A Study to Assess the Knowledge on Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Collection, Preservation and Utilization among Nurses in the Selected Hospitals at Jalandhar, Punjab (original) (raw)
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Effect of structured teaching programme on umbilical cord blood stem cell among staff nurses
Stem cells had been considered as the master cell and foundation of the human body. The main source of stem cell is Umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord tissue. Presently, stem cell therapy had managed more than 80 diseases conditions successfully. A pre-experimental one-group pretest posttest study was conducted to determine the effect of Structured teaching programme on Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell among Staff nurse, working in KIMS,Hospital,Bhubaneswar,Odisha. Convenient sampling technique was used to select 50 Staff Nurses who were assembled the sampling criteria and study was conducted for the period of one months. A structured questionnaire was used to gather the information about Demographic variables and pre-test and post-test knowledge on Umbilical cord blood stem cell. The collected data was analyzed by using Descriptive and Inferential Statistics. The study interpreted that the post intervention had tremendous effect on the study population to raise their knowledge level and there is a significant association between knowledge score with their selected Demographic variables. The study was come to an end that structured teaching programme is effective to increase the knowledge of Staff nurses on Umbilical cord stem cell.
Vinesh, 2017 states that stem cells are the foundation of the human body and considered as the master cell of the body. Blood, bones, skin and muscles are formed from the master cells known as stem cells that act as building blocks of our body. Just like a seed of a plant which gives branches, leaves and fruits and these stem cells have the potential to develop into specialized cells of our body such as blood cells, muscle cells, brain cell, etc.Waller-Wise, 2011 reviews that umbilical cord blood was once considered as a waste product of the birthing process, but now it is valued for its stem cells. Nearly 30 years after the first successful umbilical cord blood stem cell transplant, now more families are seeking information about whether or not to invest in saving their newborn's umbilical cord blood. Saving the cord blood in public banks is a worthy undertaking for any family. The unavailability of bone marrow donors and the problems related to bone marrow transplantation including graft failure and graft-versus-host disease, have urged the search for alternative sources for bone marrow cells. Therefore, the investigator felt the need to create awareness and conduct the study to educate staff nurses on UCB stem cells banking. An experimental research approach with quassi-experimental one group pre and post-test design was adopted. Convenience sampling technique was used to select 190 staff nurses working in selected Hospitals of Odisha. A closed ended knowledge questionnaire and video assisted teaching module were administered. Mean post-test knowledge scores were significantly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge scores. There was an improvement in the level of knowledge as tested by paired 't' test & Chi-square test. Results were found to be statistically significant (P< 0.05). This study demonstrated that VATM on UCB stem cells banking was effective in improving the knowledge of staff nurses.
IOSR Journals , 2019
Background: Umbilical cord blood collection and stem cells are still an emerging concept, and a lot of people are unaware about this concept, thus nurses are considered by the public as the most credible source of information about cord blood collection and stem cells. Therefore, it is highly desirable to empower the nursing students with knowledge and skills related to this subject. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of educational program on perception and practices of the nursing students regarding the cord blood collection technique and stem cells. Subjects and Method: Study design: Quasi-experimental study design was used. Study settings: This study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University. Study subjects: Convenient sample of 120 students. Tools of data collection: Three tools were used by the researcher to collect the necessary data. Tool I: Structured questionnaire sheet: This tool included two subparts; Part one: Socio-demographic data of the nursing students. Part two: Knowledge of the students regarding the following: a- Knowledge of the nursing students about umbilical cord blood collection sample: b- Knowledge of the students regarding the stem cells. Tool II: Students' attitude towards the cord blood collection sample and stem cells. Tool III: Observational checklist of an umbilical cord blood collection technique. Results: The results of this study showed that there was a statistically significant improvement in the total knowledge level of the students regarding stem cells and umbilical cord blood collection sample as before the program about two fifths (39.2%) of the students had a poor total knowledge level compared with 89.2% and67.5% respectively of them had a good total knowledge level immediately and after three months of the educational program. About two thirds (64.2%) of the nursing students had a negative attitude pre-program, while most of them (91.7%) had a positive attitude immediately post program and become (70.8%) after three months. Also, it was found that 85.8% of the students' pre-program had a poor practice level, while in immediate and three months post program, 97.5%, 93.3% respectively had a good practice level. There was a statistically significant improvement in the total practice score before, immediate and after implementation of the educational program as (P = 0.00). Conclusion and Recommendation: The present study concluded that the educational program was an effective and improved the level of nursing students' knowledge, attitude and practices of an umbilical cord blood collection sample technique and stem cells from pre-program, immediate and after three months of the program. Therefore, the undergraduate nursing curriculum must contain the recent technologies to update the knowledge and practices of the nursing students regarding the umbilical cord blood collection sample technique and stem cells.
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
A critical link that supports and nourishes the baby in the womb for 9 months is the umbilical cord and called the life line. After a baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut, some blood remains in the blood vessels of the placenta and the portion of umbilical cord referred to as cord blood. It is the richest source of stem cells that have the potential to treat serious diseases. It is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve a biological resource that could be lifesaver for child or other family members. Umbilical cord stem cells are highly proliferative and are becoming common therapy for treating a number of diseases and disorders. Nurses are at the forefront of health care delivery and are therefore directly involved in all the processes of stem cell collection, use and also are in close contact with mothers during their pregnancy and delivery. So nurses can counsel them regarding the importance of stem cells. In present study pre-experimental one group pre test post test only design was selected. Convenience sampling technique was used to select 60 nurses working in maternity units. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used collect data on knowledge of umbilical cord stem cell collection, preservation and utilization. Result of study showed that more than half (53.3%) of nurses were in age group of 21-25 years and all (100%) of the nurses were females. Most of the nurses had done General Nursing Midwifery (91.7%). According to clinical experiences it was revealed that (31.7%) had more than 8 years experience in context of previous experiences; nurses (47.7%) had maternity ward and (40%) had labour ward and remain (18.3%) had operation theatre experience. Most of the nurses (61.7%) had mass media exposure from magazines and newspapers. The mean of the knowledge score of post test (23.60±5.016) is higher than pre test (13.68±6.358). There is mean difference of pre test and post test is 9.92. It means the knowledge score increased after structured teaching programme (STP). Here calculated t value (14.191)> tabulated t-value (2.00). H 0 rejected as t cal 14.191 > t tab 2.00 ∞ at 5% level of significance.
Background of the study: Stem cell research has been broadly explored worldwide to enhance human health in medical setting. As stem cell therapy is a new approach in medical science, most of the clients and their relatives are unaware about this clinical entity. The health care professionals including staff nurses also lack adequate knowledge about this new innovative approach. Nurses’ knowledge on umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy is very important as these could affect the decision on providing appropriate stem cell-based treatments for clients with many life threatening diseases. Objectives: The objective of the study is to determine the level of knowledge regarding umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy. Methodology: Data was derived from 100 staff nurses in selected hospital at Mangaluru. Non-probability convenience sampling technique was used. The knowledge level was assessed using structured knowledge questionnaire. Data analysis was done by descriptive and inferential s...
Aim & objective: To assess the level of knowledge about stem cells and their applications among nursing students. Methodology: A Quasi-experimental research design was conducted at Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing and Teerthanker Parsvanath School of Nursing. The samples consisted of 100 nursing student's selected using purposive sampling technique. The intervention tool consisted of demographic variables and self structured knowledge questionnaire Results: The level of knowledge in the experimental group and control group regarding stem cells and their applications among B.Sc Nursing 2 nd year Students on the basis of data of pre and post-test. The pre-test inadequate level of knowledge score 26 (52%) and posttest level of knowledge score 0(0%) with n=50 in experimental group. In pre-test, inadequate level of knowledge score 19(38%) and post-test level of knowledge score 24(48%) with n= 50 in control group. In pre-test, moderate level of knowledge score 24(48%) and post-test on the level of knowledge score 19(38%) with n=50 in experimental group. In pre-test, moderate level of knowledge score 31(62%) and post-test level of knowledge score 26(52%) with n= 50 in control group. In pre-test, adequate level of knowledge score 0(0%) and post-test on the level of knowledge score 31(62%) with n=50 in experimental group. In pre-test, adequate level of knowledge score 0(0%) and post-test level of knowledge score 0(0%) with n= 50 in control
Background: A Baby died in the womb after the 20 th of pregnancy is stillbirth. The exact cause is known, but some factors such as smoking, pregnancy induced hypertension, diabetes, obesity, lack of nutrition etc. interfere with this condition. During pregnancy women experiences worry and fear, later sometimes pregnant women feel depressed if stillbirth occurs. This could be devastating stage for women and their family to accept this stillbirth because this may happen in normal pregnancy too. Materials and Methods: One group pre-test-post-test, quasi experimental design was employed for the current study to assess the knowledge about preventive measures of stillbirth among GNM and B.Sc. Nursing students. A total of 60 Nursing students were selected by using Simple random sampling technique. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect data. The content validity and reliability was established.Pre-test was conducted followed by planned teaching programme administration. After seven days the post-test was conducted. Descriptive and inferential analysis was done by using SPSS 20 version. Results:Out of 60 students, highest around half of the 26 (43.3%) students fall in the age group of 22 years, majority of 45 (75%) participants were females, most of 24 (40%) were 3 rd Year BSc. Nursing. Majority 70% of participants had average knowledge regarding preventive measures of stillbirth whereas 26.7 % had poor knowledge and only 1.7% had good and very good knowledge. However, drastic changes in post-test in which majority 88.3% of them had very good knowledge and 11.7% had good knowledge.mean pre-test (12.08) and post-test (21.72) knowledge scores. The calculated' value ('t (59) '=20.93, p< 0.05) is greater than the table value ('t (59) '=1.67) at 5% level. Moreover, there was no significant association between mean pre-test knowledge score and demographic variables at p<0.05. Conclusion: Nursing students are highly significant for dealing with the pregnant women during their clinical posting, as they care directly and educate them preventive measure for stillbirth and also counsel them for betterment in future days.
the pharma innovation journal, 2018
Introduction: Stem cells are a primitive cell type found in all animals and are capable of both self-renewal and differentiation. It is this capacity for self-renewal and for differentiation into repair cells that offers great potential for regenerative medicine. Purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on knowledge regarding cord blood banking & stem cell therapy among antenatal women in selected health care institutions of Pune city Material and method: A Quasi-experimental Pre test – post test control group design with Non probability Purposive Sampling method. The tool consisted of section I (demographic data), and section II (structured knowledge questionnaire) to assess the knowledge on cord blood banking & stem cell therapy. Result: Majority 44% of the control group and 62% of the experimental group participants are in the age group of 21 to 25 years. 32% of participants of control group are educated up to primary level. While in the experimental group most of the participants i.e. 38% have secondary level of education. Most of the participants are housewives / homemakers i.e. 80% participants from control group and 88% participants from experimental group. 44% of the participants from both the groups had no children.58% participants from control group and 68% from experimental group are Hindus. The mean score of experimental group is less i.e. 1.20 in pretest which has increased to 2.54; this increase is found significant which has determined the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM). Pre-interventional finding are only associated with the level of education of the participants. Conclusion: The analysis reveals that Self Instructional Module was helpful to improve the knowledge regarding cord blood banking & stem cell therapy among antenatal women.
https://www.ijhsr.org/IJHSR\_Vol.11\_Issue.11\_Nov2021/IJHSR-Abstract.08.html, 2021
Present study attempts to assess the "Effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding stem cell banking among staff nurses in hospitals. Methods and Material: Purposive sampling technique with the pre-experimental and post-test design was used. The sample of this study comprised 60 staff nurses who were working in the Obstetrics and Gynaecological ward. A structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect data from the subjects. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and interpreted in terms of the objectives and hypothesis of the study. Results: In pre-test knowledge on stem cell banking, out of 60 staff nurses, 13(22%) had inadequate knowledge, and in post-test after implementation of SIM, 53(88%) of subjects had adequate knowledge, and 7(12%) had moderate knowledge. The above results indicate that SIM effectively increased the ability of staff nurses on stem cell banking. The association was found between the knowledge scores of subjects with demographic variables such as gender, area of residence, and years of clinical experience, which was significant at the level of 0.05. It is recommended that a similar study can be conducted on a larger sample to arrive at a generalization. Moreover, nurses and midwives are part of health care in all the stages of our lives. Thus, nurses must be knowledgeable and aware of recent trends in diagnosis, treatment. Education provides means by which nurses can remain up to date with current developments, maintain their competence and meet the standards of nursing practice. Conclusion: The study's findings reveal that staff nurses' knowledge had enhanced regarding stem cell banking.
(Dr) V. Sowjanya, (Dr) U. Vishnusree, (Dr) P. Saikiran, Dr. A. Sridevi, Dr. G. Pitchaiah
Background: Under-five mortality is a major concern, especially in a developing country like India. In <5 years age group, most vulnerable population is the neonatal period (0-28 days of life), accounting for more than half of under-five child deaths. Neonatal period has also an important bearing on long term growth and development of the baby. That is why the care of the new born plays a vital role in determining child health and under-five mortality rate. Methods: Mothers were classified according to some socio demographic factors. Each mother was given a questionnaire comprising of 25 questions on knowledge and 14 questions on practice of newborn care. For each correct response 1 point and for each incorrect response 0 point was allotted. Finally, the total score was computed. Knowledge was categorized as inadequate (score 0-7), satisfactory (score 8-16) or adequate (score 17-25). Practice was categorized as inadequate (score 0-4), satisfactory (5-9) or adequate (10-14). Chi- square test was applied to determine whether any statistical correlation existed between the socio-demographic profiles and knowledge and practices. A p value of <0.05 was considered to be significant. Results: Answers of 200 mothers were analyzed. Most of them had satisfactory knowledge (91.5 %). Majority of them had adequate practice (54%). This study shows that there is significant association of level of knowledge and practice with selected demographic variables. There was significant association between educational level and knowledge (p<0.00001). No association was observed between knowledge and age (p=0.1657), parity (p=0.014). There was a significant association between parity and practice (p=0.00001), occupation (p=0.00001). No association between age(p=1.828) and education (p=1.8884) with practice of postnatal mothers. Conclusion: Maternal knowledge and practice about new born care play vital roles in prevention of neonatal death. Some socio demographic factors may bear associations with the knowledge and practice of the mothers. Educating the mothers and also their family members plays a pivotal role. Key words: knowledge, postnatal mothers, neonatal period