Investigating the Effect of 7e Learning Cycle Model of Inquiry- Based Instruction on Students' Achievement in Science (original) (raw)

Effect of the 7E Learning Cycle Model on Students’ Achievement in the Subject of Science at the Elementary School Level


Innovative teaching strategies help students get an opportunity to think critically and reflect. This study aimed to investigate effectiveness of 7E learning model to teach the science subject to grade VIII students. This quantitative study was carried out at Govt. Girls High School 90 SB Sargodha using intact group sampling. Control group students were taught science subject by traditional instruction method, while experimental group students were taught with respect to sequence of 7E (Elicit, engagement, explore, explain, elaborate, & evaluation) learning cycle model for twelve weeks. Science Achievement Test (SAT) was used as pre-test and post-test. SAT was pilot tested and validated by the science teachers before administration to experimental group. Reliability of test was .92, measured by split-half method. Performance of both groups was compared using t-test. Students taught through 7E instructional strategy scored higher in posttest as compared to students of control group. Findings of this study are useful for developing curriculum material, lesson plans and improving classroom practices. Incorporation of 7E learning cycle model in science curriculum is necessary, so students can construct their knowledge themselves by actively participating in class and create ideas to solve everyday problems.

The Effect of 7E Learning Cycle Model toward Students' Learning Outcome of Basic Science Concept


This study aims to investigate the effect of the application of the 7E (Elicit, Engange ,Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluation and Extend) Learning Cycle Model to the learning outcomes of the Basic Science Concepts of second grade student of Elementary School. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this study was all students of Primary Teacher Education in higher educational private university college in Padang in the 2018/2019 school year. The sample consisted of 24 control class students and 28 experimental class students. The experimental class uses the 7E Learning Cycle model while the control class uses the conventional model. The data collection technique is in the form of a learning outcome test (cognitive). From this study, there were differences in student learning outcomes using learning with the learning model Cycle 7E with conventional learning. Learning with 7E Learning Cycle model gives an effect of 72% (moderate) to the improvement of student learning outcomes in the Basic Science Concept Course.

The 5E Instructional Model: A Learning Cycle Approach for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching


The implementation of inquiry-based teaching is a major theme in national science education reform documents such as Project 2061: Science for All Americans (Rutherford & Alhgren, 1990) and the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996). These reports argue that inquiry needs to be a central strategy of all science curricula. Using a learning cycle approach in the classroom helps to facilitate inquiry practices because learning cycles focus on constructivist principles and emphasize the explanation and investigation of phenomena, the use of evidence to back up conclusions, and experimental design. Although there are several variations of learning cycles, the one that is highlighted in this manuscript as a method to support inquiry-based teaching is the 5E Instructional Model (Bybee & Landes, 1990). The use of this model in several science education professional development programs is also addressed.

An Overview of Learning Cycles in Science Inquiry-based Instruction

African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences

While a plethora of researchers have acknowledged the importance of learning cycles as a model of instruction in a constructivist supported enquiry science education, the rising number of learning cycle models however raises compelling questions about validity, hence the need for a comprehensive overview and analysis of the comparative strengths and weaknesses of these models. This paper examined among the very many, four major learning cycles; 3E, 5E, 7E and 9E, on the scales of knowledge construction, to provide adequate information for decision making regarding their preference and use. While the 3E provides the very basic framework for expansion, it missed addressing the learners’ initial dialogic engagement with teachers as well as summative evaluation of learning. Critical analysis informed the conclusion that there are three main goals common to the learning cycles under review namely; the development of conceptual understanding, process skills and critical thinking. A well-p...

Effect of Inquiry-Based Teaching Method on Students Achievement and Retention of Concepts in Integrated Science in Senior High School

Texila International Journal of Academic research, 2020

This study purposely investigated the impact of using inquiry-based teaching method on students' academic achievement and retention of concept in integrated science against the traditional method in some selected senior high schools in the Obuasi Municipality. The study also investigated the difference in the mean achievement score between male and female students taught integrated science using inquiry-based method. The sample for the study was 292 students in SHS two from Christ the King Catholic Senior High School and Obuasi Secondary Technical in the Obuasi Municipality. The sample were obtained through random sample technique. The experimental group received instructions in integrated science using inquiry-based method of teaching whereas the control group were taught with the traditional method. The data were collected through the use of pretest-posttest research design and were analyze according to the research question for the study. The main research question for the study was: What is the effect of inquiry-based method of teaching on students' achievement and retention of concepts in integrated science? The results from the study indicates that the students in the experimental group performed better than the students in the control group. The findings also show that students who were instructed with inquiry-based method have higher retention capacity than their counterpart students who were exposed to traditional method. There was a slightly gender disparity in the achievement and retention capacity of both male and female students taught integrated science with inquiry-based method in favour of the male. This means that inquiry-based method is very rewarding to students in terms of achievement and retention regardless of gender.

Development and application of learning cycle model on science teaching and learning : a literature review

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The Learning Cylce Model is a contructivist instructional model whether student use their prior knowledge and experiences to construct their thinking. The purpose of this study is to review the development and application of Learning cycle model especially in the last 1 decade. Technique of collecting data was through literature study: obtained some comparisons of phases of Learning cycle models such as 3E Learning Cycle Models, 5E learning cycle model, and 7 E learning cycle models. These models are related to each other in their developments. In addition, each of them has its own characteristic.This study found that 7E LC Models can enhance educational effects : student's Achievement, critical thinking, Science process Skills and Moral reasoning. Therefore, educators, practitioner and researcher should be supported to implement the Learning Cycle Model in Science Teaching and Learning.

Science Learning Cycle Method to Enhance the Co

There have been many studies related to the implementation of cooperative learning. However, there are still many problems in school related to the learning outcomes on science lesson, especially in physics. The aim of this study is to observe the application of science learning cycle (SLC) model on improving scienti c literacy for secondary vocational schools at physics. Through this research, it will be known its in uence of learning methods and contribution to the understanding of physics concepts and student independence learning. This research is a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest control group which the independent variable is learning the method and the dependent variable is the conceptual understanding. The result shows that there is an effect of teaching method on the dependent variable. It also shows that the conceptual understanding of the students in the treatment group who applied methods SLC is better than the control group.

Effective Inquiry-Based Learning Strategies in Teaching Science to a Group of High School Learners

EFFECTIVE INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING STRATEGIES 2 Abstract The purpose of this action research is to compare the effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) over Traditional pedagogical techniques in stimulating student engagement and motivation, increasing science knowledge and developing science skills, and determining the most effective IBL strategies that cause student learning. The study involved six classes in G 10-12 studying science courses, with a total number of 116 students. The classes were divided during the first lesson into two groups: 1) classes taught traditionally and 2) classes taught using IBL strategies. During the second lesson, the two groups were switched. The collected data included three sets of data for each of the three focus questions. Measuring student engagement was done using a student Interest in Science Survey, Student journals and reflections, and teachers’ observation and video analysis. The growth in student science knowledge and science skills development were assessed using objective oriented quizzes, Scientific Method Projects, Teacher observations. The effectiveness of the different IBL strategies were evaluated using student Science Skills evaluation by teachers, Student inquiry survey, Post-intervention student survey. The results supported the effectiveness of IBL on student engagement, learning, and depth of understanding. It provides a guide for teachers for planning IBL lessons using the most effective planning and inquiry strategies, as revealed by the results. Keywords: Inquiry-based learning, Problem-based learning, Project-based learning, design backwards, essential questions, learning, understanding.


Science Process Skills are a reflection of the methods used by scientists while generating information on Science.Integrated Process Skills are immediate Skills that are used in problem-solving and an evolved scientific thinking is likely to happen on attainment of these Integrated Process Skills only.The Science Process Skills include intellectual skills as well as associated psychomotor and affective skills that are concerned with the learning of Science in all its aspects and are essential for teaching science content knowledge.The main objective of this research is to develop a programme based on 7E Learning Cycle to improve the Integrated Process Skills of Secondary School Students. The stages of 7E Learning Cycle given by Eisenkraft are designed to help students understand the science concepts by making them actively work in solving problems.The seven stages, namely elicit, engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate, and extend can give students a chance to construct their own knowledge and in the process develop their integrated science process skills also.

How should science be taught by using learning cycle approach in elementary schools


The purpose of this study is to explain “Learning Cycle” approach in the light of Piagetian Model of Intelligence. Basically, Learning Cycle, which consists of three essential phases, exploration, term introduction, and concept application, is a studentcentered teaching procedure. This Learning Cycle approach is a totally different way of teaching science which comes from students’ experiences, rather than through other learning methods relying on the textbook, which is generally being used in Turkish education. I will explain how derived learning cycle approach from the work of Piaget’s theory, which consist of Model of Mental Functioning and Stages of Cognitive Development. I will also show how the Learning Cycle approach covers purpose of education and nature of science. Learning Cycle is going to change our traditional method of teaching science. To catch up modern western civilization in the field of education, somehow we should integrate Learning Cycle approach, which is one o...