USAID Graduation Recent Experience And Outstanding Issues (original) (raw)

Cato Institute Policy Analysis No . 226 : A New Aid Policy for a New World


Since 1945, Washington has disbursed generous amounts of U.S. foreign aid in attempts to achieve a variety of foreign policy goals ranging from political influence to economic development. Today, the poor record of foreign assistance programs is widely recognized. Many countries receiving the aid are more impoverished now than when U.S. assistance began; the few that are making progress are doing so in spite of, not because of, foreign aid.

Foreign Aid in a Changing World

Vandana Desai and Robert B. Potter, eds. The Companion to Development Studies. Third Edition. London: Routledge, pp. 539-42., 2014

Foreign aid in the twenty-first century


The simulation strategy 2 Growth rate 2.1 The base case 2.2 Aid-cold turkey and economic policy as in the base case 2.3 Aid as in the base case, but economic policy-big bang 2.4 Economy policy-gradual, but aid as in the base case 2.5 Aid-gradual elimination, but policy as in the base case 2.6 Aid-cold turkey and economic policy-big bang 2.7 Aid-cold turkey and economic policy-gradual 2.8 Aid-gradual and economic policy-big bang 2.9 Aid-gradual and economic policy-gradual 3 Consumption and investment behaviour 4 Output per capita 9. SUMMING UP AND LESSONS Appendices Data appendix I Data appendix II Simulation results on life expectancy Simulation results on infant mortality References 165 165 169 xiv FOREIGN AID 8.9 Aid, policy and growth (aid-cold turkey and policy-gradual) 8.10 Aid, policy and growth (aid-gradual and policy-big bang) 8.11 Aid, policy and growth (aid-gradual and policy-gradual) 8.12 Aid, policy and consumption (base case) 8.13 Aid, policy and investment (base case) 8.14 Aid, policy and consumption (aid-cold turkey and policybig bang) 8.15 Aid, policy and investment (aid-cold turkey and policybig bang) 8.16 Aid, policy and consumption (aid-cold turkey and policygradual) 8.17 Aid, policy and investment (aid-cold turkey and policy-gradual) 148 8.18 Aid, policy and consumption (aid-gradual and policybig bang) 149 8.19 Aid, policy and investment (aid-gradual and policy-big bang) 8.20 Aid, policy and consumption (aid-gradual and policy-gradual) 8.21 Aid, policy and investment (aid-gradual and policy-gradual) 8.22 Aid, policy and output (base case) 8.23 Aid, policy and output (aid-cold turkey and policy as in the base case) 8.24 Aid, policy and output (policy-big bang and aid as in the base case) 8.25 Aid, policy and output (policy-gradual and aid as in the base case) 8.26 Aid, policy and output (aid-gradual and policy as in the base case) 8.27 Aid, policy and output (aid-cold turkey and policy-big bang) 8.28 Aid, policy and output (aid-cold turkey and policy-gradual) 8.29 Aid, policy and output (aid-gradual and policy-big bang) 8.30 Aid, policy and output (aid-gradual and policy-gradual) C.1 Aid, policy and life expectancy (base case) C.2 Aid, policy and life expectancy (aid-cold turkey and policy as in the base case) C.3 Aid, policy and life expectancy (policy-big bang and aid as in the base case) 175 CA Aid, policy and life expectancy (policy-gradual and aid as in the base case) 176

Exploring the emergence of a new aid regime : selectivity, knowledge and the World Bank


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Aid reimagined: results from an elite survey on perceptions of progress, capacity, and development cooperation

WIDER Working Paper

Typescript prepared by Siméon Rapin. United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research provides economic analysis and policy advice with the aim of promoting sustainable and equitable development. The Institute began operations in 1985 in Helsinki, Finland, as the first research and training centre of the United Nations University. Today it is a unique blend of think tank, research institute, and UN agency-providing a range of services from policy advice to governments as well as freely available original research. The Institute is funded through income from an endowment fund with additional contributions to its work programme from Finland and Sweden, as well as earmarked contributions for specific projects from a variety of donors.