The Act of Signification from Narratology to Semiotics within the Scope of Interdisciplinary Approach (original) (raw)

SANATTA ARAÇ OLARAK DİLİN ÖNEMİ / The Important of Language as a means of Literature in Art

Ataturk Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi, 2012

OZ Bu calisma, edebiyatta arac olarak dilin yerinin ne oldugunu ifade etmeyi amacladigi gibi, dilin edebiyatin ifade edilmesindeki etkinligini de dile getirmeyi amaclamaktadir. Cunku dil, insanin yasama tutunmasini saglayan yegâne aractir. Dil olmadan bireyin ne kendini ne cevresini ne de kâinati aciklamasi ve algilamasi mumkundur. Iletisim en iyi sekilde dille saglanir. Edebiyatin en onemli ifade araci da dildir. Bir dil icerisindeki harf, ses ve sozcukler onun ifade edilmesini saglar. Bazen dil, sembolik olarak da kullanilir. Edebiyatta dilin sembolik yonunun en yogun olarak kullanildigi tur ise, siirdir. Bu nedenle siir ile nesirde, dilin kullanimi arasinda da farkliliklar vardir. Bu farkliliklara bakildiginda da ahenk, anlam ve uyum hususunda en gelismis turun siir oldugu gorulmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dil, Iletisim, Edebiyat, Şiir, Nesir. ABSTRACT This study aims to utter the effectiveness of language on explanation of literature in addition to the aim of explaining the place of language in literature as a tool. The reason is that language is the only tool by which human holds on the life. Without language, it is impossible for a person to explain or perceive himself, his environment and the universe. Communication is provided by language best. The most important tool of the literature is also language. The letters, sounds and words in a language provides its statement. Sometimes language is used in a symbolic style. In literature, the most intensive usage of symbolic style is in poetry. Therefore, there are differences between poetry and prose in the usage of language. As the differences are scanned, it can be seen that the most developed type is poetry in terms of harmony and meaning. Keywords: Languance, Communication, Literature, Poetry, Prose