Többnyelvűség és lokalitás. Magyar és román érintkező narratívák 1989-ről [Multilingualism and Locality. Hungarian and Romanian Contact Narratives about 1989] Erdélyi Múzeum, LXXXII kötet, 2020, 3. füzet, 1–27. (original) (raw)
2020, Többnyelvűség és lokalitás. Magyar és román érintkező narratívák 1989-ről [Multilingualism and Locality. Hungarian and Romanian Contact Narratives about 1989] Erdélyi Múzeum, LXXXII kötet, 2020, 3. füzet, 1–27.
The study discusses contemporary theories of world literature, transnationalism and transculturation in the context of East-Central Europe as a historical, cultural, geopolitical in-between territory, and re-conceptualizes the phenomenon of the Hungarian Transborder Literature from the perspectives of multilingual affiliations. Hungarian and Romanian novels as “contact narratives” create 1989 as a historical nodal point and – through the poetics of accents – shape the local as multilingual. The embodied memory of the dictatorial system in the novels recalls the tradition of the Bildungsroman in a specific way – like a self-alienated de-formation process of socialist propagandistic formation techniques which were efficiently inscribed into the body. In the novels, the reflection and even deconstruction of the societal conditioning could be seen as a common generational search for a new realistic language. In the discussion of the theoretical and literary texts, the study applies the collage as a reading strategy, which – according to Susan Stanford Friedman – “stages a juxtaposition that foregrounds the tension – the dialogic – pull between commensurability and incommensurability”.