2019, International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research

ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Mig ration is a very old phenomenon, which means that the person is born, the people he liv es with, th e peopl e he leaves. There are many compulsory or option al reasons for add ressing the person. Mig ration has both positive and neg ative consequen ces for both the abandoned pl ace and the mig rated and settled region. The gen eral type of mig rati on is th e direction of mig ration from rural to urb an; wh en abroad, it is towards the rich countri es of th e poor count ries. Even this typ e of dev elop ment sh ows that th ere are many so cio-economic facto rs on the basis of peopl e's mig ration. The reasons, in tensity and dat e of each cou ntry or soci ety may vary depending on its sp ecific characteristics. In Turk ey, th e acceleration began in the 1950s, intern al mig rations, in creasing with each passing day and continu ed until tod ay. Migrations from rural settlements to citi es are called rural mig rations and constitut e a signi ficant propo rtion of intern al mig ration mov ements. Wh en the mig ration from th e vi llage to th e city cannot be prevent ed, the population is decreasing each year in rural areas. For exampl e: in Turk ey, in 1960 whil e 68.1%, i n 1980 to 56.1%, an d to 22.7% in 2012 and decreased to 22 % as of 2014. Esp ecially the young popul ation is decreasing significan tly and the increase in th e nu mber of th e eld erly causes agri cultu ral produ ction to decrease. It has been determin ed th at so me provinces in Central Anatolia, Western Anatoli a and East ern Anatoli a, whi ch have a large number of rural popul ation , giv e more mig ration than the provin ces with low rural population. Simil arly , out-mig ration countri es in the past that Turkey has become an immig ration country in the last way. In particular, th e mos t signi ficant refug ee mov ement s in recent years that "immig ration from Syri a to Turk ey" is very remarkabl e. Ind eed, mig ration from Syria to Turk ey, is much higher than mig ration to Eu rop e. Syrians, especially as a place of politi cal mig ration to prefer Turk ey, said th at based on religious and geog raphical reasons. As a result; In this study, it was histori cally part of Turk ey's effort s to remov e th e map of mig rati on both do mestic and ov erseas; In addition , t he reasons and effects of mig rati ons were analyzed in order to shed light on the future economic and socio-cultural po licies. In this study , literature revi ew, econometri c and statisti cal study results and expert opinions ob tained by qualitative data analysis are includ ed.