(2009) Chan do Cereixo (Donas, Gondomar): una actualización del Paleolítico Inferior en Galicia (Presentación). (original) (raw)

The palaeolithic Portomaior site recent have been localized in the Miño basin in the As Neves council (Pontevedra, Galicia), are situated in a middle terrace of the Miño of +30-40m. Acheulian industry has been localized in several of the four stratigraphy levels differentiated. In absence of faunal remains and for the moment the absolute date, the relative position of the terrace in the general sequence of the valley permit to considerer a chronology of the second half of the Middle Pleistocene for the site. The high density of industry in context stratigraphy permits compares this collection with the Las Gándaras de Budiño site, it knows since middle century of 1960.

Geoarchaeological study advance of Miño river lower basin (Pontevedra, Spain). Recent geoarchaeological studies being developed in Miño river lower basin (Pontevedra, Spain) have led to the identification of numerous evidence of human occupation during the Middle Pleistocene. Among the most important, two sites, namely O Cabrón and Porto Maior, have been specifically excavated in recent years. These key sites show multiple episodes of occupation that have mostly delivered an abundant Acheulean lithic technology, and definitely contribute to fill the existing gap in our knowledge of the first hominids living in this region.

This paper reports the discovery of new Paleolithic sites in the Depresión de Monforte de Lemos (Monforte Basin, NW of the Iberian Peninsula). This zone was filled with Quaternary deposits that have yielded 30 open air sites. Due to the casual discovery of Paleolithic artifacts a systematic archaeological work was carried out, assessing the archaeological potential of this area. Most of these lithic artifacts were found on surface, but also we have located two sites with archaeological materials in stratigraphic context (O Regueiral and Áspera). In the basin of Monforte we have recognized a human settlement along the Middle and Upper Pleistocene, with lithic implements classified as Mode 2, Mode 3 and Mode 4. The most important sites are As Lamas, Chao de Fabeiro (both with Mode 2 lithic industry, that includes handaxes and cleavers), O Regueiral (Mode 3), and Valverde (Mode 4). Thus the Monforte Basin has the adequate conditions to accomplish a diachronic study on the evolution of the strategies of technical behavior during the Paleolithic, and its relation with the evolution of Pleistocene environment

This paper reports the discovery of new Paleolithic sites in the Depresión de Monforte de Lemos (Monforte Basin, NW of the Iberian Peninsula). This zone was filled with Quaternary deposits that have yielded 30 open air sites. Due to the casual discovery of Paleolithic artifacts a systematic archaeological work was carried out, assessing the archaeological potential of this area. Most of these lithic artifacts were found on surface, but also we have located two sites with archaeological materials in stratigraphic context (O Regueiral and Áspera). In the basin of Monforte we have recognized a human settlement along the Middle and Upper Pleistocene, with lithic implements classified as Mode 2, Mode 3 and Mode 4. The most important sites are As Lamas, Chao de Fabeiro (both with Mode 2 lithic industry, that includes handaxes and cleavers), O Regueiral (Mode 3), and Valverde (Mode 4). Thus the Monforte Basin has the ade- quate conditions to accomplish a diachronic study on the evolution of the strategies of technical behavior during the Paleolithic, and its relation with the evolution of Pleistocene environment.