The Development of Model Advance Organizer Based Mind Mapping for Student at Senior High School (original) (raw)

The Influence of Mind Mapping Model and Motivationon the Learning Outcomes of PPKN Class III Students of SDN 05 Mesjid Lama, Batu Bara Regency 2020/2021

Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic, 2021

This study was based background by educational purposes to prepare individuals who have the ability and skills become more good. The objectives of this study were (1) To determine the effect of the Mind Mapping learning model on the motivation and learning outcomes of PPKn in grade III students at SDN 05 Mesjid Lama, Batu Bara Regency. (2) To determine the comparison of students' motivation and learning outcomes of PPKn by applying the Mind Mapping learning model with a conventional learning model for grade III students at SDN 05 Mesjid Lama, Batu Bara Regency. (3) To determine the interaction between the Mind Mapping learning model and learning motivation on the learning outcomes of PPKn in grade III students at SDN 05 Mesjid Lama, Batu Bara Regency. This research uses a quantitative approach. Data analysis using Tuckey-test. The results showed that (1) There was an effect of the Mind Mapping learning model on the learning outcomes of PPKn in grade III students at SDN 05 Mesjid...

Influence of Mind Mapping and Problem Based Learning Models to Interest Learning Basic Concepts IPS Students

— Education is a very important human need to prepare human resources for the development of the nation and state of Indonesia. The advancement of science and technology (Science and Technology) has an increasingly complex impact on society. Therefore, education is expected to develop the potential of learners to become human beings who believe and piety to God Almighty, have a noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become citizens of democratic and responsible (Act number 20 of 2003). Such a society is expected to be able to counteract and solve problems due to the development of science and technology. The emergence of social problems and unpredictable new demands. Education will always face problems because of the gap between expectations and the outcomes of an educational process (Syah M, 2004: 39). This type of research is quasi experiment. Quasi experimental research is a similar study with experimental research, but the difference in experimental research is usually the subject grouped at random. Based on the results of experimental research on primary teacher education students of University Jember campus Bondowoso Lesson Year 2017/2018. through the model of learning Mind Mapping more effective than the model of learning Problem Based Learning on the interest of students of primary teacher education University of Jember Campus Bondowoso Lesson Year 2017/2018. This can be seen from the average of different results in the experimental class with the model of learning Mind Mapping for 85,85 and control class with Problem Based Learning model of 70,27.

The Effect of Using Mind Mapping Strategy towards Students’ Learning Activities

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

This research aimed to investigate the effect of using Mind mapping towards Students’ learning activities on Economic at State Senior High School 1 Kampar. Grade X1, which consisted of 34 students, was selected as sample and was assigned as the experimental group that received treatment while X2, which consisted of 33 students, was assigned as control group. The data of this experimental research were collected through observation and documentation. Further, those data were analysed whit T-test. Based on the results, there was a significant effect of using Mind mapping strategy towards students’ learning activities on economic with higher percentage than control group.

Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Mind Mapping pada Penulisan Cerita Pendek Ditinjau dari Kecerdasan Emosional Siswa Kelas 5 SDN Se Gugus Suryo Kecamatan Sine Kabupaten Ngawi Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022

Wewarah: Jurnal Pendidikan Multidisipliner, 2022

Kemampuan siswa dalam menulis cerita pendek masih rendah, karena guru belum menerapkan pembelajaran inovativ sesuai kecerdasan emosional siswa. Rumusan penelitian ini yaitu 1) apakah ada perbedaan kemampuan menulis cerita pendek siswa dengan model pembelajaran peta konsep dengan model pembelajaran langsung? 2) Apakah ada perbedaan kemampuan menulis cerita pendek siswa yang kecerdasan emosionalnya tinggi dengan siswa yang kecerdasan emosionalnya rendah? 3) Apakah ada interaksi model pembelajaran dan kecerdasan emosional dalam mempengaruhi kemampuan menulis cerita pendek? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperiment dengan rancangan faktorial 2x2. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa SD di Gugus 1 Kecamatan Sine Kabupaten Ngawi. Penelitian dilakukan mulai bulan Juli-Desember 2021. Sampel penelitian diambil sebanyak 4 SD dengan teknik sampling ialah multyple stage purposive sampling. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan angket dan tes. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis varians klasifikasi ganda. Pengujian hipotesis diperoleh Fh model pembelajaran sebesar 42,08 dengan signifikansi 0,00. Fh kecerdasan emosi sebesar 118,73 dengan signifikansi 0,00. Fh interaksi model pembelajaran dan kecerdasan emosi sebesar 8,27 dengan signifikansi 0,00. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) ada perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar antara model Pembelajaran Peta Konsep dan Pembelajaran Langsung. 2) ada perbedaan Hasil Belajar Siswa yang Kecerdasan Emosinya tinggi dan rendah. 3) ada interaksi antara penggunaan model pembelajaran dan kecerdasan emosi dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar. Kata kunci: pembelajaran menulis cerita pendek, pembelajaran peta konsep, kecerdasan emosional Abstract: Students' ability in writing short stories is still low, because teachers have not implemented innovative learning according to students' emotional intelligence. The formulation of this research is 1) is there a difference in students' ability to write short stories with the concept map learning model and the direct learning model? 2) Is there a difference in the ability to write short stories of students with high emotional intelligence and students with low emotional intelligence? 3) Is there an interaction between learning models and emotional intelligence in influencing the ability to write short stories? This study uses a quasi-experimental method with a 2x2 factorial design. The research population is elementary school students in Cluster 1, Sine District, Ngawi Regency. The study was conducted from July to December 2021. The research sample was taken as many as 4 elementary schools with a sampling technique that was multiple stage purposive sampling. Research data obtained by using a questionnaire and tests. Data analysis used multiple classification analysis of variance technique. Hypothesis testing obtained Fh learning model of 42.08 with a significance of 0.00. Fh emotional intelligence is 118.73 with a significance of 0.00. Fh interaction learning model and emotional intelligence of 8.27 with a significance of 0.00. The research concludes that: 1) there is a significant difference in learning outcomes between the Concept Map Learning and Direct Learning models. 2) there are differences in the learning outcomes of students with high and low emotional intelligence. 3) there is an interaction between the use of learning models and emotional intelligence in influencing learning outcomes.



At MTs Negeri 2 Blitar, an appropriate learning method was found to increase students' learning motivation during the pandemic, namely the mind mapping learning method. Mind mapping learning method is able to hone the left brain and right brain of students actively and synergistically, so as to overcome boredom in learning. The researcher acts as a human instrument. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the type of case study research. In collecting data, researchers used data triangulation techniques. The results of the study can be explained that the implementation of the mind mapping learning method on the subjects of aqidah morals class VIII is quite effective in increasing students' learning motivation. The response of students to the mind mapping method was very positive, marked by the increasing number of students who submitted assignments on time and had satisfactory work results. The implementation of the mind mapping method is said to be more interesting,...

Pengaruh Penggunaan Mind Mapping Dalam Pembelajaran Fiqih Terhadap Pemahaman Siswa

Jurnal PAI Raden Fatah, 2019

This study aims to determine the effect of using mind mapping on fiqih learning on students' understanding in East OKU MTs Negeri 1. This research is experimental research. The population of this study was all eighth grade students, totaling 245 students divided into seven classes. Determination of the study sample using cluster sampling technique namely class VIII.C as the experimental class and class VIII.D as the control class with a total of 32 respondents in the experimental class and 32 students in the control class. The design used in this study is the pretestposttest control group design. The data collection technique in this study used a test instrument multiple choice of 20 questions that had been validated with validation techniques expert and then validated again with the content validation technique item. The data analysis technique used the independent sample ttest gain test scores of the experimental class and the control class. The results of this study are in the independent sample t-test data gain score obtained by the sig 2-tailed 0.00 value means the probability value is less than 0.05 (0.00<0.05), this shows that Ha is accepted, i.e there was a significant difference in students' understanding of the experimental class with the control class. Based on the results of the hypothesis test it can be concluded that the use of mind mapping in fiqih learning influences students' understanding. Next to see the magnitude of the influence, it is tested again using the effect size.Effect size is a measure of the magnitude of the influence of a variable onother variables. test results Effect size(d) obtained a value of 1.03 so it is included in the high category, which is 0,8 d 2,0 (0,8  1,03  2,0). This shows that the use of mind mapping of fiqih learning has a major influence on student understanding.

The Development and Implementation of Buzan Mind Mapping Module

Using Self-Instructional Modules within the technical education can be an alternative approach and make significant contributions. Modules are not just "job sheets' or "old style work units" or "chapters of books" with questions added. Module is a planned series of learning activities designed carefully to assist the learners to accomplish certain specific objectives. An attempt to develop and implement a modular approach on Buzan mind mapping techniques was made in the secondary school. A quasi-experimental design research has been carried out to affirm the effectiveness of this module in test achievement among the students. This paper will discuss various components of this modular approach by referring to Meyer Model. Statistical analysis was done via an "intention to treat" comparison of post intervention scores and comparison of the change in scores from pre-to post intervention, using a two-sample t-test. Students participating in the self-instructional modular approach had a significant improvement in knowledge scores compared to non-participants.

Student Worksheet Based on Mind Mapping to Increase Activities and Learning Outcomes

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 2018

The purpose of this research is to develop student worksheet product based on cooperative model of mind mapping. The student worksheet is tested to find out its effectiveness in improving the activity and students' learning outcomes. student worksheet is developed based on the steps of cooperative model of mind mapping type that begins with the conveyor of competence, raising the problem, forming the group, reading out of the discussion, and ended by making the conclusion by the students. This research type is R&D research (Research and Development) with 4D model that includes define, design, develop, disseminate. The research design used is Quasi experimental with nonequivalent control group design. Instrument validation sheet, observation, test and questionnaire were used in the data collection. The result of the research shows that student worksheet developed by the cooperative model of mind mapping can increase activity and result of students' learning outcome of the fourth grader of elementary school.

Metode Mind Mapping Untuk Mengurangi Kecemasan Menjelang Ulangan Pada Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi

Psikologia : Jurnal Psikologi, 2016

Mind mapping methods facilitate the students to recognize the course material in the form of keywords, symbols, images and colored lines. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mind mapping method to students' anxiety towards sociology examination. This study used a quantitative experiment approach with nonrandomized pretest-posttest control group design. Variables in this study were a mind mapping method as an independent variable (X) and students' anxiety towards sociology examination as a dependent variable (Y). Cluster random sampling was used as the sampling technique which class-XD as experimental group and Class-XA as the control group. Uncorrelated data/independent sample t-test was used to analyze data which calculated with SPSS 16.0 for Windows, the result showed (t=3.278; ρ = 0.002; ρ<0.05), it means there are differences of students' anxiety toward sociology examination to students who use the mind mapping methods that do not use the mind...

Development of learning tools based on learning cycle 7E assisted by mind mapping for problem solving for junior high school students

THE PHYSICS OF SURFACES: Aspects of the Kinetics and Dynamics of Surface Reaction

With the information collected through observations, interviews, and preliminary analysis, the ability of students to solve mathematical problems isn't up to par. This is due to the fact that (1) learning tools and media are still of a generic type, (2) Teachers' teaching materials have not considerably helped students in the learning process concepts. (3) students have not been optimal in solving problem solving problems. Based on this problem, the researchers developed a learning tool based on the 7E learning cycle assisted by mind mapping. Elicit, engage, explore, explain, elaboration, evaluation, and extend are the phases of the 7E learning cycle. This study uses the Plomp development model to conduct development research. The Plomp model has three stages: preliminary research stage, development or Prototyping stage, and assessment stage. Needs analysis, curriculum analysis, idea analysis, and student analysis are all performed at the preliminary stage. A formative evaluation was conducted throughout the prototype development stage, which also included self-evaluation, expert review, one-on-one evaluation, small group evaluation, and field testing. The subjects in this research were SMPN 1 Sutera seventh-grade students. Based on the research, learning tools in the form of lesson plan and Student worksheet based on the 7E learning cycle was valid, practical, and effective. Valid in terms of features, appearance, language, and graphics; practical in support of the implementation, duration, and ease of being used; and useful in assisting students in the solution of mathematical problems.