„Pro remedio anime fratris mei...“ Několik poznámek ke zbožnosti české šlechty vrcholného středověku (original) (raw)

Přerod habsburské stavovské správy ve Slezsku na pruskou úřednickou po r. 1740 ve vztahu ke slezské šlechtě


Na zakladě prace s primarnimi prameny (Acta Borussica. Denkmaler der Preusischen Staatsverwaltung. Behordenorganisation und allgemeine Staatsverwaltung, Bde 1-15, Berlin 1894-1936; Bde. 16/1-16/2. Berlin/Hamburg 1970-1982) a sekundarni literaturou bude sledovana přeměna slezske spravy z habsburske stavovske na pruskou uřednickou po roce 1740. Jadro prace tvoři jednotlive oblasti slezske spravy, ktere se dockaly reforem z iniciativy pruskeho krale Fridricha II., a nasledna reakce slezske slechty, ktera se musela přizpůsobit nove politicke situaci ve Slezsku.

Mezi Prahou a Paříží. Neznámé a málo známé „hrdinky“ česko-francouzského kulturního světa první poloviny 20. století

Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum, 2020

The article describes the lives of several Czech-French female ‘heroines’, writers and scientists active in the first half of the 20th century who we encountered in connection with research into book provenances in Czech and French institutions and whose fates are little known, or even unknown, to the Czech and French cultural public. The first part, entitled ‘Paris in Prague and Prague in Paris’, tells the story of two women, a Francophone Belgian and a Czech living in France. The second part, ‘French Women Married to Czechs’, maps the lives of three French women who were engaged in pedagogical, translation, educational and scientific activities and who were forced to leave Czechoslovakia after 1948 for political reasons. The last part, ‘The Daughter of a Famous Father’, deals with the life of the Bohemist Jacqueline Mazon, the daughter of the distinguished French Slavist André Mazon.

Muzea a České Země (1814 – 2014): Výzva K Revizi Historiografické Tradice

Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo, 2015

The marketing campaign launched by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic ahead of the upcoming centenaries of the national geographic museums in Prague, Brno and Opava (1814-1818) is a most suitable starting point for a long overdue critical discussion of the current approach to the history of museums in the Czech Land in particular and Central Europe in general. The concept of a museum's foundation, establishment or first opening must be viewed historically because of the difference in its content in a society divided into estates (pre-1860) and in a civil society (post-1860). This paper is a call for a more fine-grained analysis of the history of museums as institutions and a detailed comparative treatment of this concept with the aim of achieving a more objective phenomenology of the museum in 1800-1945 Central Europe.

Minima prosaica. Czech minime prose in 1890-1900


Materiálem analýz a komentářů, soustředěných v této práci, jsou drobné prozaické texty, otištěné v průběhu posledního desetiletí 19. století v českých časopisech. Kapitoly, věnované dvěma dílčím rokům (1890 / 1900), představují různě zryté fólie, mezi nimiž lze srovnávat, pasáž (kapitola) mezi nimi odpovídá zkratce, redukci, určité zkusmé úvaze, exponující víceméně vyhraněný fenomén (šílenost), kolem něhož modeluje pole nálezů.The materials for analyses and commentaries assembled in this work are short prosaical texts printed throughout the last decade of the 19th century in Czech joumals. The chapters devoted to the years 1890 and 1990 are in the form of various encraved foils that can be compared, a chapter in between them corresponds to an abbrevation, reduction, a kind of tentative contemplation exposing the more or less distinctive phenomenon (madness) that it models its findings around.Department of Czech and Comparative LiteratureÚstav české literatury a komparatistikyFilozof...

Centrum versus periferie : moravská kritika v českém literárním poli

Bohemica litteraria, 2019

Center versus periphery. Moravian criticism in the Czech literary field The study deals with the origin and discursive methods of the so-called Moravian school of criticism in the 1880s, focusing primarily on its disagreements with the work of the Prague literary center. In connection to the sociology of literature by Pierre Bourdieu, the differentiation is understood as a means to gain a share in the symbolic market of the Czech literary field.