Metaphorical Perceptions of Fourth-Grade Primary Students towards Mathematics Lesson (original) (raw)

Metaphorical Perceptions of Middle School Students towards Math

International Journal of Instruction, 2018

In every society, the issue of whether an individual can do math has become a central issue. Middle school years, when students' perceptions towards math start to form, have a critical importance for them to develop a positive attitude towards math. The aim of this study is to determine the meaning that the students attributed to the math and to reveal the students' perceptions towards math. Metaphors were also benefited from in order to carry out this aim. The sample of this study was composed of randomly selected 273 students from Yalçın Eskiyapan Middle School located in the district of Keçiören, Ankara in 2015-2016 academic year. When the data obtained from the students were examined, it was seen that the most frequent repeating metaphors were life (38), game (14), book (10), and space (6). The way in which the students explain their metaphors was examined by inductive content analysis. As a result of the analysis, the obtained codes were gathered under four themes as opinions about the content of the math, opinions about the applicability of the math, opinions about the math, and opinions about the teaching of the math. Each theme has two categories, including positive and negative ones.

An Investigation of the Metaphorical Perceptions of the Parents on the Concept of "Mathematics

lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2018

The main purpose of this research is to reveal the parents' perceptions of the concept of "mathematics" through metaphors. This research, which is followed by the qualitative research paradigm, is designed with a phenomenology design. This study is consists of 64 parents whose children are primary school students in a public school in the Central Anatolia region during the spring semester of the 2017-2018 academic year. All the parents who participated in the study were included in the study group on a voluntary basis. The data were gathered with the "Mathematics ......."; because ........ "sentence directed to the parents. The data were analyzed by content analysis technique. According to the aim of the study, the perceptions of parents' emotions and thoughts evoking the mental concept of their parents were examined. As a result of the research, the metaphors are collected under 13 conceptual categories: "life, game, air-water, road-bridge-key, novel writing, functioning iron, tree, chainring, a remaining song and bee ". Especially "life", "play" and "air-water" metaphors came to the forefront among the perceptions of the "mathematics" concept of the parents

Analysis of Primary School Teachers Metaphorical Perceptions of Math Textbooks

International Journal of Education Technology and Scientific Researches, 2019

In the process of education, different tools are used to reach the educational objectives. These tools provide students' interest and participation in the course, while providing different learning experiences that contribute to the realization of permanent learning. One of the materials commonly used in educational activities is textbooks. Textbooks are the most widely used materials for teachers and students as primary sources. In this context, the purpose of this research is to reveal primary school teachers’ perceptions about the concept of math textbooks by means of metaphors. The working group of this research, executed with phenomenology method, consists of 120 primary school teachers working at the public schools of İscehisar in 2015-2016 school year. Research data was collected by completing the following form: “Math textbooks is like ............... Because ................” According to research evidences, primary school teachers produced 90 metaphors and these metaph...

Using Metaphor Analysis to Explore High School Students' Attitudes towards Learning Mathematics

Education, 2012

In this study, the attitudes of Anatolian high school and vocational high school students towards learning mathematics were examined by using the metaphor analysis method. The study included 669 12th grade students (317 female, 352 male) of two Anatolian and two vocational high schools located in a city center in the Aegean region of Turkey. The study exatnined whether students' attitudes towards learning mathematics varied according to the type of high school and gender; and whether they used different metaphors to describe their mathematics learning experiences. It was found that vocational high school students had more negative attitudes than Anatolian high school students towards learning mathematics. Gender did not affect students' attitudes towards mathematics. Wong, N. (1992). The relationship among mathematics achievement, affective variables and home background.

Using Metaphor Analysis to Explore High School Students' Attitudes Toward Learning Mathematics


In this study, the attitudes of Anatolian high school and vocational high school students towards learning mathematics were examined by using the metaphor analysis method. The study included 669 12th grade students (317 female, 352 male) of two Anatolian and two vocational high schools located in a city center in the Aegean region of Turkey. The study exatnined whether students' attitudes towards learning mathematics varied according to the type of high school and gender; and whether they used different metaphors to describe their mathematics learning experiences. It was found that vocational high school students had more negative attitudes than Anatolian high school students towards learning mathematics. Gender did not affect students' attitudes towards mathematics. Wong, N. (1992). The relationship among mathematics achievement, affective variables and home background.

Metaphor perceptions of pre-service teachers towards mathematics and mathematics education in preschool education

The aim of this study was to identify the thoughts of pre-service teachers, who play an important role in the early preschool experience of children in mathematics, towards the concepts of mathematics and education of mathematics with the help of metaphors. The study group of the research consists of a total of 227 pre-service teachers at the Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Education, Cukurova University in the 2013–2014 academic years. The data of the study were collected by asking preservice teachers to complete some sentences like " do you think, education of math is like …. in the preschool education; because Math is like …; because…. ". The responses obtained from pre-service teachers were categorized by content analysis. As a result of the study, seven categories created by preservice teachers towards the concepts of mathematics and education of mathematics are as follows: the source of life-itself, mathematics using skills of mental processes, math facilitating the fun learning, cumulative math facilitates life, complicated math difficult to learn and boring math. There are 223 metaphors in 112 types in this category. Considering the categories created, there are five positive and two negative categories. The rates of positive categories were calculated as 88.8%, while the rates of negative categories were 11.2%,. This shows that pre-service teachers produce mostly positive metaphors about mathematics and education of math and they have positive beliefs. As a result of the research, the categories like the source of life-itself, mathematics using skills of mental processes and math facilitating the fun learning come to the forefront.

Determination of Metaphors of Middle School Pre-service Mathematics Teachers about the Concept of Mathematical Thinking

Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 2018

This research aims to determine the perceptions of middle school pre-service mathematics teachers regarding the concept of "mathematical thinking" through the usage of metaphors. The phenomenology method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, is adopted in this study. Data of the research was obtained by the pre-service mathematics teachers filling the sentences such as "Mathematical thinking is like ... because …". The data was analysed using a content analysis method. The statements of pre-service teachers starting with "because" were coded. Then relevant codes were united together, and eight categories were developed. Some codes were taken as they were, whilst some were combined and thus, 54 features were formed. At the end of the research, it has been determined that the pre-service teachers have produced 156 different metaphors about mathematical thinking. In addition, it was determined that the metaphors, categories, and features concerning mathematical thinking had a positive meaning in general. Besides, it was determined that the perceptions of grades 1st-4th pre-service mathematics teachers centred upon four different categories. Finally, it was concluded that mathematical thinking was considered to be a process-oriented concept by females and a result-oriented concept by males. Metaphors, categories, and features revealed within the scope of the study may guide researchers in their studies on mathematical thinking.

Visual Analysis of the Classroom Teacher Candidates’ Metaphorical Perceptions Related to the Mathematics Course

European Journal of Education Studies, 2021

The aim of this study is to evaluate the classroom teacher candidates’ metaphorical perceptions about the mathematics course through the visuals they create. The sample of the study consists of 36 classroom teacher candidates studying at a state university in Istanbul. The case study, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used as the research design of this study. As a data collection tool, the metaphorical perception form prepared by the researchers, which includes the instruction “Draw what comes to your mind first when we say mathematics lesson and explain the drawing you have created” was used. In the analysis of the data, the visuals created by the teacher candidates or the pictures they drew were analyzed in detail. The metaphors formed by the classroom teacher candidates within the scope of the sample have been grouped under 4 categories: affective situations, impact on life, school and classroom environment, mathematical expressions and concepts in line with ...

Searching for the Exit in a Maze? Or Setting Sail for New Horizons? Metaphors by Twelfth Grade Students for Learning Mathematics

Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri, 2013

This study examines and classifies the metaphors that twelfth grade students formulated to describe the concept of "learning mathematics". The sample of the study consists of 669 twelfth grade students (317 female, 352 male) of two Anatolian and two vocational high schools located in the city center of Denizli. The following questions guided this study: What metaphors do students use to describe the concept of "learning mathematics"? What conceptual categories can be derived from these metaphorical images? How these conceptual categories differ by high school type? How these conceptual categories differ by students' gender? The data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. According to the results, 76 valid metaphors and eight main conceptual categories were identified. These main conceptual categories are: discovering an unknown, learning a new skill, solving a puzzle, learning the rules and playing a game, using a tool, difficulties of learning ...

Metaphorical Perceptions of Candidate Mathematics Teachers on Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching

China-Usa Business Review, 2017

Within the Turkish education system, at any level, the field that students most often fail and are intimidated by is mathematics, and consequently numeric courses such as statistics.The prejudice towards mathematics, similar to a self-realizing prophecy, leads to failure. It is unrealistic to assume mathematics teachers have no role in the formation of such prejudices. Therefore, the metaphorical perceptions of candidate mathematics teachers on their field are significant.The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions on mathematics and mathematics teaching through metaphors of candidate secondary school mathematics teachers, studying bachelor’s degree in mathematics in the Education Faculty. In line with this aim, it has been examined through which metaphors the candidate teachers perceive the concepts of mathematics and mathematics teaching and any variations in their perceptions by gender, age, class, department and other demographic features. The study utilized a semi-str...