A Comprehensive Interpretation of Object Oriented Metrics for Quality Refinement in Software Development

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 2018

In Digital era, Software in electronic devices has become an indispensable to our daily life. Software Metric is a significant software engineering field that plays a quality role in software measurement. Better measurement and metrics are stepping stone to software growth with distinction. Moving from measurement to metrics is like moving from observation to understanding. Metrics are conceived by the user and designed to reveal a chosen characteristic in a reliable and meaning manner. Object Oriented Software is based on approach that works around the real-world entities and their characteristics. Object Oriented Software measurement is procedure in which calculations are done on real world entities to describe them according to clearly defined rules. Object Oriented Metric plays a vital role to find the efficiency of the software and improvement for future. The measurement of object oriented software seems to be a powerful tool for product effectiveness. This paper will analyze d...

Impact of metrics based refactoring on the software quality: a case study

TENCON 2008 - 2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2008

As the software system changes, the design of the software deteriorates hence reducing the quality of the system. This paper presents a case study in which an inventory application is considered and efforts are made to improve the quality of the system by refactoring. The code is an open source application namely "Inventor Deluxe v 1.03", which was first, assessed using the tool Metrics 1.3.6 (an Eclipse Plug-in). The code was then refactored and three more versions were built. At the end of creation of every version the code was assessed to find the improvement in the quality. The results obtained after measuring various metrics helped in tracing the spots in the code, which requires further improvement and hence can be refactored. Most of the refactoring was done manually with little tool support. Finally, a trend was found which shows, that average complexity and size of the code reduces with refactoring -based development, which helps to make the software more maintainable. Thus, although refactoring is time consuming and a labor-intensive work, it has a positive impact on the software quality.

Object-Oriented Metrics for Quality Improvement of Object-Oriented Software

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019

Software metric is a computation of characteristics of a programming applications for quality enhancement. Software metrics are used to access the productivity and efficiency of a software product. These are helpful to understand the technical procedure used to create software. Software metric enables software engineers to assess software quality, software process improvement, monitoring and controlling of software. Object-Oriented Software Development is related to real-world objects and their characteristics creation instead of working in software applications. Class Objects have their own internal data structure, which defines their data and methods. Object-Oriented design restrained all the properties and worth of software that is allied to any large or small project. Object-Oriented metric is a measurement term in which a Object-Oriented Software holds features. These are guidelines that give an indication of the progress that a project has made quality.


Quality assessment of software is big issue for software development team The reason is variations of designed software in size and methodology. A huge number of metrics has designed to assess quality of software up to a level. In this paper we are discussing Object oriented metrics used to assess quality of software at design level as well as at code level. Although correct assessment of software quality is not possible but using Object oriented metrics quality can be assessed up to limit. The main focus of research is to assess software quality at design level because design level quality assessment effects coding, testing, maintaining phase of software development life cycle. First, for evaluating metrics of design level UML diagram is used as an input. A Java Parser is designed for parsing the XML code of UML diagram .Second, Quality of same software projects also assessed at code level using same formula as at the design level. At code level Eclipse with Metrics 1.3.6 is used for assessing quality. We observed that software quality at code level moves around CC (Cyclometer Complexity), LCOM (Lack Cohesion of Methods) and LOCM (Lines of Code of method).And we find out that for increasing quality of software, CC and LCOM and LOCM are low. For decreasing quality CC, LCOM and LOCL are high.

Quality Metrics Tool for Object Oriented Programming

International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 2010

Metrics measure certain properties of a software system by mapping them to numbers (or to other symbols) according to well-defined, objective measurement rules. Design Metrics are measurements of the static state of the project's design and also used for assessing the size and in some cases the quality and complexity of software. Assessing the Object Oriented Design (OOD) metrics is to predict potentially fault-prone classes and components in advance as quality indicators. To perform the assessment accurately, a sequential life cycle model and a well-known OO analysis/design method for java programming language is used. Design metrics helps to identify potential problems in the early stages of the development process. The quality metrics tool has been developed to determine the various design metrics and the quality attributes of Object Oriented program. These quality attributes determines the complexity and efficiency of the program.

IJERT-Taxonomy of Metrics for Assessing Software Quality

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014

https://www.ijert.org/taxonomy-of-metrics-for-assessing-software-quality https://www.ijert.org/research/taxonomy-of-metrics-for-assessing-software-quality-IJERTV1IS6139.pdf As object oriented paradigm is gaining popularity, software metrics play an important role in ensuring software quality. In this paper we first introduce the theoretical concept of object oriented metrics, specifically of CK metrics suite. Then a case study of analyzing Java based open source software using CK metrics to evaluate quality is presented. The results are interpreted to help the software developers and researchers in improving the quality of the software during the development of the software.

Software assessment using object metrices


Adequate metrics of object-oriented software enable to determine the complexity of a system, estimate the effort needed for testing and even locate some parts in the design that could be error prone or should be redesigned. The measurements and metrics are not widely used in the development of software. Contemporary systems are complex and adequate measuring tool is necessary in the design and evolution process. In this chapter we present how software metrics can be used in assessing software. Some software measuring tools (i.e. JMetrics, Essential metrics, Understand, X-Ray, Eclipse Metrics Plugin, Borland Together and Metrics) are briefly described. A critical comparison of these tools is also given. Next, a case study-an evaluation of three versions of a well known open source software-Junit is presented. To measure this application Metrics 1.3.6, an Eclipse plug-in, was used. The correlation of metrics values and real quality attributes of software is described. On the basis of metrics values some conclusions concerning the quality of the design of each version and some general trends in the evolution of JUnit project evolution are derived.

An overview of Object Oriented Metrics A complete Survey


— Object oriented metrics have become more important in software engineering field. They are used to measure software quality and to estimate the cost, to enhance the reliability, maintainability and effort of software projects. Object oriented metrics evaluate the complexity of OO program. Object oriented concepts are dominating the software industry and engineers need proper measuring parameters in order to make software more efficient and reused. Object Oriented Design metrics is an essential part of software engineering. This paper collects many object oriented metrics proposed by various researchers and a final conclusion is to overcome the drawbacks of existing metrics and to deliver efficient metrics which is effectively used to measure the programs. Keywords-Software architecture; Coupling; cohesion; reusability; maintainability I.

The Java Metrics Reporter - an extensible tool for OO software analysis

Ninth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2002.

It has been argued for many years that software engineering lacks the repeatability and well-defined monitoring characteristic of the traditional engineering disciplines. Over time, numerous authors have addressed this issue by proposing a range of software metrics-although it is generally agreed that no one measure is suffi cient to capture software quality, and a well chosen suite of metrics must be employed. While substantial progress has been made, adoption of metrics has been limited in the software development community, and metrics have long suffered from a lack of comprehensibility. Further, critics have argued that many metrics have been introduced in isolation, with little regard for their relationship to existing measures, and without appropriate validation against a suffi cient body of source code. This work introduces the Java Metrics Reporter, a new tool which addresses a number of these concerns in the domain of object oriented languages. The tool provides integrated tutorial support and benchmarking of user code against professional code bases. Moreover, the architecture allows ready adaptation to other languages, and extension to other metrics through a straightforward plug-in approach. The paper provides detailed consideration of the architecture and the metrics selected, together with a number of examples of its use. Finally, we outline plans for the further development of the tool, together with its release to the professional and research communities.