannot be revealed. Among the many ways of the Black Box testing methods, this study uses the Boundary Value Analysis testing method. The method tests the maximum number of limits and the minimum number of limits to produce a valid value, which is considered quite relevant for testing sales applications at PT Karunia Segar Kedua. The initial stage of the research needs to be done is to define the functionality to be tested, compile the test scheme, choose the material to be tested, determine the maximum and minimum number of limits in accordance with a predetermined database structure, conduct experiments, document research results, and draw conclusions. The conclusion is based on the testing has been done is software can be used properly, after an improvement is made on the errors found. However, this test has not been said to be perfect, because it is only done using a sample form. From the results of this test it is expected that the application can be used according to user requirements.