Perception of the Nursing Team in Relation to Oncologic Patient Assistance in Palliative Care in the Intensive Care Unit (original) (raw)
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1.Introduction: changes in their epidemiological and demographic profiles, due to low mortality rates from infectious diseases, studies have signaled a rapid increase in the number of elderly people in Brazil. This process can be observed in developed and developing countries, which generates socioeconomic, cultural, demographic and epidemiological transformations. Unfortunately, in developing countries, this fact leads to social inequalities that require planning and public policies that focus on the elderly and their particularities, including the proximity of death and injuries that can lead to early finitude. 2- Objective: To understand the perceptions of the nursing team in the sector of Medical Clinic in Palliative Care with elderly people in finitude of a private hospital in the city of São Paulo that serves mostly elderly people. 3- Methodology - This was field research, exploratory and descriptive with a qualitative approach, which sought to describe palliative care for the elderly in their finitude and to understand the perceptions of the nursing team in the Internal Medicine sector in palliative care for the elderly. This study was carried out in a private hospital that provides services and assistance to the predominantly elderly population with different pathologies. It had the participation of 18 professionals who provide care to the hospitalized elderly, who agreed to participate in the study by signing the Free and Informed Consent Form (TCLE) and approval of CEP CAAE: 332959914.5.0000.5494. 4. Discussion -The transcription was carried out in the speech of the subjects using the words of significance in relation to the team's perception of palliative care through charts and diagrams, and later discussed in comparison to what the literature addresses in relation to the findings, through the analysis by Laurence Bardin.5. Conclusion - Through the results of this study, it was possible to describe and understand the actions and perceptions of the nursing team in the elderly in their finitude, the results of the research showed that the nursing team is not yet prepared to act in front of the elderly in a terminal phase, i.e. facing death.
Palliative care: understanding of the assistant nurses
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2012
Objective: to investigate the understanding of nurses about palliative care. Method: exploratory, qualitative, conducted at the University Hospital of João Pessoa/PB/Brazil, with 18. Data were collected with form, analyzed by the Technical Content Analysis after the approval of the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, protocol n. 184/10. Results: three categories emerged: Care provided by a multidisciplinary team, with emphasis on humanization and respect for human dignity, care provided to the patient for the relief of suffering and pain and Comprehensive care aimed at enhancing the quality of life of patients and family. Conclusion: the study suggests evidence that nurses involved in the study recognize the valuation of the multidisciplinary team, led by a look humanized nurse to patient and family under hospice care. It is hoped that the data obtained can support further research on the topic. Descriptors: Palliative Care; Nursing; Terminal Care. RESUMO Objetivo: investigar a compreensão de enfermeiros acerca de cuidados paliativos. Método: estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, realizado em um Hospital Universitário, de João Pessoa/PB/Brasil, com 18 enfermeiros. Os dados foram coletados com formulário, analisados pela Técnica de Análise de Conteúdo após a aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, protocolo nº 184/10. Resultados: três categorias emergiram: Cuidados prestados por uma equipe multiprofissional, com ênfase na humanização e no respeito à dignidade humana, Cuidados prestados ao paciente para o alívio do sofrimento e da dor e Cuidados integrais que visam à promoção da qualidade de vida do paciente e da família. Conclusão: o estudo possibilitou evidenciar que os enfermeiros envolvidos no estudo reconhecem a valoração da equipe multiprofissional, propiciou ao enfermeiro um olhar humanizado para paciente e família sob cuidados paliativos. Espera-se que os dados obtidos possam subsidiar novas investigações sobre a temática.
Care to terminal patients. Perception of nurses from the intensive care unit of a hospital
Investigación y educación en enfermería, 2014
To identify the perception of nurses with regard to the process of providing care to patients in the context of hospice care. Qualitative study using the methodological framework Collective Subject Discourse. A total of 18 nursing professionals of the adult intensive care unit of a public hospital in São Paulo, Brazil were interviewed between June and August 2012. The process of providing care to terminal patients is permeated by negative, conflictive and mixed feelings. As regards communication, while the participants acknowledge its importance as a therapeutic resource, they also admit a lack of professional qualification. The interviewees have difficulties to deal with care provided to terminal patients. The qualification of these professionals needs to be improved, starting in the undergraduate program.
Caring for cancer patients facing death: nurse's perception and experience
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2020
Objective: To know the experiences and perceptions of nurses who care for dying cancer patients. Method: A descriptive, qualitative study, developed in a private hospital in Sao Paulo, with a total of nine nurses, aged between 24 and 46 years old, who participated in a semi-structured interview. Results: Through Bardin's Content Analysis, three categories were highlighted: Death as a natural process and the final stage of the life cycle; Although it is difficult, it is important to get emotionally involved with dying patients and their family; and Reflecting on their experiences in the care of dying patients and their family. Final Considerations: The nurses' experiences and perceptions of the death of cancer patients showed the professional's involvement and feelings of anxiety and anguish. Adopting effective strategies to address people who are suffering, in the context of the study, can provide subsidies that will guide clinical practice in health.
Intensive care nurses\' attitude on palliative and end of life care
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Research Article IntroductIon All disease processes are not cured with advanced medical care. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) care in many cases prolongs the process of inevitable death. Over time, palliation and end of life (EOL) care have become inexorably entwined in ICU practices and protocols. In the ICUs, nurses form a closer relationship with the patients and their relatives than the other members of the treating team. [1] Practices of EOL care vary worldwide, and the knowledge, attitude, and involvement of nurses differ. [2-7] In India, there has been a major drive from the Indian Society of Critical care Medicine and the Indian Association of Palliative Care to incorporate the requisite ideologies in medical and critical care training. [8] However, there is no information on the degree of percolation of this training into the Indian nursing curriculum and practice. This may be vital to the holistic implementation of the principles of palliation and EOL practices in ICUs. We aimed to study the knowledge and attitude of critical care nurses about EOL and palliative care in ICUs. Background: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses have a vital role in the implementation of end of life (EOL) care. There is limited data on the attitude of ICU nurses toward EOL and palliation. Aim: This study aimed to investigate knowledge, attitude, and beliefs of intensive care nurses in eastern India toward EOL. Materials and Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to delegates in two regional critical care nurses' training programs. Results: Of 178 questionnaires distributed, 138 completed, with a response rate of 75.5%. About half (48.5%) had more than 1 year ICU experience. A majority (81.9%) agreed that nurses should be involved in and initiate (62.3%) EOL discussions. Terms "EOL care or palliative care in ICU" were new for 19.6%; 21% and 55.8% disagreed with allowing peaceful death in terminal patients and unrestricted family visits, respectively. Work experience was associated with wanting unrestricted family visitation, discontinuing monitoring and investigations at EOL, equating withholding and withdrawal of treatment, and being a part of EOL team discussions (P = 0.005, 0.01, 0.01, and 0.001), respectively. Religiousness was associated with a greater desire to initiate EOL discussions (P = 0.001). Conclusion: Greater emphasis on palliative care in critical care curriculum may improve awareness among critical care nurses.