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Present work deals with the application of raspberry pi CPU based sensing system to the detection of driver's lethargy and alcoholism in order to avoid the road accidents. The embedded system consists of 5 megapixel digital camera, alcohole detection sensor and the buzzeer interfaced to the microcontroller. The embedded system is controlled by Raspbian operating system. The system detects real time situation of the driver's vigilance and control over the vehicle. If alcoholic and / or drowsiness tests are positive, it (i) switches on the alarm, (ii) turn off the vehicle's engine via microcontroller based program controlling ignition power source and (iii) sends a sms to the person close to the driver's location.
IRJET- Implementation on Alcohol Sensing Alert
IRJET, 2020
In today's busy and hectic world, people are unable to get full rest and complete bedtime sleep. Due to this when they drive after a sleepless night, they end up dozing off while driving which can be very fatal. A lot of accidents are caused due to drowsy driving every year and it often goes undetected thereby leading to huge loss of lives and resources. We are presenting a system that detects drowsiness while driving and alerts the driver for the same. Such systems are available in high end cars only. Our system uses the front camera of the driver's mobile phone placed in front of the driver. The detection of eyes closed is efficient and works under different situations, it uses camera of any normal android phone. Hence, we provide users with a cheap technology. This paper discusses design, development and testing of the prototype of drink and drive situation detection and alert along with vehicle control system to minimize road mishaps and enhance public safety on road. Based upon the recent smart alcohol sensing and integration of satellite and cellular wireless communication technologies, the proposed device quickly senses the drunken state of the driver during start-up/driving by estimating the equivalent breath alcohol concentration level corresponding to the legally permissible state's threshold blood alcohol concentration level. On detection of such situation, on-vehicle alarm is activated to warn the person. Additionally, 'alert SMS' indicating drunk driver location, tracked by onboard GPS receiver, along with vehicle number is communicated remotely to authorized mobile user using GSM cellular network to take appropriate action thereafter.
Driver Drowsiness and Alcohol Detection System Using Arduino
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2020
Drowsiness in driving causes the major road accidents. Now a day’s drowsiness due to drunken driving is increasing. If driver is found to be drowsiness in eyes more than 5 secs, then the eye blink sensor senses the blink rate. If the eyes are found to be closed, then the speed of the car slows down. In our proposed system, along with drowsiness,alcohol detection is also detected by using alcohol MQ3 sensor. If alcohol is detected in driver’s breathe, then the car slows down. These sensors are interfaced with Arduino UNO.LED glows in case of alcohol detection and buzzer rings in case of drowsiness detection and speed of the car varies on detection of both cases. Keywords -Arduino UNO, Eyeblink sensor, MQ3 sensor, L29
IRJET- An Android Application to Notify the Detection of Alcohol Consumption While Driving
IRJET, 2020
With increasing need for better vehicles and human security, there is now a strong emphasis on developing measures to prevent accidents of vehicles. Nowadays, we can see an increase in road accidents, due to which there is a rise in the death rate and it has become the major concern one can't imagine. The main reason for the road accidents is the alcohol consumption done by the driver. So, here is a proposed system which detects the alcohol consumption of the driver by using the MQ3 sensors placed on the steering of the vehicle. And notifies it through the android application to the owner or the family members of the driver. This paper attempts to explore the possibility of using the technology that would detect the alcohol and notify it using the technology. The technology used here does not allow the driver to start the vehicle, if the driver has done the alcohol consumption above the threshold level. This is done by measuring the sensors connected which gives a buzzer sound when the driver is drunk and notified by GSM modem installed in the vehicle. One of the advantages of this system is that the alcohol sensors sense only the person sitting in the driver's seat and will not take into account of the fellow traveler. So the driver with alcohol consumption is identified and notified to the relative or the owner of the vehicle.
IRJET- Estimation of Driver's Level of Drowsiness and Alcohol Intoxication using Arduino
IRJET, 2020
Driver Drowsiness System in today's` modern world transportation is necessary for the aspect of safety, we will be making a drowsiness detecting device. An endless number of individuals drive on the highway day and night. Cabbies, transport drivers, truck drivers and individuals travelling significant distance experience the ill effects of lack of rest. Because of which it turns out to be exceptionally hazardous to drive when feeling lethargic. Most of mishaps occur because of the drowsiness of the driver. So, to prevent these accidents we will build a system using Python, OpenCV and Arduino which will alert the driver when he feels sleepy. This study also highlights that these solutions and studies focus on solving any one problem and not most of the problems in general. For this reason, there must be a common system which can give solution for most of the problems mentioned here. Anon-intrusive system which can solve all these problems.
Alcohol Detection and Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding System
The main aim of this project is to design an embedded system for implementing a efficient alcohol detection system that will be useful to avoid accidents. There are many different types of accidents which occur in daily life. Accidents may cause due to many reasons it may be due to brake fail. Most often accidents occur due to over drunken person. Though there are laws to punish drunken drivers they cannot be fully implemented. Because traffic police cannot stand on every road to check each and every car driver whether he/she has drunk or not. This can be a major reason for accidents. So there is a need for a effective system to check drunken drivers. Therefore in order to avoid these accidents we have implemented a prototype project. In our project, Initially we check whether the person has drunken or not by using the MQ3 GAS sensor. In this system, sensor circuit is used to detect whether the alcohol was consumed by driver or not. To this end, we have designed such a system that when alcohol concentration is detected then car will be stopped and the related information will go to nearby location through GSM. This project is based on EMBEDDED C programming using AVR-AT mega 16 microcontroller.
Alcohol Detection System in Vehicle for Human Safety
In this paper the objective is to design a system that detects the state of the driver before he takes the control of the vehicle. Where the system takes driver breath as the input to the MQ3 sensor. With the combination of the Arduino UNO and GPS& GSM Module for the communication purpose to send the alert message and location of the vehicle to the near ones and LCD display to show the present state of the driver and by using ESP 8266 Wi-Fi module to check and communicate the data through web page
Alcohol Detection System to Reduce Drunk Driving
International journal of engineering research and technology, 2021
Due to the rapid increase of vehicles on roads, the probability of road accidents is rising steeply. Drunk driving is considered to be a major cause of road accidents throughout the world. The main aim of this project is to develop a system that would detect the amount of alcohol that is consumed by the driver of the vehicle. The proposed system aims at preventing the user from driving when drunk and thereby intends to reduce the number of accidents occurring due to drunk driving. The proposed model is developed using Arduino Uno and alcohol detection sensor (MQ-3) as its major components. As a safety measure, when the level of alcohol crosses a permissible limit, the vehicle ignition system (DC Motor) will be turned off and the concerned authority will be alerted using the GSM module.
The purpose of this project is to develop vehicle accident prevention by method of alcohol detector in an effort to reduce traffic accident cases based on driving under the influence alcohol. This project is developed by integrating the alcohol sensor with the microcontroller 16F877A. The alcohol sensor used in this project is MQ-2 which to detect the alcohol content in human breath. An ignition system which will produce spark plugs is build up as a prototype to act like the ignition starter over the vehicle's engine. The ignition system will operate based on the level of blood alcohol content (BAC) from human breaths detected by alcohol sensor.The main purpose behind this project is " Drunk driving detection ". Now a days, many accidents are happening because of the alcohol consumption of the driver or the person who is driving the vehicle. Thus Drunken driving is a major reason of accidents in almost all countries all over the world. Alcohol Detector in Car project is designed for the safety of the people seating inside the car. This project should be fitted / installed inside the vehicle.
IJERT-Alcohol Detection System to Reduce Drunk Driving
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2021 Due to the rapid increase of vehicles on roads, the probability of road accidents is rising steeply. Drunk driving is considered to be a major cause of road accidents throughout the world. The main aim of this project is to develop a system that would detect the amount of alcohol that is consumed by the driver of the vehicle. The proposed system aims at preventing the user from driving when drunk and thereby intends to reduce the number of accidents occurring due to drunk driving. The proposed model is developed using Arduino Uno and alcohol detection sensor (MQ-3) as its major components. As a safety measure, when the level of alcohol crosses a permissible limit, the vehicle ignition system (DC Motor) will be turned off and the concerned authority will be alerted using the GSM module.