Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi Teftiş Raporlarına Göre İkinci Dünya Savaşı Yıllarında Hatay (original) (raw)

Chp İntihab ve Teftiş Bölgesi Raporlarına Göre II. Dünya Savaşı Yıllarında Elazığ

İçtimaiyat, 2018

Teftiş Bölgesi Raporları II. Dünya Savaşı ve Elazığ ÖZ Kemalist Cumhuriyet'in tek parti döneminde Vilayat-ı Şarkiye'de üzerinde hassasiyetle durduğu vilayetlerden biri Elazığ olduğundan Kemalist siyasal elitler tarafından bilhassa Şeyh Said hadisesinden sonra Elazığ hakkında çok sayıda rapor hazırlanmıştır. Elazığ hakkında çok çeşitli raporlar hazırlanmakla birlikte bu çalışmanın konusunu teşkil eden raporlar, CHP mebusları tarafından "intihab/seçim bölgesi" ve "teftiş bölgesi" başlığıyla hazırlanan raporlardır. "Yönetmek için bilmek" gayesiyle hazırlanan bu raporlar, mebusların kendi seçim bölgeleri ve parti müfettişlerinin kendi teftiş bölgeleri hakkında hazırladıkları raporlardan oluşuyordu. Elinizdeki çalışma, CHP mebuslarının II. Dünya savaşı yıllarında "intihab bölgesi" ve "teftiş bölgesi" başlığıyla Elazığ hakkında hazırladıkları iki rapora dayanmaktadır. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri'nde yer alan sözü edilen raporlardan ilki, Elazığ mebusu ve CHP Umumi İdare Heyeti üyesi Fethi Altay'ın 1941 yılında "intihab bölgesi" Elazığ hakkında hazırlayıp CHP Genel Sekreterliği'ne sunduğu çok detaylı bir rapordur. İkinci rapor ise CHP Bitlis mebusu Muhtar Ertan tarafından 1943 yılında hazırlanan Elazığ bölgesi teftiş raporudur. Bu çalışmada bahsi geçen iki rapor esas alınarak Kemalist bürokratların gözüyle Elazığ'ın II. Dünya Savaşı yıllarındaki bürokrasisi ile vilayetin iktisat, ziraat, ulaşım, adalet, sağlık, eğitim ve kültür gibi alanlardaki fotoğrafı çekilmeye çalışılacaktır.

Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi Parti Müfettişlik Raporlarına Göre II. Dünya Savaşı Yıllarında İzmir Halkevleri

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2023

The People's Houses, which were institutions for the dissemination of culture and played an important role in the popularization of the Turkish Revolution, became a means of creating a culturally developed society. The Republican People's Party felt the need to inspect these institutions in order to follow their activities more closely and to see how far the People's Houses had come towards achieving their goals. In these reports, the deficiencies and needs of the Halkevis, the problems they encountered in their activities, and the suggestions on what should be considered for more effective activities were included in detail.

CHP Teftiş Raporlarına Göre Bitlis (1939-1945)

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies Sayı: 76 , s. 33-48, Güz 2019, 2019

The CHP Inspectorate established to provide control over the Party organization and to strengthen the centralized structure of the Party. The Party Inspectors were appointed from the region and from different region deputies or Party members. Inspectors sent detailed reports and prepared for their travels, observations and investigations to the General Secretariat of the CHP. One of the CHP Inspectorate regions included Bitlis, Mus, Van and Siirt. Therefore, the Party inspectors also made the inspections in Bitlis and sent their reports including their findings and suggestions to the CHP General Secretariat. One of these reports was prepared by Tevfik Temelli and Ahmet Süreyya Örgeevren of Bitlis deputies in 1940. This report revealed the judicial, sanitary, social and administrative problems of Bitlis and its districts and it suggested solutions to these problems. The second 71page report was prepared by Tokat Deputy Hasip A. Aytuna about Bitlis, Siirt, Muş and Van in 1943 is very valuable. This report has information, observations, determinations and evaluations about the roads, people's language, social life, tribes, immigrants and immigration roads, public order, gendarmerie, judiciary, civilian authorities, officers as well as health, agriculture, education, trade, economics, CHP and Community Center Organizations of Bitlis. The reports of CHP Mus Region Inspector Erzincan Deputy Fevzi Kalfagil are also striking. The last reports provide invaluable information about the geography, population, economy, socio-cultural life of the Bitlis and its districts: namely Ahlat, Tatvan, Mutki and Hizan in 1945. This study will reveal the general situation of Bitlis and its surroundings according to CHP inspection reports of 1939-1945 during the World War II. It will also demonstrate the approach of the Single Party Government.

CHP Tefti̇ş Raporlarina Göre BİTLİS(1939-1945)

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2019

The CHP Inspectorate established to provide control over the Party organization and to strengthen the centralized structure of the Party. The Party Inspectors were appointed from the region and from different region deputies or Party members. Inspectors sent detailed reports and prepared for their travels, observations and investigations to the General Secretariat of the CHP. One of the CHP Inspectorate regions included Bitlis, Mus, Van and Siirt. Therefore, the Party inspectors also made the inspections in Bitlis and sent their reports including their findings and suggestions to the CHP General Secretariat. One of these reports was prepared by Tevfik Temelli and Ahmet Süreyya Örgeevren of Bitlis deputies in 1940. This report revealed the judicial, sanitary, social and administrative problems of Bitlis and its districts and it suggested solutions to these problems. The second 71page report was prepared by Tokat Deputy Hasip A. Aytuna about Bitlis, Siirt, Muş and Van in 1943 is very valuable. This report has information, observations, determinations and evaluations about the roads, people's language, social life, tribes, immigrants and immigration roads, public order, gendarmerie, judiciary, civilian authorities, officers as well as health, agriculture, education, trade, economics, CHP and Community Center Organizations of Bitlis. The reports of CHP Mus Region Inspector Erzincan Deputy Fevzi Kalfagil are also striking. The last reports provide invaluable information about the geography, population, economy, socio-cultural life of the Bitlis and its districts: namely Ahlat, Tatvan, Mutki and Hizan in 1945. This study will reveal the general situation of Bitlis and its surroundings according to CHP inspection reports of 1939-1945 during the World War II. It will also demonstrate the approach of the Single Party Government.

1930 Yılı Sonlarında Cumhuriyet Halk Fırkası Taşra Teşkilatı: Heyet Raporları Üzerinden bir Değerlendirme


In 1930, an attempt was made to transition to the second multiparty life in the history of the Republic. Although the Liberal Republican Party was founded in a guided manner, it achieved significant success in a short period of time and met with the intense interest of its masses. This situation led to the confusion in the organization of Republican People's Party. The ruling party administration has decided to send delegations of deputies from the provincial organizations to eliminate the tremor caused by the Liberal Republican Party and to examine the situation in the provinces after the Liberal Party. 26 delegations were assigned to 46 provinces. Delegations served at the end of 1930 and early 1931. The delegations assigned to the provincial organization of the People's Party of the Republic sent reports to the General Secretariat of the Party, including the observations and studies. In these reports, it was revealed that there were important problems in the provincial organization of the Republican People's Party both in terms of organization and functioning of the organizations. It is also stated that the people and even the members of the party have not yet adopted the party principles and regime. The reports included many suggestions for strengthening the party organization. These proposals had been effect in the formation of the new regulation and changes in the party management.

1930 Yili Sonlarinda Cumhuri̇yet Halkfirkasi Taşra Teşki̇lati: Heyet Raporlariüzeri̇nden Bi̇r Değerlendi̇rme


In 1930, an attempt was made to transition to the second multiparty life in the history of the Republic. Although the Liberal Republican Party was founded in a guided manner, it achieved significant success in a short period of time and met with the intense interest of its masses. This situation led to the confusion in the organization of Republican People's Party. The ruling party administration has decided to send delegations of deputies from the provincial organizations to eliminate the tremor caused by the Liberal Republican Party and to examine the situation in the provinces after the Liberal Party. 26 delegations were assigned to 46 provinces. Delegations served at the end of 1930 and early 1931. The delegations assigned to the provincial organization of the People's Party of the Republic sent reports to the General Secretariat of the Party, including the observations and studies. In these reports, it was revealed that there were important problems in the provincial organization of the Republican People's Party both in terms of organization and functioning of the organizations. It is also stated that the people and even the members of the party have not yet adopted the party principles and regime. The reports included many suggestions for strengthening the party organization. These proposals had been effect in the formation of the new regulation and changes in the party management.

The Times Gazetesi̇’Ne Göre Hatay’In Anavatana Katilmasi (1938-1939)

Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2019

Osmanlı Devleti idaresinde belirli coğrafi bölge veya idari bütünlük dâhilinde tanımlanmamış ve Fransız işgali döneminde ise "İskenderun Sancağı" olarak adlandırılmış olan Hatay'ın ana vatana ilhakı, ilgili kişi ve kuruluşlarla birlikte bizzat Mustafa Kemal Atatürk tarafından barışçı bir yöntemle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hatay'a yönelik takip olunan millî dış siyaset, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti'nin diplomasi tarihi açısından üstün bir başarı olmakla birlikte, sonuçlandırılma biçimi bakımından örnek alınacak bir olaydır. Türk dış politikasının 1936 ve 1939 yılları arasında Fransız hükûmetleri özelinde meşguliyetini teşkil eden Hatay sorunu, bu süreçte Türk-Fransız münasebetlerinde gerginliğe de sebebiyet vermiştir. Bu münasebetlerin dış politika esası, Türk millî dış siyasetinin gelişim evrelerinin hassasiyetlerini göstermektedir. Avrupa bunalımları karşısında Suriye-Lübnan'la ilişkilerini yeniden düzenlemek isteyen Fransız Hükûmeti ile uzun görüşmeler yapılmış, 9 Eylül 1936 tarihinde Fransa ve