Information Security through Compression and Cryptography Techniques (original) (raw)

Data Security using Compression and Cryptography Techniques

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015

Data is any type of stored digital information. Security is about the protection of assets. Data security refers to protective digital privacy measures that are applied to prevent unauthorized access to computers, databases and websites. Cryptography is evergreen and developments. Cryptography protects users by providing functionality for the encryption of data and authentication of other users. Compression is the process of reducing the number of bits or bytes needed to represent a given set of data. It allows saving more data. The project aims to implement various cryptography algorithm for data security. The data will be first compressed using compression techniques and then encryption techniques will applied and then comparative analysis will be carried out for different combinations of compression and encryption techniques. If encryption and compression are done at the same time then it takes less processing time and more speed.

A Survey on Data Compression and Cryptographic Algorithms


Data security and confidentiality issues are of paramount importance both within an organization in the form of a commercial (enterprise), a college, a government agency, as well as an individual (personal). Especially if the data is in a computer network connected/connected to the public network or the internet. The ability to access and provide information quickly and accurately will greatly affect an organization. In this paper, we will try to discuss the message/data delivery security system by using a form of encryption that aims to maintain the confidentiality of the data or the confidentiality of a message. So that messages/data that we send cannot be accessed or read by people who are not eligible. Because a lot of security systems are used by an organization or also personal, then here will use one of its methods that are by using a method of the security system using the Cryptographic algorithm.


IJIRIS Journal Division, 2017

E-commerce is one of most important fields in business process .many organization depend on e-commerce to enhance their work .there are many challenges faces the e commerce and has a negative effects in applying process such as security risks. Any organization depend on e-commerce must take data security in their consideration. Data security contains many areas, and the most important area is to secure the data from unauthorized access .Cryptography contain many techniques which can be used to apply the security for data. Cryptography may be used for many issues such as prevent unauthorized access, data integrity and authentication. Compression techniques contain some techniques which be used to reduce the bits which represent the data. In this survey we presents some of compression and cryptography techniques which be used to improve data security.

A Novel Approach for Secure Communication of Text Using Compression Mechanism


The general encryption mechanism involves conversion of plain text into cipher text and decryption as vice versa, as well as multimedia(such as images, video, etc.,) the momentous aspect over here is that the converted cipher text always produces greater size than the original plain text. As there are innumerable number of internet users these days, more memory is accumulated in this process unnecessarily. To avoid such unnecessary accumulation of data we implement some data compression techniques over this encrypted data and also provide security mechanisms for the same and then send over the internet. But as we have many compression tools available in the open market, they fail to provide the security for the data at the same time. The same process can be implemented for the image encryption process. By encoding an image and compressing this encoded image along with security operations. Thus decryption provides the at most security for the data over the network. All the above disc...

A Survey on Various Encoding, Encryption and compression Techniques

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018

This paper reports about the survey of various techniques available in an encryption and also in compression technique. It is mainly analyzing the existing encoding and compressed cryptosystem together as a literature survey. It is also discussed about the security issues of using various encryption technique and compression technique to reduce the size of plain text as well as to increase the transmission speed of plain text from one end to other end. This survey analyses several encryption technique, compression technique and also various literature paper so that it provides an idea for efficient integrated methods using compressed crypto system for future work .

A Review Paper on Data Encryption and Decryption

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023

Cryptography is the technique for hiding data and information from unauthorized users. It is the art of achieving security by encoding messages to make them non-readable. When we send simple message from one location to another then this message called plain text is visible to anybody. If we want to codify the message called cipher text so that no one can easily understand the meaning of message then we use cryptography techniques. There are numerous applications where this technology is used such as ATM pin, Password, Credit Card number or any other secret communication. Cryptography can be divided into following three categories depending upon the types of key used: secret key (symmetric) cryptography, public key (asymmetric) cryptography and hash functions. In this paper we provide review of various types of cryptography techniques.

Compression and Encryption: An Integrated Approach

This paper considers different aspects related to two different but not opposite direction-Data Compression and Cryptography. In this paper a brief review of both of these branches-compression and encryption, need of data compression and data encryption has been discussed. Also, the need of integrating these two branches has been addressed. There occurs a problem of the order of applying these two processes i.e.; Compression should be applied first before Encryption or Encryption should be applied first before compression. This paper discusses this issue of order also of these two processes. Public key cryptography, also called asymmetric encryption, uses a pair of keys for encryption and

IJERT-Compression and Encryption: An Integrated Approach 1. A BRIEF REVIEW 1.1 Cryptography

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2012 This paper considers different aspects related to two different but not opposite direction-Data Cryptography is the field of technologies for making the information secure. It tries to secure, encrypt the information in such a way that a third party who has access to the hidden, encrypted, data cannot reconstruct, decrypt, the original information. In more practical terms, the encryption methods apply a certain function, algorithm or a routine to information so that it"s no longer accessible as it was original. With the right key, that was determined before encrypting the data and the corresponding algorithm, function or routine for decrypting the information, the original information can be recovered. Cryptography was first developed many centuries ago. It was the work of specialists to create encryption algorithms for the military purposes mainly. Nowadays it"s being used all around us; in ATM cards, on ecommerce websites, in game consoles, for the distribution of copyrighted music and film and many more applications. This is all possible due to the increase of the use of computer and readily available large amounts of computing power. Encryption is the technique of the translation of data into a secret code. It is the most effective way to achieve data security. In this process data is converted into a form, called a cipher text that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people. Decryption is the process of converting encrypted data back into its original form, so it can be understood. Encryption changes data so that it is meaningless to anyone who does not have a key to unscramble it. For example, "HelloWorld" might be changed to "2kdi678674234". After you encrypt data, only you and the people you choose can decrypt the information to make it readable again. Types of Cryptography There are two main types of cryptography: Secret key cryptography Public key cryptography Secret key cryptography is also known as symmetric key cryptography. With this type of cryptography, both the sender and the receiver know the same secret code, called the key. Messages are encrypted by the sender using the key and decrypted by the receiver using the same key. This method works well if you are communicating with only a limited number of people, but it becomes impractical to exchange secret keys with large numbers of people. In addition, there is also the problem of how you communicate the secret key securely. Public key cryptography, also called asymmetric encryption, uses a pair of keys for encryption and

Data Security Using Private Key Encryption System Based On Compression


Problem confronted by today's communicators is security as well as the pace of correspondence and size of the substance. In the present paper, a plan has been proposed which utilizes the idea of pressure and information encryption. On the first stage the center has been made on information pressure and cryptography. In the following stage we have underscored on pressure cryptosystem. At long last, proposed procedure has been examined which utilized the idea of information pressure and encryption. In this first information is compacted to diminish the measure of the information and expand the information transfer rate. Thereafter compress data is encrypted to give security. Consequently, our proposed system is powerful that can decrease information size, build information exchange rate and give the security amid correspondence. Keywords—Arithmetic coding; cryptography; skimming point number; one time cushion; compression crypto.

Different Methods of Encryption and Decryption

IJRASET , 2021

Data is any type of stored digital information. Security is about the protection of assets. Data security refers to protective digital privacy measures that are applied to prevent unauthorized access to computers, personal databases and websites. Cryptography is evergreen and developments. Cryptography protects users by providing functionality for the encryption of data and authentication of other users. Compression is the process of reducing the number of bits or bytes needed to represent a given set of data. It allows saving more data. Cryptography is a popular ways of sending vital information in a secret way. There are many cryptographic techniques available and among them AES is one of the most powerful techniques. The scenario of present day of information security system includes confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, nonrepudiation. The security of communication is a crucial issue on World Wide Web. It is about confidentiality, integrity, authentication during access or editing of confidential internal documents.