A child in a web of threats -risky online behaviours of youth as a challenge for education (original) (raw)

Educational challenges of emerging risks in cyberspace: foundations of an appropriate strategy for preventing online child victimisation


In just a few years, technological changes have transformed how people interact and communicate with each other, in particular among so-called digital adolescents. The impact of technology on routine activities and mainstream culture has led to an increase in young peoples’ exposure to psychological and criminological risks. As a result of this new psychosocial trend, new educational challenges are appearing and it is becoming more necessary to react to these challenges on the basis of an adequate diagnosis of psychology and pedagogy relating to adolescents. Criminological theories and research have tried to identify risk and protection factors to understand victimisation processes in more depth and improve prevention strategies. In this context, it is necessary to develop educational programs that consider personal, familial, and situational vulnerabilities and weaknesses in order to foster resilient individuals who can successfully confront the risks inherent to cyberspace. By ana...


Abstract Violence is pervasive, and could cause deep and lasting physical and psychological damage to children. One of the ways in which children could be exposed to violence is through the use of the internet. Aspects of cyber interactions through which children could be exposed to violence are the production, distribution and use of materials depicting child sexual abuse (child pornography); online sexual solicitation, or “grooming”; exposure to illegal and harmful materials; and harassment, including cyber bullying. While acknowledging the various benefits of internet use to children, emphasis should be on maximizing potentials and minimizing risks, thus protecting the best interest of the child. This paper therefore examines the exposure of children to violence through the use of the internet as well as the need for parents, schools, government and all stake holders, through comprehensive education and child protection standards, among other means, to take both protective and preventive measures in order to guarantee the safety of children in cyberspace. Keywords: Violence, children, cyberspace, internet, ICT.

223 Cyberspace's threats: a pedagogical perspective on Internet addiction, violence and abuse

Questo articolo presenta e tematizza alcune risultanze emerse nel corso di due diverse ricerche condotte dal Personality Socialization Research Institute (PSRI) di Rezeknes augstskola (Lettonia). Entrambe le ricerche sono iniziate nel 2012 e in via di conclusione. La prima è una analisi della letteratura sulla dipendenza da Internet, arricchita da un sondaggio sull'uso eccessivo di Internet tra gli adolescenti lettoni, mentre la seconda ha richiesto l'attuazione di un programma di formazione per gli operatori sociali sulle minacce del cyberspazio, effettuata nel quadro di un Progetto Europeo ("PI-PWP Threats of cyberspace -New qualification of a social worker"), in cui PSRI è un partner. L'articolo sostiene l'idea della stretta relazione che esiste, in termini di singolo comportamento emotivo-sociale, tra Internet e vita reale. Inoltre, sostiene l'importanza di un approccio pedagogico come via per risolvere alcuni dei problemi connessi alla diffusione di Internet, spesso causati da un suo uso abuso. Più in particolare, sono stati presentati alcuni problemi emersi durante la progettazione del programma di formazione per gli operatori sociali e la definizione della strategia per il miglioramento/valutazione della sua efficacia. L'analisi della letteratura ha dimostrato che il ricorso ad una dimensione pedagogica per affrontare le minacce del cyberspazio è condivisa da altri ricercatori, c'è anche una interessante convergenza sul modello di apprendimento sociale di Bandura che è alla base del quadro teorico dello studio.

Children and youth safety on the Internet: Experiences from Czech Republic and Poland


The aim of the article is to present research results concerning sharing confidential data and risky behaviors that are derived from it among the young Internet users. The analysis of the topic was depicted on the basis of quantitative research carried out in Poland and Czech Republic. According to the analysis, behaviors connected with sharing the sensitive data on the Internet determine a range of further risky behaviors in the virtual space and the real world. In the article, the type of data shared on the Internet, ways of interpreting risky behaviors by young people were determined and the attempt to distinguish factors that condition dangerous behaviors was made. The research is of comparative character and its aim is to present the specifics of the analyzed phenomenon in the perspective of the two biggest countries of the Visegrad Group. The article includes the examples of educational actions which aim is to improve the awareness of children and youth in the matter of improving their own level of safety on the Internet. These actions serve as good educational practices and are the answer of the education environment to e-threats presented in the paper.

Cyber Safety and Young People: From Policy to Practice

is a lecturer in the Education program at UTS and teachers on a subject where the focus is on teaching and learning in primary schools with the support of ICT. His thesis examined on the use of communication technologies in the primary school with a focus being on safety related issues. Damian continues to research in this field and has published journal articles and book chapters focusing on cyber safety.

Online Perils: Internet Safety and Cyber Risks for Young Adults in the 21st Century

National Conference on Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, 2023

The digital age has transformed the technological landscape for today's adolescents and young adults. Growing up in developed countries, they have wholeheartedly embraced an array of digital devices to satisfy their need for connection and exploration. This generation has rapidly adapted to the digital era, integrating technology into their daily lives. While digitization empowers young people to expand their educational horizons, access information, express themselves, and maintain social connections, it also exposes them to hidden threats within the digital realm. Increased use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is associated with a heightened risk of encountering ICT mediated harassment, intrusion, and surveillance. As reliance on digital devices continues to grow, so does the accompanying risk to mental health. Cyber-harassment, characterized by repetitive unwanted ICT-mediated interpersonal aggression, and cyberbullying, involving hostile actions through various online channels, are linked to negative emotions, mental health challenges, and, in extreme cases, suicidal incidents. Research highlights the severe emotional and psychological repercussions of bullying, including depression, anxiety, and reduced selfesteem. Educational institutions have seamlessly integrated into the world of social media, using these platforms to attract students, build professional networks, and promote online learning. However, the benefits of engaging with social media platforms come at a cost. Excessive use is associated with sleep disturbances, social isolation, obesity, substance abuse, and challenges in adapting to both social and academic life. This chapter centers on addressing digital trauma among adolescents, its consequences, and the significance of cyber education in preventing these threats and ensuring online safety.

Protecting our Youth Online: A Comprehensive Review on Strategies to Safeguard Children from Online Threats

International Journal of Networks and Systems, 2024

The evidence about the potential benefits and hazards associated with children's internet usage is expanding along with the global interest in this topic. In order to facilitate comparative study of research findings from lower-and middle-income nations like South Africa, Serbia, the Philippines, Brazil, and Argentina, the Global Kids Online program provides tools and guidelines to national researchers. This study looks at how present child rights laws, particularly those pertaining to the internet, correspond with the expanding body of data. It also looks at ways to influence future policy orientations. It provides information and recommendations for protecting children online based on current research and policy studies [1].

Children and the Internet: Vulnerability or Opportunity?

Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime (IC3), 2022

As a member of the implementation team of the Cyberex RO Project-Improving, cooperating and preventing in the fight against cybercrime, I conducted a survey among students aged 10 to 18 on the topic of online security. This paper discusses the results of this survey regarding children's habits on using the Internet, the safety measures they know and use, their level of information and their need to learn about Internet safety issues.