Храбрый огонек живой души (original) (raw)
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Dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Mari Archaeological Expedition, the article elucidates some key facts related to its history and scientific endeavors of its team archaeologists. The author introduces its leaders A.Kh. Khalikov, G.A. Arkhipov, V.V. Nikitin, as well as many other archaeologists and defines the role of the MAE in training of the regional archaeologists. Massive archaeological sources of all ages uncovered by the expedition set numerous questions to the researchers. The work on these questions involved large circles of specialists and PhD and graduate students from different cities. Today, it is important to ensure that the MAE history be documented and take its deserved place in the history of the national archaeology.
Scientific studies conducted by the team of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov in 2015 aimed to further elaborate on the issues of the Volga-Kama early and medieval history within the context of the Eurasian civilization. To pursue these scientific and organizational activities, the Institute conducted fundamental and applied research, promoted historical knowledge and developed cooperation with other universities and major academic institutions of Russia and foreign countries. Fundamental research was conducted on “Archaeology of the Early Volga-Kama Population: Interaction of Cultures”, “Medieval Turkic-Tatar Civilization: Emergence, Development and Interaction with Eurasian Peoples”, “Anthropology and Genetics of the Early Middle Volga Population”. Научные изыскания коллектива Института археологии им. А.Х. Халикова в 2015 г. были направлены на углубленную разработку проблем древней и средневековой истории Волго-Камья в контексте Евразийской цивилизации. В рамках этих актуальных задач научная и научно-организационная деятельность Института осуществлялась в форме проведения фундаментальных и прикладных научных исследований, широкой популяризации исторических знаний, развития сотрудничества с вузами, а также с крупными научно-исследовательскими структурами России и зарубежных стран. Фундаментальные исследования проводились по темам «Археология древнего населения Волго-Камья: взаимодействие культур», «Средневековая тюрко-татарская цивилизация: возникновение, развитие, взаимодействие с народами Евразии», «Антропология и генетика древнего населения Среднего Поволжья».
Irkutsk Archaeological (Иркутск археологический)
Archaeology of Irkutsk city is already more than 140 years old. Irkutsk rightfully carries the glory of Russia's first Paleolithic site Voennyi Hospital, unique and famous Paleolithic-Mesolithic site Verkholenskaya Gora, Early Neolithic necropolis Lokomotiv as well as Bronze Age necropolis Glazkovsky. There are more than 40 archaeological site discovered in Irkutsk to this moment and dated in the time span from Early Paleolithic to Developed Iron Age. These sites testify that the Irkutsk area was intensively occupied by humans for at least 50 000 years. This article is devoted to review of the most researched and informative archaeological sites.
Radiocarbon, 2015
The book under review is a translation of the Russian volume, Fenomen Sovetskoi Arkheologii (The Phenomenon of Soviet Archaeology), published in 1993 and translated into Spanish (1993) and German (1997), although lacking wide international distribution. The English version (Klejn 2012), which has some additions compared to the 1993 book, is a very valuable contribution to the international scholarly literature. In fact, this is the first systematic description of the history, issues, approaches, and major dramatis personae in Soviet archaeology since its origin, from 1919-20 until the 2000s. This subject is still little-known in the English-speaking scholarly community (e.g. Chard 1969; Trigger 1978).
Археалагічныя раскопкі на познесярэдневяковым могільніку каля в. Міхалінава Лёзненскага раёна ў 2016 г., 2021
Статья посвящена описанию археологических раскопок на позднесредневековом грунтовом могильнике возле деревни Михалиново Лиозненского района в 2016 г. Было открыто 26 погребений, содержащих останки не менее 32 индивидов (9 мужчин, 8 женщин, 5 детей, 8 взрослых неустановленного пола и 2 индивидов, пол и возраст которых не установлены). Погребения размещены на разной глубине в 4 горизонтах. Костяки ориентированы головой на запад (3 погребения), на запад с отклонениями к северу (11 погребений) и к югу (3 погребения). В заполнении могильных ям 15 погребений выявлены остатки гробов. Погребальный инвентарь встречен в 2 погребениях и представлен нательными крестиками. Также найдены крестик, перстень, деталь головного убора, 2 монеты (вероятно, из нарушенных погребений). В культурном слое могильника представлены фрагменты керамики ХV–ХІХ вв. = The article describes archaeological excavations at the ground cemetery near Mikhalinava village of Liozna district in Vitebsk region in 2016. 26 burials that contained the remains of at least 32 people (probablyg 9 men, 8 women, 5 children, 8 and people, whose sex could not be determined and 2 people, whose sex and age could not be determined) were open. Burials were placed in four layers. The heads of skeletons are oriented to the West (3 burials), to the West with deviation to the North (11 burial), and to the West with deviation to the South (3 burials). Remains of coffins have been found in in the filling of grave pits of 15 burials. A crosses have been found in 2 burials. Fragments of pottery from the 15th to the 19th centuries were discovered