Charisma and Social Media in Indonesian Politics Karisma Dan Media Sosial Dalam Politik Indonesia


The ability to exploit social media for political charisma is essential for aspiring Indonesian politicians. Social media is even more crucial for those who compete in urban areas, where its citizens have better access on digital technology. Nevertheless, study on the function of social media to develop political charisma is still relatively nascent. In this regards, the article explores the way politicians employ social media to get and maintain their power. How do social media affordances enable politicians to manufacture political charisma? To what extent, political charisma developed on social media enables politicians to influence their followers? To answer these problems, the article draws from the political trajectory of Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java, whose political persona relies heavily on his personal use of social media. Based on digital observation and several in­depth interviews, the article proposes three arguments. First, social media affordances enabled politi...

The Impression Management Strategy of the Candidates of Governor-Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta on Social Media

Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia

The use of social media is not only important but also strategic means of political communication in the Regional Leader Election (Pilkada) of DKI Jakarta and is interesting to be examined, particularly from the view of Erving Goffman’s Self Presentation—Impression Management Theory. This research aims at illustrating the impression management strategy of the Governor-Vice Governor candidates for DKI Jakarta, namely Ahok-Djarot and Anies-Sandi, through social media. We apply qualitative analyses to the Instagram feeds and Twitter timelines of the two duos from October 2016 to April 2017. The result shows that the candidates attempt to present themselves by projecting the images they want. Ahok-Djarot applies three strategies: 1) credibility strategy, presenting competency, achievements, performance during their time in the office of DKI Jakarta as well as their characters—enthusiastic, firm, and focus to positive matters; (2) politeness strategy, by illustrating themselves as two co...

Popular mandate and the coming-of-age of social media’s presence in Indonesia politics post-reformasi


While newer forms of online media platforms have yet to replace traditional mass-media in Indonesian politics, aspects of new media are steadily gaining currency as a legitimate mainstream indicator of candidature electability. Abstract The itinerant rise of the professionalised class of political pollsters, consultancies and statistic-analytical institutes in the Indonesian electoral scene has, in recent months, been accompanied by an analogous rise of a proto opinion-mining, sentiment-tracking industry in cyber-space, facilitated by an increasingly mediated environment. While newer forms of online media platforms have yet to replace traditional mass-media, the felt effects of individual aggrandisement and vicarious political marketing derived from these platforms proved to be very effective. This paper explores aspects of new media and its nascent influence upon Indonesian politics in the race to 2014. It examines how a more participatory post-Reformasi climate had joined forces w...


research , 2019

The use of social media in general election campaign in Indonesia becomes more common but the relationship between social media existence in political campaign and the final vote result still need to be scrutinized. Therefore this study aims to analyze with a systematic and empirical approach of the social media usage (Including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) by DKI Jakarta governor candidates for the 2017-2022 period. Based on the observations, we found that each DKI Jakarta governor candidate has had a popular social media account in Indonesia, namely Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Such media were used to in conducting political campaigns and interacting with their constituents. Based on in-depth analysis of the empirical data showed that the presence of social media in the political campaigns in Indonesia had a strong relationship with the final results of DKI Jakarta governor election. Relationship between the results of the general election and the popularity, participation, and activeness of candidates in using social media were shown not only in interaction quantity but also in quality of the political campaign contents. Furthermore social media popularity of the political parties which supported the candidates allegedly had a relationship with 2017 DKI Jakarta governor election results.

Political Communication Patterns through Social Media: A Case of an Indonesian Presidential Staff Twitter Account

CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal

Given the current technological developments, social media has become a necessity and a new tool that can complement services. Social media can influence the understanding of political communication and its impact on the public. Every element of society uses social media for various purposes, including the government. One who is quite active on Twitter and has repeatedly drawn controversy is the Presidential Chief of Staff, Retired General Moeldoko. The research investigates the pattern of political communication carried out by the Presidential Chief of Staff by focusing on his Twitter account and using the components of the effectiveness of political communication and media effects. The research applies a qualitative approach supported by the NVivo 12 Plus software. The data are collected using the NCapture for NVivo feature on the Presidential Chief of Staff’s Twitter account (@Dr Moeldoko). The results show that Moeldoko’s communication through Twitter is generally for the media ...

Social Media and the Emerging of People’s Participation into the Political and Democratic Process of Indonesia: The Case of Act for Regional Leaders Election


ABSTRACT: This article describes on the people’s criticism participation through social media to eject the UU PILKADA (Undang-Undang Pemilihan Langsung Kepala Daerah or Act for Regional Leaders Election) in Indonesia, which has been changed the electoral system from “direct” by people to “indirect” by the DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or People’s Representative Council ); and considered as a violent to their rights, sovereignty, and duties in politics and democratic processes. By using a qualitative content analysis, this study shows that social media has important roles for building of new people’s participatory cultures; and effective for defending and performing of their rights and duties in political and democratic processes in Indonesia. Although this study not elaborates a special relationship between social media and citizenship education, it may be enlarged circuit for people to express an “ethics political culture” than a “streets political culture”; and employed as a powerf...

Creating a Populist Political Figure: An Indonesian Case

The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2020

This paper, in comparison with a Western/European approach, aims to briefly explain the role of the media as a tool for creating and rising a political image in Indonesia. In the presidential election of 2014, Indonesia had two candidates. One of them named Mr. Joko Widodo also known as Jokowi. During his campaigns, he offered policies that try to respond to civil demands while his physical appearance also claimed to be a cool one by his supporters., as one of the electronic mediums, uses this circumstance to generate the news about Jokowi's personality positively for him to gain public sympathy. Methodologically this study uses discourse analysis and documentation as the data collecting technique. The main research platform here is, an online news site allegedly pro-Jakowi. We have here taken 50 news items as the analysis unit on the period time started from 5 June to 4 July 2014. The results of this study indicate that as an Indonesian media cours...