Related papers
Annuaire de L’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” Centre de Recherches Slavo-Byzantines “Ivan Dujčev,, 2021
This paper deals with a rare example of a maritime graffiti drawing from the south and north galleries of the church of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople. The most interesting features of these graffiti are discovered at the level of the ship’s details. And most important, these vessels are firmly identified as Genoese due to the banner on the stern and bow with the St. George’s Cross. They illustrate four types of vessels, one light galley, two round ship or merchantmen, and one (great or merchant?) galley. Taking into account the types of ships depicted, the time-span for the Hagia Sophia graffiti lies between the 14th and 15th century.
We studied the earliest version of the Deluge story, which was found on two clay tablets excavated from the Older Nippur library in “Tablet Hill”, Nippur by H. Hilprecht. These two tablets with cuneiform inscriptions were written by the tsar (emperor) of Kutians Erridu- pizir after he conquered the whole Sumer and Akkad in 2478 B.C. (accordingly the Nippur chronology). They state that the house-boat of the Ut- napishtim (the Babylonian Noah) landed on the mount Nisir in the land of Kuti (Guti). We studied the history of people of Kuti and demonstrated that national name Kuti is older version of Kutiguri (the biggest branch of ancient Bulgarians living in the Great Bulgar in VI- VII-th century AD). The affix -guri means people in ancient Bulgarian language, i.e. Kutiguri means “people of Kuti”. This result links the ancient Bulgarians with the land of Kuti where landed the house-boat of Ut- napishtim. Therefore we studied the locations of the Kuti by toponims and hydronames they left in Asia. We placed them on the map to obtain a map of their settlements. We studied the ceramic fragments left by Kutians found at these locations and compared them with ceramics found in Bulgaria. Using the drawing patterns on these artifacts we found that Kutians were leaving in Bulgaria in the first half of the 6-th millennium B.P. and letter migrated south perhaps in result of the Flood. They established settlements in Zagros Mts in Iran in the beginning of the 4-th millennium B.P. Probably Erridu- pizir considered these territories under “land of Kuti”. We found in Iran 210 toponims and hydronames formed on the base of Kuti. We studied the morphology of these ancient Bulgarian ethnonims. They are compared with Bulgarian ethnonims in Bulgaria and in the ancient states of Volga Bulgar and the Great Bulgar, and with synthetic toponims formed from the same base with the same suffixes as these forming the toponims in Bulgaria. This way we determined the different Bulgarian toponims in Iran, which coincide with the theoretical (synthetic) Bulgarian toponims. 68 of them still exist not only in Iran, but also in Bulgaria, the Great Bulgar or Volga Bulgar territories (now in Ukraine and Russia). We found also many toponims in Iran, which coincide with the names of the major cities and peaks in Bulgaria, which were named by ancient Bulgarians (Varna, Burgas, Madara, Balkan etc.). Some of them form the name of up to 43 different places in Iran each (they are repeated in up to 43 toponims each). Using toponims we demonstrated that ancient Bulgarians migrated to Europe from the Kushan Empire after its decomposition. Then they founded Bulgarian state tradition in Europe.
Rusinian-Hungarian Relations in the Carpathians
Найстарши гунґаризми у руским язику походза зоз часох перших контактох Славянох и Мадярох. Мадярски язик бул державни язик по 1918. р. та присуство мадярских словох у руским язику розумлїве. Директни контакти обачлїви и нєшка у Бачкей Тополї, Новим Орахове и Суботици. Кед розпатриме причини и пожичованє гунґаризмох, можеме повесц же главна причина семантичней природи. Слова ше насампредз пребераю пре свойо значеня же би пополнєли одредзену празнїну у лексики руского язика або же би виражели цалком нови поняца. Ключни слова: руски язик, мадярски уплїв, гунґаризми, язики у контакту, сфери хаснованя, лексиколоґия.
Milena Georgieva, 2019
It has long been known that the notion of national identity is shaped also from the position of comparing to the ‘others’: neighbours, regions, even continents. In cartooning it assumes even a sharper edge for comparisons are made in the form of visual fights as cartoons are by nature especially related to political history, representing and commenting it through the journalistic experience of cartoonists. The remarkable hybridism of this art form allows treating it here first and foremost as a record of their time. This article deals with Bulgaran weekly’s focus on international politics in two strands: 1. How did the weekly see and portray our Balkan neighbours? and 2. What was Europe’s role in the politics of the Balkans and particularly, in that of Bulgaria? What were Bulgaran’s ideas of Europe and why was the construct of Europe in their reception uniform and usually contrasted with the Balkans or Bulgaria? How broad were the horizons of Bulgaran’s insight into the international politics? How did the Bulgaranians criticise Bulgaria’s foreign policy and why? The article provides some of the most significant cartoons published in the weekly as examples treating the answers to the questions above, with the talent of Alexander Bozhinov as a political cartoonist analysing the developments on the international scene, standing out most prominently.
STAMENOV, C.M. Between English and Bulgarian
Between English and Bulgarian. Selected papers, 2019
Selected articles organized in five sections: English and Bulgarian in Contact and Contrast, English, Bulgarian, Language and Translation, In the Eyes of the Other: English Studies in Bulgaria and Bulgarian Studies in England.
Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology)
Издательство «Фəн» Казань, Татарстан Главный редактор Член-корреспондент АН РТ Ф.Ш. Хузин Заместители главного редактора: доктор исторических наук А.Г. Ситдиков доктор исторических наук Ю.А. Зеленеев Ответственный секретарькандидат ветеринарных наук Г.Ш. Асылгараева Редакционный совет: Р.С. Хакимоввице-президент АН РТ (Казань, Россия) (председатель) Х.А. Амирхановчлен-корреспондент РАН, доктор исторических наук, профессор (Махачкала, Россия) И. Бальдауфдоктор наук, профессор (Берлин, Германия) П. Георгиевдоктор наук, доцент (Шумен, Болгария) Е.П. Казаковдоктор исторических наук (Казань, Россия) Н.Н. Крадинчлен-корреспондент РАН, доктор исторических наук, профессор (Владивосток, Россия) А. Тюрк-PhD (Будапешт, Венгрия) И. Фодордоктор исторических наук, профессор (Будапешт, Венгрия) В.Л. Янинакадемик РАН, доктор исторических наук профессор (Москва, Россия) Редакционная коллегия: А.А. Выборнов-доктор исторических наук, профессор (Самара, Россия) М.Ш. Галимова-кандидат исторических наук (Казань, Россия) Р.Д. Голдина-доктор исторических наук, профессор (Ижевск, Россия) И.Л. Измайлов-кандидат исторических наук (Казань, Россия) С.В. Кузьминых-кандидат исторических наук (Москва, Россия) А.Е. Леонтьев-доктор исторических наук (Москва, Россия) Т.Б. Никитина-доктор исторических наук (Йошкар-Ола, Россия) Ответственный за выпуск: Б.Л. Хамидуллинкандидат исторических наук (Казань, Россия)
Phrasemes with Component „Water“ in the Bulgarian and in the Romanian Language
Ezikov Svyat (Orbis Linguarum), 2019
e paper analyzes phrasemes with the component „water“ in the Bulgarian and the Romanian language from a contrastive perspective. The parallel development of the two neighboring languages as well as the similar conditions of living on both sides of the Danube led to the appearance of phrasemes that are structurally and semantically equivalent. On the other hand, a number of phrasemes with the component „water“ have been detected that differ (analogues) or exist in only one of the languages. The analysis of the phrasemes with the component “water” in Bulgarian and Romanian shows that in both languages there exist a lot of phrasemes-calques. Their source language is often hard to determine. This fact proves that Bulgarians and Romanians perceive the surrounding world in a similar way. Water plays an important role in life of both nationalities. Sometimes it ensures the food as an important part of human life. It also relates to the reclaim of land around the Danube. Its significance in...
The notion of “love” in the light of ethnolinguistics (on Bulgarian and other Slavic materials)
Slavic Linguistics. XVI international Congress of Slavists. Belgrade, August 20-27, 2018. Reports of the Russian Delegation, 2018
В статье анализируются лексико-фразеологические, фольклорные и этнографические материалы с целью реконструкции концепта «любовь» в патриархальном обществе, его языке и культуре. Любовь как понятие многоаспектное в данном случае ограничивается сферой человеческих отношений (любовь между мужчиной и женщиной), отчасти с включением типичных для народной культуры мифологических представлений о связи человека с умершим супругом и/или демоническим персонажем. Концепт «любовь» (и предикат любить) хорошо изучен, например, применительно к современному русскому языку (работы Ю. Д. Апресяна, Анны А. Зализняк [Апресян 2000б; Зализняк 2006] и др.). Общеславянские корни «любви», семантические связи «любовной лексики» и мотивационные модели исследованы С.М. Толстой и М. Якубович [Толстая 2012а; 2012б; Jakubowicz 2000]; понятие «любить» с точки зрения семантических универсалий описано А. Вежбицкой [Wierzbicka 1971]. Немалое число работ посвящено лингвокультурологическому анализу концепта «любви», чаще всего в сопоставлении с данными европейских языков [Вильмс 1997; Кузнецова 2006]. Этнолингвистического анализа концепта «любовь» с комплексным изучением языковых, фольклорных и этнографических материалов, насколько нам известно, пока что не проводилось. В полном объеме и в общеславянском контексте в рамках статьи охватить концепт «любовь» не представляется возможным, поэтому мы ограничимся Ирина Александровна Седакова, Институт славяноведения РАН (Москва) Авторская работа выполнена по гранту РФФИ № 18-512-76003 «Лингвистическая и этнокультурная динамика традиционных и нетрадиционных ценностей в славянском мире» в рамках Программы ERA.Net.RUS Call 2018 (проект #472-LED-SW). Выражаю благодарность российским и болгарским коллегам за помощь с полевыми материалами.