Minori e islam (original) (raw)

The paper analyses the rules applied to Muslim minors in the fields of contraception, abortion, filiation, male and female circumcision, legal capacity, capacity to act, adoption, inheritance law. Moreover, the work deeply focuses on the recent institution of kafala in the legislations of Tunisia, Lybia, Algeria, Egypt and Morocco. Lastly, the paper stresses the relevance of the kafala in Italy.

La questione della presenza musulmana è ovunque in Occidente un tema di accesa discussione politica e sociale e il sentimento anti-islamico appare in continua crescita. Non sono pochi coloro che paventano una vera e propria “invasione islamica”. In questo scenario, è quanto mai necessario poter disporre di dati sulla reale presenza musulmana nel nostro Paese.

The institute of the kafala highlighted new legal issues in Italy following the ratification of the Hague Convention on Protection of children in 2016, between the right to the protection and respect of public order.The use of special legal forms of adoption is likely to foster dangerous discriminatory phenomena according to religious subjects and would impose the lesser legal protection "weakened" on the basis of religious choices of their parents. The only possibles olution is therefore that founded, not only on the adoption of a clear italian legislation, but on the prediction of bilateral agreements who can guarantee the supreme interest of the child, based on the actual understanding and respect for the meaning and objectives kafala abd adoption intend to porsue in the respective jurisdictions

Tre composizioni ravvicinate nel tempo del (relativamente) giovane Mozart – una Sinfonia (K 183), un Concerto per violino (K 207), un Divertimento (K 251), comprese fra 1773 e 1776 – sono considerate nel contesto stilistico cosiddetto galante, mettendo in luce, sia dei testi sia del contesto, la natura contradditoria e di transizione.